supermarket openings

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18 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by Craglie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Can anybody tell me if the supermarket, Mecardona, ( or something like that , which is towards St. Javiar from the airport ) is open Sunday evening or do we have to wait till Monday for provisions.

Our Sunday flight into St. Javiar arrives 19.30

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18 Jun 2009 5:23 PM by andyandvicky Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

fraid they all shut on a sunday...get your keyholder to get some basics in

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18 Jun 2009 5:53 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

ant and andi´s avatar

if you just want basics, bread and beer,  some of the service stations are 24/7, you will probably pass a few on the way, i am not 100% if they are open,(never done a sunday) however there is a couple on the rm23 just prior to the mazzaron north turning, which are definately open on a sunday, takes you ten minutes out of your way, or you pass them if you come alomg the toll road,

cheers ant

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18 Jun 2009 7:38 PM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 The supermarket on the outskirts of Puerto De Mazarron is open on Sundays, but unfortunately they close at 5 or 6 pm, so you'll be too late. The Garage is the best idea, as they have necessities to tide you over until the next day.... Geoff.

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