8.5 % reduction

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03 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by linda99 Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message


As per Trampolin's Website already more than 400 people applied for the 8.5 % reduction.  It seems that you have to sign an addendum to the original contract.  We already mailed Trampolin for some kind of explanation, but until now, we did not yet receive a reply from them. Can someone advise me what  you have to sign to get this reduction pls?


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13 Feb 2009 7:16 PM by jimstott Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

I find the cheek of Trampolin unbelievable with this 'offer' of 8.5% discount after all the deceit over planning permission.

For a start the Spanish property market has dropped about 20% in the year since Phase One should have been handed over to us.  So if they were putting them on the market now, like they should have done then the prices would be much lower than we signed up to. I.e. my 105,000 appartment would be going for around 85,000 euros.

But look at what this delay has really cost us if, like a lot of people on here, you earn in £'s. (much as I'd like to I'm not blaming Trampolin for the current state of the economy but at the end of the day their incompetence has caused the delay)

  • Nov 07 Euro: Pound 1.42
  • Feb 09 Euro: Pound 1.10

I 'bought' an apartment in March 06 and paid 31,000 euro deposit leaving 74,000 to be paid.

  • Nov 07 remaining to pay £52,000
  • Feb 09 remaining to pay £67,000

This is a 29% increase in cost  in real terms.  Add to this the £1200 that renting similar will have cost me and I'm well over 30% out of pocket if I proceed - not to mention the fact the property isn't worth anything like as much.  If Trampolin offer a 35% reduction then I might be interested!!

I'm already with a lawyer, who is looking after many cases, and took Tramplin to court a couple of weeks back.  From what I'm led to believe we had all Trampolin and Solero El Trampolin assets provisionaly seized, I've no idea what this means in real terms.


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14 Feb 2009 10:24 AM by pff001 Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

Surely we have all got to stick together and hope that TH will be built. If we all go down this route then Trampolin will go bust and we will all finish up with nothing. I personally feel that it would be better to have a property that might not be worth what we paid for it in todays market place than finish up with next to nothing

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14 Feb 2009 6:19 PM by TVJ Star rating in Orpington, Kent. 76 forum posts Send private message

I agree we have come this far and we should all stick together and get the properties built and therefore something tangible for our money.

Surely it's not all down to TH, the Mayor at the Town Hall couldn't vote for two years. 

ALso if the propery had been built two years ago and you had paid the balance you would still be sitting on a loss with the fall in the property market today.

If you knew that you were going to be paying the balance of your purchase at some stage in euros why on earth didn't you open a spanish bank account like so many others of us have?!?!

I agree that TH are not blameless in all of this but it is very easy to blame someone else for all the financial problems that have occured over the last few years.


Tracy & Steve Alhambra, Plot 11, Phase 1

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15 Feb 2009 9:44 AM by broadfield Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

I agree.  We should stick together.


We will be travelling to Murcia later this week to register for the 8.5% discount which has been offered, unless we find on arrival that there is a very good reason not to.  We want our property !


For those who are of the same mind, but are not sure what to do,  the following is an extract from an email we received from TH on the 20th January:


"For those customers that have bought at Trampolin Hills golf resort and
visit the main office in Sucina Garruchal (inorder to make an annex to their
contract for the discount) before 28 Febuary 2009 will be able eligible for
a discount of 8.5% on the final price of their property at the time of the

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15 Feb 2009 9:49 AM by jimstott Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message


TVJ, I thought the Mayor had voted several time over the last two years, each time against the project!!  Although I do agree the council should shoulder a large chunk of the repsonsibility for allowing the sale of the properties in the first place.

I say above that I'm not blaming TH for the world's economic crisis, but they are responsible for selling us a property that they didn't have the relevant permissions to build and the delay THEY CAUSED has covered this downturn.  If they had deliverd on time then I accept I'd be sitting on a paper loss due to the drop in proprty values, I didn't include this in the suggested discount :-), but at least I'd have something I and my family could enjoy.

I didn't open a Spanish bank account to cover the costs because I intended using equity in other property to pay for it, you can imagine my anger if I'd have been paying for a loan all this time on top of everything else!!

Like you I'd love nothing more that for TH to be built and for us all to be out there enjoying the golf and the sun, unfortunatley I've lost all faith in them as an orginisation to deliver.  For that reason and that reason alone I felt I had no option but to involve a lawyer, although I'm not sure where this will lead me.



