The Comments |
Great to see the Foro is on track for a July opening. Can't wait! Just looking for some general update from residents or recent visitors:
Have they started the Club House yet? Is there a completion date (roughly!) for it?
How is the course looking? Any greener? Are they still working away at full pace?
Any updates on the other sporting areas - beside the Foro, near Jardin 6 etc?
Is Corvera Airport still being built? Can't find any recent info on how it's going.....
Can't wait to get down in July. Any further resort updates welcome as i sit here in Ireland looking out at the rain...... :(
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Cant comment on the state of the Foro because we haven't seen it recently- although there has been some update info on EOS and the other forum site that sounds like its moving on well. However in relation to the airport the 'Living SPAIN' magazine for Spring 2009 hasarticles about properties for sale in various parts of Spain and includes Murcia- there is mention of the new airport 'opening next year''- good news.
The magazine also has a really positive feature on the intercontinental Hotels at La Torre and Mar Menor calling them 'Murcia's lap of Luxury'. There's good general info about the golf available on both resorts and identifies them as Polaris World developments which offer an ' unforgetable experience.' It was nice to read some positive comments about PW resorts as the last one we saw in a Sunday paper wasn't so good.
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we have just returned from a trip to condado and absolutely loved it, regarding your questions, i will try and answer with the answers i got from the PW rep, and not the negative vibes i got from 1 or 2 residents, not my words but she seemed very genuine and upbeat, so here goes,
foro: "should be complete by the 4th of july" it is looking really well and you can take a look at some recent photos on terry and jills website it should be complete?
golf course: "it will be complete by november and ready to play in december, jack nicholas to open"(hopefully with a tour pro or two) it does look well mate i walked it twice and the greens and tee box's are in, and look fantastic, some great looking holes, fairways still have a bit to do? but there were about 50 staff working flat out. the other two courses will be built, and started as soon as the first is complete
club house: they will start work on the temporary club house as soon as the foro is finished, the reason being the spec on the main club house is that high it will take quite a while and they want the course to open asap, for obvious reasons, the club house will be situated inbetween and forward to naranjos jardins 6 and 7, this area is also to be landscaped.
sports areas foro: 3 football pitches insitu and getting greener, looking good,
external sports area will be built as originally quoted, 8 more pitches 18 tennis courts with a mix of surfaces. the fire police and medical center are also to be built around this area, however this is in the long term, but asap.(whatever that means).
hope this helps mate? in my opinion all is going good considering we bought on a 10 year timescale.
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We got back last Monday from a fab week in our apartment and are now - like you - looking out of the window at the rain. Didn't speak to any PW reps but heard through a couple of people that there is supposed to be a 'grand opening' of the Foro on 28 July.
Doesn't look like the clubhouse is started but the land where it is supposed to be has been levelled ready to start building (I'm guessing)
We walked over the buggy path a few times when we were there and the course is looking much greener and the greens are like velvet.
We sneaked into the Foro one evening before we came back - not easy as the bolt was certainly in need of oiling - and it looks incredible. They have started fitting out the units and the whole thing is like the tardis. Until you are inside you can't believe how big it is.
It's a shame that some people seem to be intent on trashing PW at every turn because - as Ant & Andi said - this is a 10 year project and every time we go out it has changed for the better.
Not out now until October so can't wait to see what it's like then........guessing we won't be able to stroll over the buggy path but will be heading for a drink in the Foro.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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We were hoping that the Foro would be opening at the beginning of July as quoted on the other forum- have fingers crossed. All that info sounds really upbeat and good to hear. Son is out next week so I'm hoping he'll have some good pictures for us on his return
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From my notes of the presidents meeting which i have sent to my Garden Members I add here for your info Please bear in Mind most of meeting was in Spanish and i can only list what i believe i heard in english from the translation therefor if you have any issues or questions you should raise them with your own Garden President.
- Presidents to Review Budget details and accounts supplied and report to Level 2
- Gardens have been accepted (Don’t know by whom) so are now Community Owned. Any faults reported will be classified as Build fault or Usage and appropriate Budgets used to repair (Or Warranty if one exists)
- Weekly control of Bins to stop infestation of Flies and other insects during Summer months.
