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Terrazas de la Torre Golf Resort forum threads
The Comments
03 Mar 2009 12:00 AM by mrburns Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

I hear this so-called self proclaimed interior designer is sniffing around for buisness. He has ripped off and left people devastated and broke with unfinished apartments in Riquelme. He can talk the talk  but please DO NOT  touch him. I've nothing to gain by 'warning you all but after being taken in by him myself and suffering the costs I hate the thought he's still at it. A friend of mine in Spain tells me he's been spotted with other 'victims' doing the rounds but unknowing to them there are loads of people after him including furniture suppliers who have not been paid.

By the way he's late 40s, long hair, Scottish and called Don.


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09 Mar 2009 4:18 PM by davebangor Star rating in Bangor (the one in b.... 92 forum posts Send private message

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I was introduced to Don last summer and he took me to a couple of apartments he had done on Riquelme, including one which was occupied. The owners were extremely happy with what he had doneand my wife and I were very impressed by what he had done and albeit we are on phase 5 at Terrazas shook hands with Don that when the time came he would do ours. He certainly had plenty of ideas and we liked the style of his work.

We also spoke to the owner of an outdoor furniture shop in Los Alcazares who also spoke highly of Don and said he had done loads of business with him. The lady who introduced us was to forward his contact details but never did so I have no idea of his whereabouts therefore whether or not to work with him is not an issue for us.

Of course none of this is to imply that Mr Burns has it wrong and much has changed in business since last summer. I must say that given our liking of what we saw I would be tempted to keep a close hold on the purse strings and go with him but forewarned is forearmed and I would have to think long and hard about engaging Don.



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10 Mar 2009 12:19 PM by elricho Star rating in York. 34 forum posts Send private message

I think Mr Burns has it spot on.

I know of at least two "clients" of his who have had their fingers burned with this character, walls half painted and left, promises on furniture that never materialised.When will people learn? Would you give a total stranger 5k or whatever upfront to furniture your house in the UK? The answer would probably be no, so why would you do it in a foreign country? I digress.

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11 Mar 2009 2:41 PM by hairbear Star rating. 75 forum posts Send private message


Furnishing. A few guidelines.
If you are furnishing a property in Spain just be a bit careful. Here are a few tips.

1. Make sure the company you use is situated within 70km of your property. If something goes wrong with the delivery or subsequently, companies will be unwilling to drive from one Costa to another to sort it. This advice is based on FACT not fiction. I have had dealings with many clients who bought their furniture and electrical from companies based in the Costa Del sol (Malaga/Fuengerola) area who had items missing from their deliveries or that had things that were damaged or became faulty within a short period of time. In all these cases, the companies in question were un-willing to sort out the problems due to the distance involved. If the clients had bought locally this would have been easy to visit the store and get it sorted.

2. Use a respected and established company, there are many fly by night operators who used to be post-men, or Landlords etc etc and now are trying to sell furniture which they know nothing about, or even care about. If you cant come over and visit the actual store, check the following.
They should have a land line phone number (begins with a 9) rather than just a mobile. Ring the number a couple of times at different times and ask to speak to your contact .

3. A website with company name and address, contact numbers, map etc.

4. A CIF number (this is a business identity number).

5. If you do decide to go ahead with a company don’t pay anymore than 30% deposit initially. This will be sufficient for any established company to place the order.

6. Just be careful generally, don’t do anything you wouldn’t do in the UK.

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11 Mar 2009 2:45 PM by davebangor Star rating in Bangor (the one in b.... 92 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Hairbear

sounds like excellent advice



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24 Mar 2009 8:00 PM by Audi Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Check out the HR page and you will read more r.e this guy and our experience with him. You would not give you hard earned cash away as easy at home so why do it here, hairbear has it spot on, always use a LEGAL company for all your needs here, we may be slightly more expensive(as we pay our taxes etc) but you have the assurance that things are done properly and we are here for the long term.

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13 May 2009 4:07 PM by lesleyhfd Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message


It always upsets me to read emails like this one, as there are many respectable business people like myself here in spain

offering an excellent service. I would agree with everything that hairbear says and don´t  let the sunny weather cloud your judgment.

We do ask for a small deposit, because it also works the other way ;there are people who place an order and for whatever reason

do not collect it .

Happy shopping.

Kind regards


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