Any News on golf course/club house progress

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24 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by morgan7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I havnt been out since April, our next trip is in August, i wondered if anyone could update us as to the progress on A) The Golf Course, B) The Club house and additonally C) if any plans have been made for the land behind the club house site which currently has Naranjos postal boxes situated and  lot of dirt????  I am aware that much of this wll be progressed in time but Polaris wont give estimate to when roughly.  Any Ideas????

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25 Jun 2009 9:48 AM by Patrick&Christel Star rating. 124 forum posts Send private message

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at this moment i am on my terras looking to the golfcourse from our penthouse,how can i do this,we have wifi from last week

i dont want to dissapoint you,but the last time we where here  in March and  today there is not much changed

no clubhouse,even not started yet building,driving range is in progres

Towncenter can open in Juli supermarket and 1 bar

the water is already in it

Jack Niklaus was here 2 weeks ago and was not pleased with the progres of the golf course

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25 Jun 2009 10:09 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Patrick & Christe could you tell me what make of wireless router you have please.

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25 Jun 2009 12:02 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Nice to hear that Jack is taking an active interest and not settling for anything but the best. This is music to my ears. Not really bothered how long it takes to get there to a certain degree, as long as the finished product is everything we were hoping for. This will act as a springboard for further development of the Condado complex. The surrounding infrastructure is top drawer, if the bit in the middle reflects that, I'm sure we will all be well happy.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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25 Jun 2009 12:49 PM by elizabethmcfarlane Star rating in irvine,ayrshire. 54 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Just back last night.Not much progress on golf course since last visit in March.Tom walked the course and says it will be fantastic but lot of work still needing done.Most greens are ready but lot of work required on some of the fairways.November still being quoted as ready to play date but might be little optimistic.

Clubhouse will not be built till first course is complete so will operate with temporary clubhouse initially.The great thing is if it looks as good as La Torre or El Valle then it will be worth the wait.



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25 Jun 2009 1:07 PM by CHERRIE Star rating. 178 forum posts Send private message

I suppose it's been all systems go in preparation for the opening of the Foro at the expense of the golf course. Hopefully, we'll see them get back to work on the golf course after the Foro opens on the 1st.


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25 Jun 2009 8:52 PM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 forum posts Send private message

Hi all - was out in Sept & Oct 08, new year, March and May and the progress has been to say the least fantastic / enormous.

We overlook hole 12th hole from block 11 and during our May visit we witnessed 7 tee boxes seeded, and watering system working 100's if not 1000's of M2 of seeding going on all in just one week. Machines in bunkers on 1st and 18th holes (I could go on but you get the picture) so to say not much is happening to golf course in my opinion is a gross understatement.

Sorry if I have offended anyone I don't mean to, but I do have the photo's to prove it.

I say.............. keep up the good work PW!!!!!


May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!

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25 Jun 2009 9:55 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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well said tim,

i said much of the same when i came back 3 weeks ago, on my way back a week today, so i will again update!

if some cant see the progress? they obviously dont work in construction or anything that progresses daily. i counted more than 40 men working on the course each time i cycled round it, as for the foro, they were working weekends and it was all systems go, not the norm for spanish construction,(without being cheeky).


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25 Jun 2009 11:17 PM by Phil B Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

I was on Condado 2 weeks ago and walked most of the course just before i left.  To be honest pretty much all of the planting on the course is finished with all the areas seeded as well.  Its just the case really of letting the grass grow.  They were watering the course 24/7 so it will get there.  There will be areas that need overseeding over the forthcoming weeks / months but there is no reason that the course should not be playable in 5 months time (end of November).

What gives me hope is that i used to work for a premiership football club and a couple of summers ago our pitch was dug up, all drainage, irrigation and under soil heating replaced, and there was only 6 weeks between the seed going down to the first home game of the season.  Ideally it would have had 8 weeks to grow but at the end of the 6 weeks it was looking like a carpet, certainly as good as any other pictures in the division.

As long as they can get enough water on the course then things will be fine, its just the current hot temperatures that are not ideal for new plants to grow if they dry out to much.

As for the clubhouse, i have heard the same as most of you in that it will be started just after the course opens.