- Problems with Household Waste being put in Litter Bins in Gardens this should be discouraged, Investigation to modify Bins (Smaller Aperture etc ) to prevent also perhaps circulate Flyers to inform owners.
- Signs to be supplied with pool rules once Level 2 Agree Budget for this. Hope to Have them Fitted soon.
- Pool Gates many complaints are not Childproof, Level 2 to Agree Budget to Modify or fit better more childproof security.
- Parents are responsible for the actions of their children not the Jardin Presidents.
- Complaints about water irrigation being on during day this has been changed to water Jardin at Night.
- Community Liability Insurance is now arranged and Active.
- Talk about the Estatutes where the Council and Polaris agreed that Owners would pay for the External Ring Cleaning, Maintenance, Lighting etc, the first appeal was rejected and we are encouraged to re-appeal but this must be as individuals and not collectively therefore a draft has been produced by a Lawyer in Spanish and if you wish to appeal you can put your details in the draft and post recorded or registered delivery to the Alhama Town Hall. If enough of us appeal we stand a chance of this being revoked and saving 20-25% of our Community Bill. This one is your decision.
- All cheques signed to pay bills will have 3 signatures The Administrator Secretary, The President and 1 of the 3 Level 2 Presidents.
- Non payment of Community Charges, People who have not paid will be written to and in future named and shamed. The Community have the power to take legal action to get the Community Charge. Also the bank levies a charge of 1.42€ for late payment.
- Future Payments – We were told that Jan/Feb/Mar Charges will be paid in May 09, Apr/May/June Charges will be paid in July 09, July/August/September will be paid in September 09 and October/November/December in November 09. Charges for 2008 will be taken in August 2009.
- I don’t know what charges individuals pay for this you will need to contact the administrators
- Street Cleaning Budget reduced by re arranging Cleaning More often when maximum occupancy (Summer) less in Winter.
- Level 2 Presidents Meet in 2 weeks time.
- When are Owners going to get copies of the minutes of the Last AGM - Informed that Minites of AGM in May will be sent to owners by post next week.
- Why is there a communication problem between Owners and RPM, Many Owners are not being informed of Meetings, or of Community Charges. Many English owners and presumably others only gain information by using forums and never from the correct source RPM. There are even full time residents who had no official invitation to the General Assembly. Many letters have been returned to RPM undelivered
- How will fees from non payers be administered? What actions will be taken against them? Initially they will be sent Letters and in Future will be Named and Shamed also the Community can take Legal actions to recover the Debt
- Security It is essential we have a telephone number for the security for emergency they should be given a Polaris World Internal Line. And every property given this number asap. Current Number is 662 389 500 (Mobile) they will have a Landline when the internal phone system is up and running expected later this month. Incidentally its free as long as you don’t want an outside line and you can buy your own phone.
- Why are security allowing non owners in to use our facilities Tennis etc, then not policing them when they use our Swimming pools? This will be referred to Level 2 Meeting in 2 weeks time
- Why are Owners paying for a private company to remove rubbish when we pay Council tax to Alhama Council. We are a Private resort and therefore not the Councils Responsibility.
- Publication of Dog rules and enforcement Level 2 to Arrange
- Whose role is it to Police the rules within the Gardens? Infringements must be reported to Security who have the Powers. Presidents should avoid confrontation.
This is only my summary if you want more detail or info then contact your own Garden President
Happy Holidays
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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Thank you Mick - good, very informative.
Does anyone have the 'factual' community chages in a simple format (list) that has been agreed? I seen on this forum and other forums various charges banded about, however, most people disputing the accuracy.
If there is one would appreciate a copy or sight on forum.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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Hi Sonatigh thanks for the update, i was interested in the appeal but wondered if you can give more details on the letter to be sent to the Council you mention below - i'm happy to do it . If we could get an electronic copy of the draft and address to be returned to here on the eye on spain I'm sure most will be happy to help.
