question about the installation of the waterboiler on the roof

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19 Jul 2009 12:00 AM by ruud pellegrom Star rating in Hoorn, Holland . 22 forum posts Send private message

ruud pellegrom´s avatar

We bought our house at Las Kalendas in 2006 and last year summer the house was handed over to us. Of course we are still waiting for the guaratee jobs, but we also noticed that there are many houses with a waterboiler on the roof and we do not have one.  



Saludar, Paula & Ruud Pellegrom

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20 Jul 2009 2:03 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ruud

To partly answer your question; All properties completed after a certain date must have, by law, solar water heating. I can not remember the date, but it may be that your Olivio was just too early for the heater to be fitted!

They can be retro fitted but never look as good as those built with the house! Having said that they do save money on water heating.


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