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25 Jun 2009 11:49 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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that premiership club wasn't newcastle was it? oops, sorry wrong thread

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26 Jun 2009 10:45 AM by elizabethmcfarlane Star rating in irvine,ayrshire. 54 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Re recent update on golf course, didn't anticipate smart comments on what after all was my personal opinion on progress.Thought Forum was precisely what this was for.Sorry if I offended anyone !!!!!!!


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26 Jun 2009 10:53 AM by Phil B Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message


No but they still got relegated (Reading)!!  Not sure which is the worst team out the two?!



This message was last edited by Phil B on 26/06/2009.

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26 Jun 2009 2:32 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

I was out last weekend, and have taken lots of pics, will upload them over the weekend.  In some parts progress looks slow, and things don't look much different from about 2 months ago, but in other places there is significant improvement, so I think opinions may be based on what part of the course was being viewed.  I amnot convinced that all 18 will be ready by November, but then I am no expert on how quickly the growth can occur - and if the football pitches by the forrow are anything to go on then things can move on pretty quickly.  One concern was that the levels in all of the lakes are dropping quite a bit, i don't know if there is some problem, if they are using the water on the course, or just not refilling until they are ready to start playing.

I will post the pics on Flickr, alongside the last ones from April - so anyone who wants to can compare and make their own minds up about progress.


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26 Jun 2009 7:25 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Will they be aiming for all 18 holes at first? Dont know about La Torre because it was all sorted when we first saw it but Mar Menor had only 9 open in  April 2007 and they were just developing the next 9. Wont that be the case for CdA as well?

We havent seen the temporary club house at La Hacienda so dont know what a Polaris temporary clubhouse would look like, a prefab, a log cabin or a porta cabin- which ?



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26 Jun 2009 7:30 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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They are def going for the whole 18 holes straight off as far as I know.  I can hardly wait until Oct to get back over.  My friend Viv is heading over on Tues for 7 weeks - am pea green with envy!!!!!


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26 Jun 2009 8:36 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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different set up in mar manor,it was originally 9 holes, but with the boom they decided to take it to 18 and add phase 2 of the build, the appartments,


as you say they are just peoples opinions, didn't mean to be smart, just putting mine across, sorry

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26 Jun 2009 8:48 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that ant and andi- when we visited Mar Menor all that was said was that they were now expanding to the 18 holes so I thought it was planned. However, I knew that CdA is planned to have 18 holes overall but wondered if they were just going to open with 9. We had a good walk across at Easter and thought it was coming on great, there were plenty of people working on it. One of our sons had a further look two weeks ago and also thought progress was good and there were people out there working on it- that doesnt say we have a clue about when it will be ready though.  As a non golfer- though, a mean buggy driver- I just thought it looked amazing and some of the views from across it were terrific.



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26 Jun 2009 9:21 PM by PhilDeb Star rating in Derby - Jardin 2 Apt.... 77 forum posts Send private message

The Hacienda De Riqueleme clubhouse is a bizarre Log cabin/Portakabin combo bit like Barratt homes doing Santas Grotto. Not sure if thats what we have in store. Mind you they took our money of us well enough.

I also walked the course at CDA last weekend and agree with Lyn and Ted, seems a long way off to me. We also heard a rumour that a certain J. Nicklaus would be out in October to open the course personally........."not today Jack, I'm putting my awning up"





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26 Jun 2009 9:58 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Don't take half of what Ant posts seriously...........after a while you will realise he is a wind-up merchant . The euphoria of Newcastle's relegation has made him even worse.

Hi Ant', looking forward to getting that knock-around organised and a couple of beers with you, andi & the rest of the guys & gals.




This message was last edited by Billbo on 26/06/2009.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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27 Jun 2009 11:32 AM by elizabethmcfarlane Star rating in irvine,ayrshire. 54 forum posts Send private message


Caught me in a depressing moment just back from two fantastic weeks in the sun and back to work Monday.


Hope you are right that course will be ready by November.All that sunshine and water they are pouring on should definitely help.Hubby champing at the bit for course to be ready asap.Enjoy your holiday.We're back out in 4 weeks .Can't wait.If the Clubhouse at Condado is anything like the one at El Valle or La Torre will be fantastic.


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