Court probes Granada golf complex

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11 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by MrUnhappy Star rating. 124 forum posts Send private message

Here is an article  from the "Olive Grove" newspaper, October 2008 - it was news to me any thoughts .........

"A GRANADA mayor has appeared in court over the construction of a controversial golf and residential project. Victor Sánchez, who leads the PSOE-run town council at Atarfe, is being investigated for alleged corruption.  The probe follows complaints by various political and environmental groups that Medina Elvira, which consists of 3,500 homes and a golf course, is “illegal.”
In 2007, Ecologistas en Accion, leftist group Izquierda Unida and Salvemos la Vega, a collective of local residents, complained to the state prosecutor in Granada that the complex not only invades a protected cattle track (via pecuaria), but that the regional government only passed a ninehole course – despite Medina Elvira having double that amount. And the land was sold to construction company Vladigolf SL for 3.6 million euros, an amount less than half of its market value of 8.4 million euros, according to the complainants. Following the conclusion of their investigation earlier this year, the state prosecutor discovered sufficient evidence to charge Sánchez.

During his appearance in front of judges in Granada, the council denied the allegations. Sanchez told the court that the project was “legal and enjoys the backing of various technical reports.” He was threatened with arrest if he did not attend the judicial hearing. This was after his legal team said the mayor would not make an appearance in court.
The case continues."

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12 Jan 2009 2:40 PM by SharonH Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

Medina Elvira is a completely legal development and has all licences in place. We also have all first occupation licences on our completed properties (something that would be impossible if this were not true). All our clients’ lawyers have been totally satisfied by the due diligence provided for the development. This article was published in October by a local paper called the “Olive Grove”; I suggest that they need to check their facts a little more carefully.


Sharon Hitchcock Sales & Marketing Director Peninsula

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12 Jan 2009 3:18 PM by Carolanski Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

How about this article on ideal dot es

Las sospechas sobre la legalidad de grandes operaciones urbanísticas planean sobre el Área Metropolitana de norte a sur. Después del Parque Nevada, cuyas supuestas irregularidades han enumerado hasta el infinito un grupo de peritos expertos en un informe reciente, es Atarfe quien protagoniza ahora las investigaciones judiciales en materia urbanística. El complejo residencial y turístico Medina Elvira, promovido -entre otras- por Vladigolf, es esta vez el objeto de investigación penal. Y el alcalde de la localidad metropolitana, Víctor Sánchez, uno de los primeros imputados que comparece para someterse al preceptivo interrogatorio judicial.

La cita tiene lugar durante la mañana de hoy en el juzgado de Instrucción número 4 de Granada, cuyo titular inició las diligencias de investigación tras la denuncia interpuesta por la Fiscalía de Granada.

El Ministerio Público, a raíz de los escritos presentados por colectivos ciudadanos e IU aludiendo a presuntas irregularidades, estudió los trámites que sirvieron para dar luz verde y construir el complejo de Medina Elvira Residencial, que contemplaba 3.500 viviendas y un campo de golf de 18 hoyos, entre otros servicios.

Cuatro supuestos delitos

Finalmente, y contando con la defensa de la legalidad aportada por el Ayuntamiento de Atarfe para diversas cuestiones puestas en entre dicho, el fiscal consideró que había indicios suficientes para presumir la comisión de varios delitos por parte, tanto del alcalde, como de los representantes de dos promotoras principales, Nadasol y Vladigolf.

Según la denuncia de la Fiscalía, a la que tuvo acceso IDEAL, firmada el 10 de abril de 2008, los delitos supuestamente cometidos serían cuatro: de prevaricación administrativa y urbanística, así como falsedad y construcción ilegal. Los hechos se refieren a la zona denominada Regadíos del Cubillas, donde desde el año 2005 se construyen diversos edificios del citado proyecto.

Entre las presuntas irregularidades, destaca la consideración de «suelo no urbanizable especialmente protegido» que el POTAUG hace de unos terrenos en los que sí se ha edificado.

Las obras se amparan en proyectos que sí definían la zona como urbanizable algo que, según el fiscal, se logró «porque se falsificó la planimetría presentada por Vladigolf». Junto a ello, la licencia otorgada a la construcción de un hotel dentro del complejo que contraviene las normas del POTAUG.


En el pleno en el que se aprobó, cita el fiscal en su denuncia, ya se advirtió de la posible prevaricación cometida en este punto.

Entre la denuncia de la Fiscalía y la declaración del alcalde atarfeño hoy ante el juez ha pasado casi medio año. En este tiempo, el juzgado que abrió diligencias al recibir -tras el preceptivo reparto- el caso, ha esperado la llegada de varios informes periciales sobre la operación urbanística. Tanto de la tramitación de los convenios y su materialización, como de las normas del POTAUG supuestamente contravenidas con la construcción del complejo residencial y el campo de golf.

Hasta hace unas semanas, las diligencias realizadas en este caso han estado bajo el secreto de sumario dictado por el juez. El objeto de este celo en la investigación no era otro que evitar cualquier tipo de interferencia en la misma, ya que ninguna de las partes implicadas tenía acceso a los trabajos periciales elaborados

Many people in Valencia province bought properties in good faith but were then found to be illegal and were then demolished.

If the local government that granted the LFOs are also the ones who have allowed the development to take place illegally in the first place then how does that potentially affect the legal status?



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12 Jan 2009 5:22 PM by MrUnhappy Star rating. 124 forum posts Send private message

I’m not sure how accurate the translation is or how reliable this source is but again it seems to confirm that all is not rosy.

Furthermore I found this -

“The mayor of Atarfe is accused of several counts of administrative and planning corruption, involving

the Medina Elvira Residencial development and a golf course.” taken from a Greenpeace document


There has to be something in this surely? 



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12 Jan 2009 8:36 PM by senexpuer Star rating in Newport Pagnell. 3 forum posts Send private message

For the moment I'll take Peninsula's answer as accurate.

Has anyone else who is buying in Suites begun to look into mortgage finance. I would like to hear from you.


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12 Jan 2009 8:41 PM by Carolanski Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Re mortgages for Suites - Sharon informed me today that the developer still has not appointed a new builder, so there will be no point looking at mortgages yet as there is nothing to go and value.

Apparently we will be receiving some official correspondence in the next week


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13 Jan 2009 11:23 PM by lurker Star rating. 49 forum posts Send private message

The Spanish article on lukor is very serious and detailed and talks about a whole bunch of potential iregularities not mentioned in the Olive Press article

I am working from a google translation of this article. If anybody is able to translate this properly and paste the contents on here it would be very informative and makes sure we can all get our facts straight. From what I can understand, the article suggests that the building area of the site has been expanded to include some protected land due to forged plans. And it suggests the water treatment plant which I would assume is necessary for our water supply from Cublias lake has been built without license and may not meet proper environmental conditions 

Maybe the whole case is a farce and will get thrown out of court, but courts of law do not do this stuff for fun and if these allegations are proven true then surely there WILL be repercussions for the site as a whole. Building licenses granted by a corrupt local government based on falsified plans built on land sold for half the proper price, some of which is protected... this does not bode well at all

I don't see how completions can continue until the case is resolved and all the implications are fully understood by all parties involved

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17 Jan 2009 1:21 PM by jbotwood Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

For anybody not monitoring the Medina Elvira Golf message board, you should register this board in your profile and view this thread in the Medina Golf board

Gaspar Lino the Managing Director of Peninsula has posted some crucial information regarding this court case on the Golf message board


This message was last edited by jbotwood on 1/17/2009.

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