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Hi all
we are out the 9th july and was wondering if its possible to walk to camposol from cda, or is it a case that its to dangerous as we both love walking. we will be in jardin 13 so if anybody fancies meeting up to give us all the tips it would be appreciated
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there is a service road direct to camposol, this shouldnt be to dangerous, i think it may take you a couple of hours though??
i'm yet to try it,as all my walking is done on the golf course.
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Well as i dont do golf, or should i say i do golf BADLY but dont mind the walking i think i may risk it, if i wear my straw sun hat with corks hanging from it i should be ok
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Seem to remember someone posting a long time ago that they walked to Camposol and back. However, dont think they found any service road as they mentioned being hooted by the traffic and people waving at them- which they took to be good humoured locals, but on discussing their travels with others realised it was because you are not meant to walk along the dual carriageway. I think it took them 1hr 30mins each way and they said they wouldnt do it again!!
If anyone can identify the where the service road starts, I bet that would be useful to many.
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service road runs parallel with the rm23, at the big roundabout at the entrance to condado, you will see a tent where the workmen get their 10 oclock, take a left down there and your on your way, i also think there is a service road on the other side?
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Hmmm sounds like a challenge i might take up if anyone else fancies the walk when we are out your more than welcome to join us... as i think taxis are going to be few and far between, i would of thought in the peek season pw or some local business may have put on a shuttle service im sure many would use it
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Hi All
When I was last out I clocked the distance in the car and I think it was about 7 km along the duel carriageway, so a significant walk. However on a pushbike down the service road it would be a safe and easy ride in the daylight, not so sure about nighttime as no lighting on the service road.
We should ask our presidents to look at the feasibility of establishing a bus service to Camposol, which we would pay for as individuals per journey but the community may have to stand as guarantor for trial period whilst it is established. It should start with say three return trips per day and build from that, Just a suggestion.
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Pity you have to walk right up the the entrance boulevard to to the island to access to the service road- thats a fair walk in itself.
A bus into Puerto Mazarron once or twice a day would be good
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Hi peterblout
If yoy look on the bike thread, Bilbo (Will & Jackie) mentioned there is an opening at Jardine 1.
Hi, Can confirm the 25 mins to Camposol - It was me. Just go out by end of the fence at the bend in the inner ring road (this saves at least ten minutes on going out of the main entrance to the resort) at Jardines 1 where you will join the service road alongside the orange groves. From here you have a traffic free route all the way up to Camposol until you go over the flyover to Camposol 2 if you are going to the shops/bars. Only a couple of hundred yards really where you will be expose to the traffic. Nice road for cycling with a few ups & downs to make it interesting. Easier going than coming back, but do it a few times and it wil be a 'doddle'.
I would imagine if there was group of you walking it would be fun! Let us know how you got on.
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I agree about the bus service, Jann, one into Peurto Mazzaron would be good. I did ask about the public bus that goes into Mazzaron via Camposol calling on us, but was told that there are not enough residents to warrant it. I would have thought that in the holiday season, say May to September, there would be enough demand? Maybe something we all need to ask our Jardin presidents to chase up.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi june
I agree too about some sort of transport from the Condado has started to become an asset now. Ithink we should start pushing for the freebie bus also, like the other resorts. I think I might be just missing you this June?? Not sure when do you leave?
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Hi Jackie
We there this time from the 27th June till the 15th July. Seems ages since we saw you.
I also asked about the free shuttle buses, and again was told that it's not feasable because of the few residents. Strange, don't seem to remember the clause that said, there will be a free shuttle bus between resorts, depending on the number of residents.
See you soon, hopefully
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi June
I totally agree with you! Okay we are a wee bit too out for the "loop" on the other resorts but I would be willing to pay a small fare to Mazzaron or Totana or Alhama de Murcia. Think we have gone off the thread slightly but this is what happens when you "just wonder" 
Brilliant I will get to see you again hopefully in the Foro bar this time, I'm out 4th July for a long weekend to the 8th. (with my Mum this time , have to behave LOL! 
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Hi Jackie,
Si & I are out on the 5th for 2 weeks might just catch up, if not in the surgery the clover bar, keeping my fingers crossed.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Ali
Finally we will get to meet ! Compare Westies yeeey!
I was thinking maybe this is the time girls now for us to invest in the golden buggy, we can do the hump back ride to Camposol!!

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