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We plan to move over as soon as we can rent our house in the uk(if that ever happens),and we plan too take our dog with us(see foto).
I was wondering how many others plan to do the same.
P.s. we have her passport/vaccinations,and she is the friendliest dog in the world.
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There are a number of residents out there that have taken their dogs with them, like you I'll be out of the UK like a shot once I sell/rent my house and get some other things sorted out, hopefully next year or the year after.
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That dog sure knows how to pose!
There's been a few less than complimentary posts re dogs in the past and hope that the previous issues of dogs being left to roam gardens have been resolved.....and i do not intend to rekindle that debate!
My daughter has an absolute fear of dogs - no idea why or how. She's never been biten, just one of those things despite my inlaws, brother and my sister in law having dogs that my daughter has been around.
As we share garden use and I can't 'protect' my daughter by having a private garden she can play safely in without concern as per at home, I just hope residents are mindful that irrelevant how house trained and friendly their dogs are, some children (and adults for that matter) would be extremely distressed by having a dog loose in the gardens.
Please do not take this post as any suggestion that you are in any way irresponsible dog owners - that is not the point - Just that I am an over protective parent with a child that has an irrational, albeit real, fear of dogs and I hope that whenever we visit my daughter will be able to play our garden area whether pool or swings without concerns over dogs.
My son I should say is more likely to run over and hug your dog and want to play with him!
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Firstly to P`tan
What a lovely looking Dog. I am presumimg "the Mutt" is a he.
We had a German Shepard dog named Rebel, It suited him but lost him to Hip displacia. We also had a heavy coated Bitch named Candy. and another ( runt of a litter ) & totally stupid. She also had hip displacia.
Candy was such a large dog, just like her father & most people thought she was a male. Unfortunatly she had cancer .
So not much luck with dogs I`m afraid
To Pete & Magda
You say your dog is the friendliest dog but even dogs have bad days, when they just want to be left alone & though you know your dog very well & can detect off days, a stranger cannot & that is when the problems start
I hear it is getting ever hotter in spain now & I do question the sanity of anyone wanting to take their English born dog to a place so hot that it must be unbareable for them.
I do apreciate that our dogs become a added member of a loving family & naturaly while you are away you will miss your dog terribly but I do think its much better that they be allowed to stay in our english climate.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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We have just gone through everyones nightmare as far as dogs are concerned and just to highlight most dog owners ignorance as far as their own animals are concerned I will relate the story. My son Ryan took our 14 year old blind Yorkie onto the local field to do its toilet function[ yes we clean it up] and another man was on the field with a rotweiller, off the leash with no muzzle. It instantly ran over and as my son picked up our dog the rotweiller jumped up and ripped it from his grasp and in the next 30 seconds proceeded to rip it to peices. My son grappled with the dog and finally got it to release its grip by inserting his fingers up its nostrils so it had to open its mouth to breathe. A terrifying experience as you can imagine. The owners are now being prosecuted for not controlling a dangerous dog, but they have since said to me that the dog is friendly and has never done anything like that before. That is my point, A dog can be friendly in its own environment but be completely the opposite with strangers, other dogs or in strange situations. All dogs especially powerful dogs should be kept on a leash, if they are let off the leash they should be muzzled so they cannot bite and they should be professionally trained to stop on command. We have gone through a terrible experience that would be 100 times worse if it happened to a child and the plaintive pleas later from misty eyed owners saying that their dog was really a friendly animal and they cannot understand why they have turned nasty will just not wash with me anymore and that is from someone who is a dog lover and has always owned at least one dog. Please do not assume that your little darling is not capable of such a savage act and come to regret it when it is too late!
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Hi Dakey
I am so sorry about the awfull expeience your son & dog had and for you & your family too.
But you have just proved a point. No dog is friendly when it is having an "off day "
Lets be honest here & admit that we have those days too . The problem is when a dog has one of those days not all owners are "pet aware " so do not pick up the signs
The same awful experience happened a few weeks a go to a neibours cat who was old, not very agile & deaf
West Mids & Jardin 5
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"There are no bad dogs, just bad owners."
A responsable owner would never have a dog off the lead in a public place unless they were 100% sure they could control it.
Over the past 25 years we have had three dogs, all of which were fully obedience trained and all of which I completely trusted around friends and family.
Max was the a belgum import and I have to admit a hand full.
100% Trust worthy around friends and family, but due to his breeding was a instinctive guard dog. We had him whilst the kids were growing up and I never felt unsure of him around the children, either ours or others we knew, he was totally devoted and never once batted an eye lid even when they jumped all over him.
But with strangers, now that was a completely different matter. Pet mode off, guard mode on.
You just couldn't trust him, and we knew it He would sit and stare, never taking his eyes off, get to close to the kids and he was there teeth bared. But we knew he was like that and treated him accordingly. When out, it would be in the country never enclosed spaces, never where there were crowds. Always on the lead and never off unless we were absolutely certain there were no strangers around. We live in the country next to open fields, so he had a good life
Next came Charlie, completely different dog. Big lumbering oaf of a mutt, so laid back he kept the household awake snoring. Was never interested in anyone, strangers, kids, sheep, other dogs. Yawn where's the rug?