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15 Feb 2009 10:52 AM by TVJ Star rating in Orpington, Kent. 76 forum posts Send private message

Working in the property/real estate department of a large law firm here in the UK, I can asuure you that lawyers will do whatever you want them to do whether or not it will achieve the desired results.  If it fails they are making money whatever.  Unfortunately the likelihood in this situation is that all you will achieve is sending TH into liquidation.  In those circumstances it is doubtful whether any of the buyers would see their money again. 

Surely its logical, now  that we have reached a stage where significant progress is likely  over the coming months, that we should stick with the project and not rock the boat any more than is necessary no matter how bitter we feel about what has happened in the past.  The outcome is then likely to be that we receive our property and at least have something to show for all that we've been through.

We all went into this project knowing the risk factors that come with buying off plan and with the promise of significantly reduced prices.  Risk is a factor that we should all have been aware of.  It's always easy in hind sight to blame someone else.  By taking such a hard line now against TH, the only result as I see it , is that everyone will lose out. 

We've come this far, at this late stage when things are looking up it's the wrong time to be putting more obstacles in the way which will only result in failure for everyone.

Something to ponder on!



Tracy & Steve Alhambra, Plot 11, Phase 1

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15 Feb 2009 11:12 AM by elginger Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message


At last two people thinking a little!

If you rock the boat any more you will sink the ship! you have a few more days to find out if you your site will gain planning,maybe you should just hold fire.Yes your all upset but at the minute your cash is who knows where-but at least its not your home!

Just for a minute think of us at el trampolin with no water no power and the thought of no homes! 

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15 Feb 2009 12:33 PM by evad Star rating in Burntwood Lichfield .... 124 forum posts Send private message

Every day of my life, without fail I check this site, even on holiday I pay to use the net just to log on, I read every thread.

Now I can only imagine that some of you have not been as keen as me to do this, or is it that you dissmiss anything you read that you dont like.

If like me you read every thread , you would have long ago smelt a rat . And just maybe taken your head out of the sand.

TH do not need your help to send them into liquidation they are doing a very good job of it their selves.

Oh thats right there are no court cases or embargos on them are there ? you didn't like that thread did you? so you did not read it.

Too busy throwing insults at those poor people on our sister development El Trampolin.

You know the ones with no electricty, water or refuge bins, thats right the ones who have paid for their property but find actualy there is an outstanding mortgage on it so they dont actually own it anyway.

Oh thats right El trampolin does not exist, its somewhere else, not one of our threads, anyway not worth reading was it ?

Wow the future sure looks good,for those like me who have paid a large deposit on TH I'm so excited cant wait for it to be built. 

Hopefully they will build mine the right way round, just like they have done with the first few bases they have put in, NOT !!!!!!!!!

Regards Evad 2 years of dreaming 5 months of waking up and smelling the coffee !!!!!!


This message was last edited by evad on 2/15/2009.

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15 Feb 2009 2:45 PM by jackieinhove Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

Regards Evad 2 years of dreaming 5 months of waking up and smelling the coffee !!!!!!


Agree 100% Evad.

Just ask yourselves ONE question?


Where is our money now???

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17 Feb 2009 3:40 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jackie ... if for one minute you can forget "our feud" and read carefully what EVAD has said (I have spoken to him previously) and realise that we do have to stick together then you may be interested to here that i have placed the following post on YOUR sister site's Forum ............

Andy ... I have just been reliably informed that Antonio has given you / Paul & Richard a large sum of money to buy some land on his behalf. Is this money that should in fact be used to complete the Development, pay of Mortgages / Embargos, and generally repay debts to the likes of myself. If this indeed true then it only goes to prove what everyone has said all along Andy ... that you are simply Antonio's "PUPPET"!

What everyone needs to do is to find actually evidence of "Criminal" Action and not just place embargos ... I believe they do have a fear of a "Querrela" whereas they clearly do not of an "Embargo". In my case that is easy since to sell a property twice in Spain is illegal. What they will try and say in this case is that they are just "bad businessmen" and blame the reccession. However, if indeed they are trying to launder money through their cronies then that IS criminal. The information posted a week or so ago is correct .... there are embargos on the TH accounts at CAM and YES ... CAM DO WANT OUT! Ask yourselves ... given the fact that they have spent all the deposits on TH ... the huge decline in property values and the state of the INTERNATIONAL Banking market who on earth would invest with a "Blue Chip" company ... never mind Grupo Trampolin ... on such a project! I really don't know what to suggest ... how many properties were going to built at TH and what % were poor old Brits. Is there enough for us to get the British Government to apply pressure on the Spanish Authorities? Remember if you will that it is cheaper on a monthly basis for the Banks to keep pouring money into POLARIS WORLD than to precipitate their losses. A regular contributor to this Forum adsed me that he had been to play Golf last week at La Serena Golf ... they are building 450 apartments and have sold 4!

