Have just returned from 2 glorious weeks on Condado. Weather Hot & then some. Thank goodness there was a great breaze.
However our holiday was marred by a few disasters on Friday. should have been the 13th & not the 3rd
Though our problems started on the thursday. We were not aware of it at that time.
Ham had gone into Campasol late afternoon on thursday to draw out £200.00 in euros from the bank. He always takes his bag with him that he wears over his shoulder, he then went into the supermarket for a few things, putting his wallet back after payment.
Friday he needed his wallet for some thing & then found out it was missing.
i wont bore you with the details but we immediatly cancelled his cards. and reported it to the police.& that folks is another story.On returning home yesterday we found a message from one of his card companies to say an attempt had been made to use his card on thursday evening ( we were not aware it was missing at that point) but the card company had refused autherisation.
We are of the opinion that he may have been followed from the bank or watched in the supermarket.
Where we believe the snatch was made. It must have been very quick & Ham had not felt a thing even though they must have had to open the zip of his bag first & even closed it again afterwards. How quick was that ?????.
Campasol is experiencing a large number of break ins at the moment too.
So please Please do be very careful.
Friday ended with Ham attempting to lift a heavy box up on the shelf in the wardrobe. sliping of the bed that he was standing on.
hitting the sliding door causing it to fall off its rail.Tipping the bedside cabinette over & chipping the side & top. Breaking the bedside lamp & badly spraining his ankle. Having helped him up we sat him on the edge of the bed & one of the underneath rails snapped & we will now need someone to solder it backon. Then to cap it off. he found that £200.00 english pounds that was in another wallet was also missing.
After what was a very horrible day found me falling onto the bed i was sharing in the other bedroom, only for a rung to snap off that one too.
Still as my mom always said no matter how bad things seem. there will unfortunatly, be some one a dam site worse of than you
However dispite all of that we had a great time & met & made some new friends & managed to catch up with some old friends too