But he had learnt from the master! When Charlie was 2 Max past way, Charlie stepped into his shoes and the guarding instinct came out.
Out, no problem, showed zero interest in anything, other dogs were to play with, if they didn't want to ho hum where's me ball. Other people? they were just an excuse to lay down whilst he's dozy owners chatted.
But at home?, different story, this was his territory to be guarded against all comers, just like Max had shown him. How did this first start? We went out and had the normal child minder in, teenage lad, been 100 times before liked the dog. Came home to find kids in the hall playing with the dog and the child minder locked in the toilet. One of the boys had got up to go to the loo, Adam ( the teenager) went to get him, the dog came too and took exception to him being too close. Never bite, just gave that look, Adam probaly wisely decided to stay in the loo and shut the door. So we knew, Charlies life changed, if out around people, on the lead. Never left, in the situation where this could happen again.
After Charlie came Sam below, again a different dog. soft as sh*t, completely submissive, just wants to be with people, play and sleep. Loves other dogs, but waits to be approched, never leaves your side ,100% controlable. But I know deep down he's a guard breed and I treat him as such. He has to be worked, which for him is being controlled and told what to do and when
Would I let in off to wander free in the Jardines? Never. Would I let him play in the pools? Are these people mad! Would I take him into public places without a lead? No way.
At the end of the day, he's a dog - they are ( and this applied to all breeds ) unpredictable. So again it's not the dog it's the owners. A good owner will know how to controi their dog and better still know how to behave themselves. I have a big dog, i know not everyone in the world is a dog lover and I act accordingly,. Now, if only every dog owner did, especially those with little snappy dogs who think 'little Fifi, wouldn't hurt a fly' as it's chewing at your ankle, the world would be a better place.
Phil This message was last edited by ptan on 19/06/2009.
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We have had Billie since she was 6 weeks old.she is now Nealy 5 years.In that time we have trained her to be 100% obedient.We have never experienced anything but complete control over her.
I am sorry to hear of some bad experiences you have had,but i don't think it is fair to compare our dog to what was odvisly an out of control rottweiler.
Billie is only of the lead if we are 100% happy that we are not bothing anyone else.
I will echo what was written above"there are no bad dogs,gust bad dog owners"
Now I'm of to the park with my well behaved dog.
_______________________ "Anyone for golf?"
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Thanks to all for the 'no bad dogs just bad owners' view on my earlier reply - being a dog lover myself I didn't want to tar all dog owners with the same brush and cause annoyance to any responsible owners..
Without labouring the point and to add to the no bad dogs just bad owners comment.......... I would also say just that sometimes its not all the dogs fault.
As I said in the earlier post my daughter is petrified of Dogs .......sorry wrong word...... petrified suggests when there is a dog around she stands perfectly still! Terrified is a better word because she starts to shriek, run and cross her arms over chest etc. Unfortunately - all the signs to a dog that she wants to 'play' and as often as I have had told her to keep still and ignore dogs while they pass this is an instinct she has and can not control and therfore 'invites' dogs attention.
Having said all that - do I want to ban dogs from CdA - of course not, I'm looking forward to meeting Billie and the likes, I just don't want to be consolling a 9 year old. I'd much prefer my kids to be able to play (consideratley to neighbours) on the slide and swings etc without concern.
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I have only one concern with dogs and CdA. The size of the apartments are not very April a dog owner in Jardin 8 (not sure if guest or resident) had a dog kept outside on the balcony of the 2 bed apartment. Two barked at all times of day and night when someone walked past....note Jardin 8 is on a walk back from bar to Jardines 8 -13....and the dog itself was huge (which made that bark b**** loud).....which made us think that it can't be enjoyable for the dog being confined to a space of 12 x3 for the best part of 20 hours a day....just a thought......lions get more space in a that cruel or a dog lover...personally as I don't have a dog I thought it was cruel and selfish....
Brett - I was scared of dogs from the age of 5 (when a pitbull tried to play with me) until 31 (when my daughter was born). I was "cured" of my irrational fear (I'm 34 now) by a dog owning friend after I froze whilst pushing said daughter through a wood and a dog ran at me! So I can now understand a bit of both sides....I still get annoyed with any comment that has " my dog wouldn't hurt a fly" but hey ho....parents probably say that about their knife wielding offspring!
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Thanks for the vote of confidence Alhama gardener - only 25 years till she's 'cured' and in the meantime i'll make sure I lock the utensil drawer!
6 weeks and 2 days till I'm next out! can't wait to see it all!
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PW Builder was bitten in early June outside of block 10. Both the Guardia, local police, also local council invovled. I understand thay came to put dog down. Owners and dog moved off site just in time.
Be warned - keep your dog under control or lose it.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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PW Builder was bitten in early June outside of block 10. Both the Guardia, local police, also local council invovled. I understand thay came to put dog down. Owners and dog moved off site just in time. Be warned - keep your dog under control or lose it This message was last edited by Daniels on 23/06/2009.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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