The Comments |
could someone please tell me why we are so intent of getting rid of PW from doing things, firstly i would like to say that i am all for saving money, especially on the monthly charges that we all are going to pay, however we all bought PW,i didnt by club golf, campanar golf or any other second rate chancers, i am also not putting other resorts down, but they are not in the same league as PW resorts, so please lets try and keep it that way,
ring road? does this not impress when you drive in, or, are my family and i easily pleased? i know it would be cheaper for the council or a one man band to do it, but would it look the same in two years time? i doubt it. if someone can get me the proof that it will, i will sign on the dotted straight away,
security, now this is something that needs peoples time to get sorted, and no cheaper, isn't always best, like some pople may think!
if we want things cheaper and faster why don't we get rid of PW now and get bob the builder to build the club house and the rest of the resort, we will have the place looking like toon town in no time,
last thing why did you all by PW, you can pm me with your answers
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well said - would the council maintain all thjose beautiful palm trees that make the entrance to our resort so impressive ?
Thought you might like this - from the BBC (DID YOU MAKE THE OFFER ?)
Newcastle owner Mike Ashley has had offers of £10, Oasis tickets and a Curly Wurly after inviting offers for the Tyneside outfit by e-mail. The Magpies have been given a £100m price tag.
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I said this yesterday, I'm NOT interested in saving 10-15 EUR a month if the ring road is going to be left to ruins, imagine driving along the motorway along side the resort and seeing all that nice grass bank and palm trees in a mess, it would be awful.
This message was last edited by danseex on 09/06/2009.
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Did I really believe the rep when he told me fees would be E60-70 pm - No
Did I expect them to be more than E100 - probably not.
Am I happy with what I have - undoubtedly!
Agree - I would rather pay a little extra and ensure that the resort continues to impress me as it has so far more and more each time I visit over the next 5-10 years as it matures and not dissapoint as I am sure it would if we all stopped contributing to the resort as a whole.
If the resort benefits from holding a major tournament in the furture and revenue is raised from the outer ring / car parking and other income that a tournament would bring then I would expect a good proportion of that income to hit the management company and in turn benefit the residents in future years.
Fully agree re security! A key factor of buying on PW was that I could leave the apartment confident that it would be safe. Also that my children would be able to explore (within limits) without my constant worry (God forbid a repeat the event two years ago) and any additional investment here I would be happy to consider.
I could not be happier with what I have invested in and can not wait to get back out there to enjoy. I'm afraid I will not be signing the petition to the council. What I will and am committed to, is supporting any way I can, PW to deliver on the resort they promised, which world economy etc considered and to date I am happy with.
Am I seeing things through rose tinted glasses - No, I don't think so. There are things that I personally would have prefferred i.e I am not bothered at having TV as I will be on Hols and am more than happy to miss the usual diatribe of soaps, and therefore would prefer not to contribute to maintenance of the TV etc however fully appreciate others and particularly residents would not agree with me and therefore accept that the general populus decision is that a communual TV feed is better than having the resort visually tainted by numerous sky (or local equivalent) dishes stuck to the side of every apartment.
Rant over. - I'm happy my family and I bought Polaris!
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Just arrived back last night and impressed with the progress, agree with the comments we need to look for savings but not at the expense of services. During our stay, took a trip around Campasol, and is that what we want our roads to look like. We all bought on a 5 star resort and to maintain that standard we may require to pay a little more than expected, I’m sure our president’s will ensure we get value for money?
Also signed up for the TV package at 209euro’s
Tom and Jane
_______________________ Tom and Jane
Penthouses, Block 11
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no i didnt make the offer i still have my 2 tickets for oasis at the stadium of light, and i am saving the £10 you mentioned to cut the grass on the ring road .
ps the curly wurly was for micheal owen
This message was last edited by ant and andi on 09/06/2009.
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My Tuppence worth.
Ant - This has nothing do to with trying to get rid of Polaris World, we couldn't, they are the developers and own the resort. Hopefully they will continue to grow CdA and build the club house, the Oasis, the sport centre, hospital, hotel, school and all the other residentual communities, no on is suggesting otherwise. CdA is and always will be a Polaris resort ( unless they sell the land to another developer or to the banks of course ) Polaris do not pay for or directly maintain the exterior roads, we the community pay for that and can contact any supplier, Polaris are also owners like us and are contributing community fees fo all unsold property.
