planting of boxes penthouses

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16 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by CHERRIE Star rating. 178 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone know if we are right in presuming that we are allowed to plant in our own boxes at the back of our apartments overlooking the golf courses? We would like to plant some bouganvilla in ours. Last time we were out (May) they had started to fill the ones at the front with soil. Can anyone tell me if they have stared planting yet?


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16 Jun 2009 3:27 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Cherrie,

I would say yes, but be careful, don't buy plants that are going to trail down the front wall onto your neighbours balcony and you also have to think about who is going to water them?




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16 Jun 2009 5:29 PM by CHERRIE Star rating. 178 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Ali,

Hope you are all well. Have you been to Ossett lately?

We have a lot of climbing plants in our garden at home and you're right we have to be mindful of our neighbours. We intend visiting the garden centres when we are over next to find out what sort of low maintainence plants we could use. Bouganvilla is a beautiful plant and would look stunning cascading over our balcony (carefully trained not to invade our neighbour's space of course lol) Do you know what's being planted in the front of the penthouses and when?



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16 Jun 2009 8:59 PM by pete+magda Star rating in Surrey/los naranjos .... 41 forum posts Send private message

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Hopeing to grow lemons in ours,so when we have a bacardi & coke,we don't have to look far(yum yum).

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17 Jun 2009 12:38 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Pete & Magda,

Our friend in the drinks industry said that you should service bacardi with Limes not Lemons as most folk do.  Take it from me it does taste better.  Maybe you need a change of fruit.



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17 Jun 2009 9:28 AM by pete+magda Star rating in Surrey/los naranjos .... 41 forum posts Send private message

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Thanx for the tip.I would try one now,but its 8.24 in the morning.Thats a bit to early,even for me.Sound like a good reson to crack it open later though.

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18 Jun 2009 5:40 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Folks,

Please read the thread entitled "water" then you all may think twice about putting in plants and a means of watering them.  I'm only jealous cause we don't have a planter for some reason.



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18 Jun 2009 8:18 PM by CHERRIE Star rating. 178 forum posts Send private message

Oh dear, I feel really sorry for whoevers apartment it is, but I'll think twice about using an automatic watering system now.


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19 Jun 2009 8:16 AM by pete+magda Star rating in Surrey/los naranjos .... 41 forum posts Send private message

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Thanx for the heads up.

I think a watering an will have to do.

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