"Talk about the Estatutes where the Council and Polaris agreed that Owners would pay for the External Ring Cleaning, Maintenance, Lighting etc, the first appeal was rejected and we are encouraged to re-appeal but this must be as individuals and not collectively therefore a draft has been produced by a Lawyer in Spanish and if you wish to appeal you can put your details in the draft and post recorded or registered delivery to the Alhama Town Hall. If enough of us appeal we stand a chance of this being revoked and saving 20-25% of our Community Bill. This one is your decision. 2
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Dear owners:
I have received from the Alhama Council the answer about our appeal submitted on February 20th for the modification of Condado de Alhama Statutes. This was dismissed by the Council which decided to approve the current one. As you should know, according this document, both private and public spaces are charged to the community of Condado de Alhama. However, there are very good legal reasons to appeal the decision.
With this message I am sending an attachment with a resource prepared by a lawyer that can be submitted by every owner. If you agree, please fill the underlined espaces with your details (name, address, signature and date, etc) and mail (certified) to the address located on top of the document. ( Download the doc here )
Yours, Sincerely,
Sergio L. Fuenmayor
Vice-President, Level I
Condado de Alhama Community
Estimados Propietarios: Como se debe conocer, nuestras alegaciones presentadas ante el Ayuntamiento para la modificación de los estatutos que rigen el Condado han sido desestimadas. Por tal motivo, por bondad de David, les envío un anexo que contiene un recurso legal para ser enviado por cada propietario. Si están de acuerdo, rellenen con sus datos las áreas subrayadas y la envían por correo certificado a la dirección escrita en el tope del documento.
Sergio L. Fuenmayor
Vice-Presidente, Nivel I
Comunidad del Condado de Alhama
This message was last edited by ptan on 08/06/2009.
This message was last edited by ptan on 08/06/2009. This message was last edited by ptan on 08/06/2009.
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Just Sent off my letter, its only £4.51 for signed international. Money well spent if we are sucessful!
Think we should all make the effort!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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From what I understand you must mail it certified post, scanning and e mailing will not work for this one.
You can download it on the website if you need to it is on SERGIOS POST
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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I was out at Cda last week and got speaking to a woman in Camposol that works for PW. She told me that PW are in big financial trouble and that workers are walking off the site due to unpaid wages. She told me that they would not be building any more apartments until everything that's already been built has been sold. She also said that it is now a 20 - 25 year project instead of the 10 years previously advised by PW. After all her scaremungering she told me not to worry because they are good properties...I really don't know what to make of this. Ever wish you had never started talking to someone?
Has anyone else heard anything like this?
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only this - form your own opinion
Typically Spanish - Spain News : Costa Cálida
Polaris World in talks with its creditors
larger | smaller
By h.b. - Jun 8, 2009 - 8:08 AM
Polaris World advertising

The large property developer wants to exchange debt for some of its assets
The Murcia newspaper, La Verdad, reports today that the Polaris World property developer based in the region, is in talks to reduce its debt by handing over some of its property assets to the banks it is in debt to.
The company is reported to have taken on loans totalling nearly 900 million € over recent years and is reported to now be offering both land and housing to the banks.
The newspaper reports that if the talks are successful the company could clear its debt to leave it in a good position for the future. The main banks concerned are Bancaja, CAM, Banco Popular, Banco de Valencia and Cajamurcia.
Given the collapse in the British market for homes in the region, Polaris World has recently concentrated its promotions on the Spanish market.
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There is no doubt that Polaris are in trouble as are most building firms. There was a lot in the press and on the forum coverage about Polaris trying to renegiotiate its financing with the banks, with possibily the banks taking control of Polaris Worlds Assets.
I would imagine the banks will have to be flexible and grant Polaris extentions on their loans, the only way for the banks to get their money back is to allow Polaris World to continue to Trade. If Polaris stopped trading then the banks lose out big time.
10 year, 20 year its anybodies guess. If the resession continues like this Condado will never be finished, however I would expect another housing boom to come along at some point and they could sell all there properties in a short period of time. I also expect the value of the Euro to fall significantly over the medium term, this will make the property prices more appealing to buyers outside the Eurozone!
It would be a terrible news if something happened to Polaris before we get our clubhouse and golf course. However its looking like our Foro will be delivered on time, so at least we have something.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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