This appeal is not just about the maintenance (€396,000) and watering (€154,000) of the external road, although is it a part. Its also about road and parking lot sweeping, cleaning, maintenance of the drains (€94,000 ), lighting and refuge collect throughout the resort (€127,000) etc etc some of which we are paying for but the council should be providing under Spanish law.
I've done a quick translation of the letter
This message was last edited by ptan on 09/06/2009. This message was last edited by ptan on 09/06/2009.
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Ant is right, but then again if the council is by law responsible then why shouldn't they pick up the basic cost/responsibilities. If we want a better service we should contribute, but we shouldn't get fobbed off by the council.
Maybe they could subsidise / contribute financially but let PW/residents sort out the standards
Look what is happening on camposol is another issue. Both the developer and the council (Mazarron) is fobbing us of. But forcing them legally is going to be expensive. Problem is that the people on camposol want to be adopted by the council, rather then running a community. Each option has its pro and cons. However the people on Camposol don't want to pay (maybe a little bit), and the council is trying to blame the Developer, and the Developer is now claiming poverty.
Now we must be carefull off course that the same thing doesn't happen. Alhama is not used to a devlpment this size, is happy to harvest the benefits but will be rather reluctant to spend their earnings on Condado. I suppose that it is a benefit that also a lot of Spanish bought on Condado so they will be less of a pushover than us Northern Europeans.
We are now in a situation that if the council is dragging its heels, at least we are looking after the outer ring. Hopefully Alhama will contribute in the future, but they won't volunteer that is for sure.
_______________________ Marius & Michelle
Jardines 5 & Camposol
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Phil, I assume we have to send a Spanish copy - is that available online somewhere.
I am also very happy with what I have, I bought Polaris for a reason, and that holds today. That said, if we are expected to pay council taxes, we should get the general council provisions - to my mind if the outer ring road is public, then it should be publicly maintained - I would add that if the inner area is private, then access should be restricted - but that is for a different thread!!
Thanks Ted
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cheers for that phil, i couldnt read the spanish one,
i am just annoyed at picking up loose bits of information on other forums and in the flesh, from lets just say less knowledgeable or less informed people than yourself, i didnt realise that it was the councils land? or they had pay for it,etc etc, however marius also makes a good point, that if we want the better service and quality then we should contribute, because if alhama council is like any in the uk they will do it as cheap as posssible, and that will lead to its demise.
don't know about everyone else but i bought the dream and i don't want it spoilt by cheapskates,
look whats happened to newcastle, now we wouldn't want that would we
This message was last edited by ant and andi on 09/06/2009.
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Hi all
What about the council paying for the water and electricity for the ring road and the residents pay for the upkeep, at least that way it will be kept to a good standard, i did notice when i was over last week that the lights were coming on at least an hour before sunset, and it does seem pointless to be lighting up thousands of parking spaces that will never be used, even if they held the ryder cup there all the spectators would have left long before sunset,
Just my 2 cents worth
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Whilst it would be great to think we could supplement council activity with a little "top up" funding, there isn't a public body in the western world that could cope with such proactive thinking!! I point to the (almost) comical scenario of smiley muppet Blears paying HMRC back for capital gains tax that she wasn't actually being charged on her "personal tax account" would have appeared as a credit and reduced next years was finally resolved after a number of meetings and our great leader (yes, Go Bro himself) signing off that someone was paying a cheque into the what hope have we with Murcia council.....
And if Murcia council administration is anywhere near as proficient as RPM......
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I see you have sneaked back in under the radar Jeb, Newcastles demise is the current topic for your extensive sense of humour now Man Utd is old news. Any jokes about Evertons capitulation in there anywhere?
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HARDLY UNDER THE RADAR DAKEY. At least we put up a bit of fight and gave our supporters something to cheer. It was not like the abject performance and surrender served up by the Red (faced) Devils !
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Thats more like the Jeb I have come to know and love, Which abject performance are you refering to? was it the community shield, or the Carling cup or perhaps either the World Club Cup or was it the League? There were so many trophies to choose from I am not sure which one you meant.
By the way, what is the only world famous ship never to have docked in Liverpool? Yes you have guessed it, THE PREMIERSHIP!
Cheers Dakey
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Cantona, Beckham, Keane, Van Nistlerooy, All great players and countless more, now Ronaldo and possibly Tevez.. What remains constant after these great players move on? United replace them and continue to win trophies and the players usually sink into obscurity, deluded by their self importance. Oh, and the Liverpool area continues relentlessly onward as a trophy free zone!
Roll on next season and the new challenge
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