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Do you feel sad that thousands of dogs are abandoned each year?
Some dogs are lucky enough to make it to a refuge with a view to be rehomed but our local dog refuge needs some volunteers to come and walk, play and even wash the dogs, whatever you fancy doing. At present the refuge just behind our village (2 to 3min drive) is jam packed with dogs (my guess well over 100) and on a Wednesday just one or two volunteers to try and give these dogs all that they need, which lets face it is impossible.
If you would like to come along on a Wednesday morning just for a few hours please could you get in touch. Even if you are only up for walking 1 or 2 dogs, it will make a big difference! The lady in charge is very friendly, speaks excellent english, spanish and German!
Its a 2- 3 min drive, whatever you can offer would be appreciated!
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Tina, you can count on me to be available on Wednesdays whenever I am in Spain.
Fingerscrossed I think I may have sold my house. Hope I am not getting excited too soon. If everything goes through it may mean a slight delay on our forthcoming visit.
Love Cill and Golin! xx
Too fat to boogie!!
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Maureen and Brian, please could you drop that stuff of at my house whenever you can. (sorry my pm not working).
Anyone else out there who would like to join myself and a few others helping at the refuge? We could do with some men to take charge of the very big dogs, some are like small ponies! I have two spaces in my car left or anyone is welcome to follow me in my car for directions!
Its a great way to keep fit!!!!
They have greyhound puppies at the moment, they should be arrested for their cuteness!
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Hi Tina,
We are not out there full time but are due back out again in June, when we plan to be staying for quite a while. We would be pleased to help with walking the dogs etc. when we are there.
We are both dog lovers, unfortunately we had to have our aging Golden Retriever put to sleep earlier this year, so we really are missing doggy company.
We will get in touch with you when we are back over again, sorry its not immediate help.
Dave & Janet
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Many thanks! We had to call the refuge today as someone threw 3 kittens in a bag in the dustbin in my street. They are approx 10days old. They are being fed with a syringe now and we are just waiting for them to be picked up. Poor little buggers!
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oooooooooooooh thats bad!
I think they will be ok, they have been put with a cat at the refuge who has not long had kittens so now we can only wait to see if the mother accepts them.
For that terrible joke, double dog walking for when you are here!
c u soon!
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Hi there.... We will be moving out in august hopefully, dont mind a bit of walking but have 2 of our own little yorkies......will walk a few others at the same time though if need.....let us know. jack and jeanette x
_______________________ the padgies
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Putting a call out to anyone who is interested in grooming dogs over the summer months. You do not have to walk the dogs if you do want to or do not feel up to it just cuddle and groom would be a great help. Again tho dog walkers also desperatly needed still.
The local refuge recieves little funding, only for the very basics, health checks, food etc. BUT for example the other day a young dog came into the refuge with a broken leg and cost 400 euros to fix. One of the voluteers paid this out of their own money because there was no funding to cover it. She either paid for it or the dog was put down so she paid but she cannot keep doing that. Does anyone have any ideas for some fundraising where we could raise a pot of money to be kept aside for things like this? If I was given an official receipt book from the refuge would people be willing to donate a couple of euros towards the pot? One of the things the volunteers do is teach the dogs to play, do you have any dog toys you wish to donate?
Maybe some people would like to help but dont want to physically go to the refuge, there ares so many other things you can do to help!
One very big issue they have at the moment is money, so please any fundraising ideas or help would be great! Or if you want to donate a plastic sqeaky bone please do!!!! ANYTHING!!
Many thanks!
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I read your appeal for help at the refuge, although we don't live out there, I am willing to join in any fundraising for the refuge in Manchester, would anybody be willing to donate a few pounds per month to the refuge, like an adoption thing like they do here at the dogs trust, you adopt an animal and get sent pictures on how they are doing etc I am willing to donate something monthly, If somone could get in touch I will arrange somthing, and also bring some treats for play when I come over, If you could tell me who to get in touch with when I come over. I already have rescue animals here, two rabbits and a german shepherd, It upsets me so much when I see these poor dogs and cats when I come over, its heartwarming to know there are some caring people there.
keep up the good work
Regards Joan1
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Thanks for your reply Joan1. I will have a think on those ideas. Thanks, sounds good!
At the moment im putting 22 profiles together to send to germany to see if some dogs can be rehomed there. The refuges here have big contacts in Germany and tend to rehome alot of dogs there.
The refuge as far as i can see has run out of dog toys so any donations handed to me would be appreciated, i promise i wont sell them on ebay!
thanks joan1
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yes i will get the details for you. When you are coming over let me know and i will explain how to get there or it may be easier for you to follow me one day as altho its only a few mins drive its a bit tricky if your not familiar with the back roads!
I had a masge back from Germany and they think they can rehome the dogs that I profiled, so im over the moon with that.
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I have a poor abandoned pup in my garden today waiting to go to the refuge. if anybody is passing and feels they can donate a few euros to go to the refuge with the dog it would be much appreciated. Any donated money goes towards injections and getting the pup reay to go to a new home!!!
Many thanks!
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Hi Tina
Next time we are over I will give you some money for the refuge. Sorry should have done this when I brought her around to you, but was more worried about getting her somewhere safe. Thanks so much for getting her sorted - she really was gorgeous. I wish my dogs walked to heel as well as she did with no lead. How is she doing ??? If only we were full time at San Cayetano !!!
Sue xxx
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I went to see the little cutie the next day and did a profile along with 20 others and sent them to germany so hoping for some luck there. I think she may even get rehomed here, she was so good. The vet hadnt been at that point so I will find out next time if there was any problems.
A few days later i found a pregnant bitch on the road (German shepherd cross i think), she was filthy, she stayed with me over night in the garden and went to the refuge the next day, at least she can her puppies safely now. Unfortunately alot of them get ditched because they are pregnant or ill. The problem is they all want to stay with me and its sad when they have to go in the cage and go but its for the best that they are off the road and in the refuge. You did the right thing Sue because she may well of ended up dead on the road if you hadnt have helped her.
Yesterday there was a cute dog homeless and hungry the problem was we were in Fuente Alahmo and had got the team bus there for a swim competition so i couldnt help, altho at one point i was considering hiding him in my swim bag and hoping the bus driver wouldnt notice.
Well done for taking some time to help, thanks!!!!!
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Dear Tina,
I recieved your e.mail and picture of the dog you sent, she does look like a german shepherd cross, what a shame, I have a black german shepherd.
When I come over I will set up a standing order on a monthly basis to contribute to the upkeep of the sanctuary, as we are not able to move there, at the moment I feel its my way of helping at the moment, maybe others might be able to donate a few euro's a month towards the upkeep .
keep up the good work where would they be without your help
Regards Joan1
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Hi Joan1, Atir and Davidg
Thanks very much, when you come over maybe you can go to the refuge just to look and see just how many dogs there are. I went to see the most recent rescue today, she is a huski cross not German sheperd as i thought and wasnt pregnant afterall. When she was with me she was filthy and really smelly and today she was all sparkly and clean and looked really happy.
Atir, thanks for your msge, i think the ropes are definately best for tne big dogs who get a run in the large pens and sqeaky for the smaller dogs and puppies. thank you!!!
Davidg, also saw yr little girl today. she was very happy, recognised me straight away and ripped my legs to shreds where she wouldnt stop jumping at me (teach me to go in shorts).
Today i saw the most volunteers at the refuge that id ever seen!! excellent!!!!!
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