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hi all,
its been a while since i've posted last
i have just returned back from a glorious week on condado and it is looking stunning.
security hs been stepped up, at the gate especially where, you will now be asked for name and apt number as has been reported before but now it seems they are checking every time on entry. the place seems to be getting more busy every time you visit.the foro is coming on in leaps and bounds as is the golf course. i was in the bar one afternoon talking to herbert (and on a couple of evenings, very quiet), he said the foro will open start of july he also said that he wont be around as he is going to madrid to look for other thing he said of which is of huge importance is the cost at the bar. there has been a reduction on the pint of 50cent to 3.50 but there is another on the way in the near future, so maybe polaris are getting the message. 10 to 15 euro each way to camposol (which is steep for spain) negates any price differential so any reduction will be in the right direction if only to keep us on site, failing that there alwas the terrace and the cheap vino and cervesa.
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I absolutely HATE giving out my apartment number to the security guards and do not see what purpose this serves. I have spoken to other females and they feel the same. If my friends were staying at my place then, obviously, their surname is different to mine so, really, all anyone is doing is quoting an apartment number?? Forgive me for being cynical but I'm sure any would-be thiefs or criminals can easily pluck an apartment number out of the many on site and quote it to gain entry...........
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I think that there is a saying
You can please some of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time
Do we want a strickt security system or don`t we?.
We bought on Condado as there may be many oportunitys for me to holiday alone & I wanted to feel secure.
As an "older " woman I have no qualms about giving name & apartment number, if it asures me I can sleep at night & not worry about my safety
West Mids & Jardin 5
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I also want a strict security system but what purpose or use does taking apartment numbers and names serve? Surely showing the apartment key would be a more secure measure - proving legitimacy of entry at least. I can rent a Condado apartment from Joe Bloggs this week and roll up next week with the owners name and apartment number and be waved through security. Better still a barrier which residents and guests can open with a swipe card - proably cheaper than 'guards' too. Just my opinion and, as I say, I am not comfortable giving my apartment details to the gate staff.
If the public can have vehicular access to the Foro and golf clubhouse then fine but, beyond these points, a barrier would be great for the inner/residential access roads.
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dont worry about giving your appt no, they are just bluffing anyway? i gave 3 different appt no's within 12 days and still got in.
if your spelling is anything to go by, you probably gave the wrong number anyway, sorry jan couldnt help myself.
i think security is on the top of the agenda, so lets be patient.
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Hello again AJW
I do agee that some type of swipe card Is better than we have at the moment
When we were out last month we met a great couple who took us to various places in their hire car
I`m sure that on one particular day the car reg No that lights up on the barrier was not the reg number of the car we were in ??
Hi Ant & Andy
Spelling has never been one of my finer points , though I have been known to cast a few spells now & again
You think I `m joking
Bye the way, did you ever get some one to clean your windows ha ha
West Mids & Jardin 5
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yes my mother and her sister, older women do come in handy for somethings i am going to advertise the 2 of them, my appartment has never been so clean, i have offered them a week free prior to me and the kids going.
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Hi Ant & Andy
Do those "older" ladies fancy setting up a window cleaning service.
The lounge window & the long one by the door will not be a problem but the bedroom windows will be difficult to clean without a ladder or hangingout of the window
Don`t fancy that idea one bit
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Ajw & All
You make a good point about giving names and apartment numbers to probably un-vetted security guards especially when it serves no purpose as you can give them any name and number to gain access to CdA. Even your thickest criminal will soon work that one out, it makes no difference anyway as they will just have to say they are going to the Faro and they are in and can then go anywhere else without any further security checks being made.
Going back to giving names and apartment numbers to security guards I would not be happy if I had my daughters staying in our apartment and they had to provide the number of the apartment they are staying in to the security guards unless they have been vetted and had the Spanish equivalent of a Criminal Records Check and the reason they are asking for this information is so they can check it on a list of who is staying in that apartments, which they don’t have.
It is good to hear the security issue is being addressed but putting in place this sort of change is no better than the pointless number plate recognition system they have. If like me you think we should have a practical and reliable gate security please inform your President of your concerns and recommendations.
My opinion, which I have provided detailed view about in a number of preveus posts, is we should have one gate staffed 24/7 and all other gates should have a swipe card entry system for owners and residents. Swipe cards if lost can be cancelled and short term resident can be issued a swipe card that will only last for the duration of their stay just like hotels do. The cost of this would be paid for by not paying the wages of security staff on those gates.
Again if you agree with this or you have any other suggestions Please Please inform the President
This message was last edited by PGM on 06/06/2009.
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The more I read about hotel type swipe cards the more I belive its the best option
I will be contacting my jardin presedent when we are over in the next couple of weeks
would email him but do not have a contact number or email address
West Mids & Jardin 5
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