Concerns over Las Islas

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Terrazas de la Torre Golf Resort forum threads
The Comments
10 May 2009 12:00 AM by thepatrickz Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from Terrazas and found that nothing much is happening. The only thing they are working on is the golf course.

Meeting with Polaris World was concerning as they were not in the least bothered by our concerns although could not give a start date for any future phases. They blatantly told us lies until they realised we were staying in a friends apartment in Phase 1. We were offered to change to Condado but nothing else.

We met with a lawyer out there, NCS lawyers in Santiago de la Ribera and they were most helpful. By law in Spain Polaris World need to provide the bank guarantee and our lawyer suggested this was the way forward as we were more likely to get our 40% deposit back from the bank than PW.  Can recommend them as they were very honest with us and got onto it immediately.

We should know more this week and just hope we can get this money back. Has anyone else been successful in getting money back this way or any way at all ?

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10 May 2009 6:54 PM by ineedsun Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

ineedsun´s avatar

Also on Las Islas - smaller island phase 4.

We  have just returned on 29th April- though not staying on the resort ,we did take a drive around the outside of the perimeter fence, after a ( very protracted ) visit to customer service

I would take issue with " nothing happening" as we saw cranes working, concrete being poured into foundations of a couple of blocks at what is the new phase 2 ( west side of the development- at the roundabout that leads to the town center).We also noticed that kerbed central reservations with extensive tree planting in them  has taken place around much of the west side and on the road leading from phase 2 to town centre.There are also 3 new ( since our last visit Aug 08) cranes on the road leading from phase 2 towards the town centre- I would imagine in prep for rest of phase 2.

I have posted a few pics on this site of aforementioned  new cranes, and the workmen on blocks just south of roundabout on phase 2

I wouldnt hold out much hope for a bank guarantee- Spanish law or not, been around the houses on that one and our legal people have all but given up.Looking at change of representaton, as we are not entirely sure they are not "having their strings pulled" which is apparently quite common in these types of situations.

We are out again in August and wait to see what - if any- progress there will be on phase 2 in the space of 3 months before we judge whether a reasonable rate of building is happening or whether it is just " in the wind" as we say!

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Previous Threads

Terrazas Golf Course - 0 posts
PHASE 2 - STARTED AT LAST - 22 posts
New Photos of Terrazas Golf Course - 1 posts
Terrazas Golf Course - 0 posts
Nasty Rumour about Town Centre & Las Islas - 2 posts
Terrazas Visit & Update - 0 posts
Complete at last - 12 posts
Contract sale URGENT big discount ready to complete - 0 posts
Photos posted of Terrazas - 2 posts
Photographs and update Terrazas de la Torre - 6 posts
Phase 1 completion dates - 4 posts
Update on Refund from Polaris - 7 posts
phase 2 building underway - 3 posts
Delaying 2nd Payment - 4 posts
Delaying 2nd Payment - 0 posts
Habitation certificate has arrived for Phase 1 - 2 posts
Summary of status - 0 posts
3rd Payment - 3 posts
Facebook - 0 posts
A Little Help Regarding Bank Guarantees Please! - 3 posts
phase 2 Terrazas - 28 posts
Pound and Property values falling - are you feeling trapped ? - 1 posts
Free advertising - 3 posts

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