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15 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi All

Don’t know if you can help shed some light on this but I have two Direct Debits taken from my bank account, both on the same date and for the same amount, being 37.94 euros each. The description on my account for both the transactions is AYUNTAMIENTO DE ALHAMA DE MURCIA which translates to CITY COUNCIL OF ALHAMA DE MURCIA.

My questions are what is this amount for? And why has the same amount been taken twice on the same day?


If anyone can provide an explanation it would be appreciated




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15 Jun 2009 5:31 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all

Just had a chat with my bank in Spain and they have informed me the transactions in my last post shows in the banks records as IBI tax (non residents tax) paid to the Local Council. One deduction is for me and the other for my wife. They said usually just one person pays this payment but the amount would be more than we have paid individually so he think it may have been setup for us to pay half each but to be sure we would have to go to the council and ask.

Is anyone else in the same position with this? 




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15 Jun 2009 6:01 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil,

My brother is at our apartment at moment and says there is a letter to all 4 of us (we bought in joint names) with a bill for about 19 euro each. this seems to fit in with your DD's so I assume it is for the IBA


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15 Jun 2009 6:41 PM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 forum posts Send private message

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The IBI tax (equivelant to council tax) is not determined by how many people are named on the deeds nor does it have anything to do with being non resident. It is a set amount each year based on the Valor Catastral (rateable value) of your property.

The debits that you are seeing could be for your non residents certificate which the Banks organise. This normally is issued covering a period of 2 years.

To clarify the taxes/bills as there seems to be some confusion with terminology:

IBI - Council Tax

Income Tax - If you are non resident you pay income tax even if you do not rent out your property. Additionally, if you rent out your property you pay 24% on any income earned. 

Wealth Tax - Now abolished but you still have to complete the relevant tax return. You receive a 100% "credit" which means that you don't actually pay anything.

Basura - Rubbish Tax, usually paid to the local Town Hall

Water - Usually paid every 2 months

Electricity - Now usually paid monthly

Community Fees - Based on the cuota detailed in your deeds

I hope this helps to clarify what needs to be paid



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15 Jun 2009 7:18 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message


I have mine at €38.99 each, it's your IBI (Council tax).

I have been informed that the three part form is:

Top: Direct debit

Middle: Paying in slip

Bottom: Invoice

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15 Jun 2009 7:25 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi Noreen

Thanks for your input on this, I would agree with that you have posted in so far as the IBI tax is a tax on the property. I have now been provided from my bank the paperwork confirming that the two payments I mentioned in my first post are for the IBI on our property, and that it has been apportioned equally between us by the Council, as the people named on the deeds, which is strange as we are married, but that is what has been done.



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