So ... in answer to your question "WHERE IS OUR MONEY" ... suggest you go and ask Andy Wild and the crew at the New York bar at El Trampolin!


This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 2/17/2009.

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17 Feb 2009 4:52 PM by gbm239 Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


Andrew until now I have stayed very quite but must now state my position what you are writing about myself, Paul and Richard is complete lies and you will be aware that I have spoken to your lawyer Javier this morning and said that if you apologized and made a full retraction I would dismiss this sorry affair but unfortunately your final post accusing us of taking everyone’s money is a total fabrication and complete lies as such I have no alternative but to take out a denuncia against you. I have made your lawyer fully aware of this situation and I will not enter into any form of conversation with you either verbally or by electronic communication.

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17 Feb 2009 5:04 PM by gbm239 Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message



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17 Feb 2009 6:13 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Clearly I have not a clue who you are and feel certain that you have not spoken to my lawyer otherwise he would have been in contact with me. That said a "denuncia" can only be issued or applied if the content of what is being said is incorrect. In this instance it is ... since you are obviously NOT GBM239 you are fraudulently adopting his / her identity. Do as Andy Wild suggested and STATE WHO YOU ARE. Quite simply I received a telephone call this morning from Spain advising me of EXACTLY what I have posted ... I am simply posing the question. The bottom line is that I retract NOT ONE WORD since what I have said has been stated in good faith and I believe to be accurate. Since clearly you are either Richard, Paul or Antonio ... Andy WOULD have the guts to say who he was ... you will know that every word I have stated is true. Richard ... you were a party to a fraudulent contract involving your Aunt and Uncle. I simply want either my villa or my money back ... what is so wrong with that. As for this "property deal" I invite you to refute what is being suggested. See you in Court I guess!!!!!!!!!!


This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 2/17/2009.

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17 Feb 2009 9:50 PM by TVJ Star rating in Orpington, Kent. 76 forum posts Send private message

Are either of you buying on TH Golf Resort or El Trampolin?


Tracy & Steve Alhambra, Plot 11, Phase 1

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17 Feb 2009 10:09 PM by evad Star rating in Burntwood Lichfield .... 124 forum posts Send private message

see what i mean about not reading every thread ?????

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18 Feb 2009 10:19 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Andy ... for your information this "revelation" came directly from you ... you told my informant about this transaction!

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18 Feb 2009 7:50 PM by brianp Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Billy Boy and everyone else.

It is time we realised that Trampolin Hills is never going to happen. There are well meaning people on the discussion boards who are still hoping it will and trying to see any news as positive. its not. This latest 8.5% discount! is simply another delay to push us another 18 months down the road so this Antonio B*LLOX and his pals can get away with more time. Try and think back to different occasions on this site as soon as we get a head of steam up and are going to do something he comes on as Amaga 2 and eventually we went and backed off, he is a CON MAN and is good at it obviously becuase none of us are idiots, are we?

The council may or may not have contributed to delays but they have not stolen all our deposits that should have been put in to a bank and now anyone who wants tham back could get them back. this is fraud, they dont have our money.

We need to stop dealing with them anymore and every last one of us need to band together and take them on, no splitting us up. All united against them. The MAG is the obvious route for ALL of us to go so how about it? Lets lose all our money fighting not rolling over to these f*ckin cowboys. It would give me personal pleasure to see them in JAIL for this.

Regards to all and best wishes for 2009.



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18 Feb 2009 9:49 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Hi Brian

I could not agree more ... regardless of whether it is Trampolin Hills or Solera these guys are nothing but thieves! YES ... we should all stand together ... it won't happen but it is what we should do!



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Previous Threads

WHATS HAPPENING AT 5.30? - 11 posts
A "site" for ALL clients of Trampolin ... El Trampolin, TH and Royal Dreams - 6 posts
latest info 14 January - 57 posts
Antonio had put up new news on GT website - 2 posts
new document on trampolin website - 1 posts
End of our hopes and dreams? - 0 posts
GT: Please propose a new solution for the TH project - 14 posts
what's going on - 1 posts
What a shambles - 4 posts
join the MAG --MURCIA ACTION GROUP------- - 18 posts
Article in 'The Costa Calida Informer' - 2 posts
Thank you all - 4 posts
Latest new from La Verdad - 9 posts
New message on grupotrampolin website - 9 posts
Just in case you think you are dealing with a reputable developer! - 2 posts
Upcoming Meeting - 17th November 2008 - 3 posts
I will join you - 2 posts
No council meeting today 6th November 2009 - 28 posts
How do you get a deposit back - 2 posts

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