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Medina Elvira Fairways forum threads
The Comments
10 Dec 2009 3:47 PM by Russ W Star rating. 230 forum posts Send private message

I am now very, very confused!

Can one take a p**s or are they taking the p**s?



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10 Dec 2009 10:13 PM by seagull Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

All I can say is that toilets were working  fine when we visited and had a meal in  the restaurant!!

School's in regular use,as, of course, is the golf course and club house..

All without water or sewerage removal? It doesn't make sense.

It is,indeed,as Russ says,all very confusing with such hugely conflicting statements.........they can't all be right!



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11 Dec 2009 8:59 AM by jbotwood Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

This is a copy and paste from my (badly) translated LFO for ME23:

License of First Occupation is granted, taking into account that:

a) In connection with the disposal of waste water and until works are completed (15 November 2008) to form a connection with the general waste water system, located on the Camino de Las Cruces (the work described in the report issued by the undersigned dated 01 August 2008, a copy of which is attached), disposal will take place on an interim basis as follows:

Waste water will pass through the inner network of the urbanization under gravity, to the deposit tank located in the gazebo next to blocks 17 and 21, where it will be removed by trucks for subsequent transport and disposal to the general drainage network at the point defined by the company Concesionaria Aguasvira S.A, who’s contract is approved to provide waste water disposal

b) In relation to the water supply, while the works of outer connections to the general system are not complete, the water supply from the own urbanization will adhere to the rules of the ORGANIZATION OF CONSERVATION OF URBANIZATION

This document was signed in October 2008 so we know that back then there was no proper connection to the main system for waste disposal but there *are* instructions on exactly how the waste should be dealt with

I'm not going to make comment - just thought this would be of interest

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11 Dec 2009 11:27 AM by jbotwood Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

On a totally different topic I just saw the Peninsula newsletter

Again I'm not going to make any comment (I will let you lot do the gossiping hehe...) but there is one particular statement in there that was a bit of a shocker. Currently waiting for a call back from Steve @ Peninsula and will ask him about it later

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11 Dec 2009 1:47 PM by sabber Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jbotwood,

I've just had a look at Peninsula's website and the latest newsletter was the January's one.  Where did you read the newsletter?  I haven't been sent anything.





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11 Dec 2009 2:13 PM by jbotwood Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

I got it by email today - to be honest it looked like junk - they had embedded a JPG image that's about 5 pages tall into the email and resized it to a couple of inches tall so it looked totally squashed and unreadable. I just saw the colours of their logo and realised what it was. I had to copy and paste it into an image editor before I could read it!

If you PM me your email I will sent it to you

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14 Dec 2009 1:47 PM by SharonH Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

We are having problems with our server and a lot of the emails we have sent out are being returned. If you have not received a copy of our latest newsletter, please email mar@peninsulapm.com and she will resend it to you. As of tomorrow, the newsletter will also be placed on our website. Thank You.

Sharon Hitchcock

Sales & Marketing Director, Peninsula

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15 Dec 2009 3:32 PM by nowayjose Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Apologies for the username, I go the idea from the previous poster.

Having read the Peninsula self-congratulatory newsletter it seems to be very heavy on Peninsula and very light on us – the owners.

What I find particularly galling from these supremely arrogant people is under the Peninsula Hotels and Resorts section where they state "Peninsula's high level of client liaison" – who are they trying to kid? - They should be prosecuted under the Trade Descriptions Act!

The other thing that baffles me is that they seem to have suddenly acquired a rentals company based in Madrid. All the good news that they quote in their newsletter has appeared in newsletters from Royal Peninsula since about September – seems to me RP did all the work (we all know RP did negotiate a 5 year rental deal)and it now looks as if they are trying to claim all the credit.

This whole affair stinks and I, like vikvydee and others, am now pressuring my lawyers to find out exactly what the financial status of this company Peninsula is and the news from the Town Hall about the water is particularly disturbing.  I smell a rat.

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15 Dec 2009 7:13 PM by white knight Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

None of my questions previously posed about the electrical problems, water problems and lack of rentals at Medina 23 has been addressed by them. They give the impression in their news letter that rentals were happening over the summer and they were not. We have just been hearing the same stuff month after month after month.

I really hope Peninsula prove us all wrong by I am not holding my breath.

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01 Jan 2010 3:16 PM by sjh Star rating in Cornwall UK. 34 forum posts Send private message

ME23 owner here.

Anyone yet seen a contract?? me neither!

Fully paid up last January & still no gas, aircon, lifts or rentals!

Watch out!


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04 Jan 2010 5:14 PM by vickydee Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hello all.


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.


Reading through the forum posts again (now I have some “me” time!!) and having spoken to Margaret over the holiday, there is one thing we are all forgetting.


There WAS a rental guarantee in place – the problems stem from the unfinished development.


The contract is clear where it states the development has to have the proper services – which we don’t have even now. 


I think, with reference to “the looneys” comment that Margaret has failed, I think that is very unfair.  If owners are talking about “camping out in shells of apartments” and with the existing problems, how can we expect people to pay for the same experience?  Personally I think she did a great job under very difficult circumstances and the rental contract signed back in October was reliant on the development being finished to the standard we all bought into in the beginning.  I, for one, think we have lost a very good ally and am pretty sad about it.

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04 Jan 2010 5:17 PM by nowayjose Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Its telling isn’t it that Peninsula, having removed the management company hasn’t said a word since. At least I haven’t heard anything – has anyone else?

What mythical rental programme have they come up with?  Anyone got any info on that?

Where is the rest of our development? The hotel? The shopping centre? The riding school? And how about the utilities and..even more shocking – the water and sewerage?

I think its bang on the button to say that Peninsula, despite all their “we are the best” – have run out of funds to finish it. 

Talking of the stomach for a class action:  Yes, I m up for it.  And have just the lawyer to do it too.  He s ready to take them on and as a class action it will be cheaper for all of us.

Anyone interested, PM me and I’ ll get the ball rolling.

No way am I going to complete, when all Peninsula seem to do is fob us off with more glitzy self serving “newsletters” with no substance.  The one good thing we had going for us (the rental company) is now gone so we’re at Peninsula s mercy.  Well, I m not standing for that!!!!

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04 Jan 2010 7:37 PM by white knight Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Peninsula seem to have gone AWOL again. Their newsletters are made to appeal to pipeline buyers but only the people who have actually bought so far understand how bad things are....big mortgages and no income or properly finished apartment. Peninsula's only intention is to try to get people to complete and then forget about them...they have shown callous regard for buyers who have already bought at Medina 23....why should that change going forward?

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04 Jan 2010 7:37 PM by Mercedes Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I was buying on Fairways but have started legal proceddings  months ago and am well down the legal road 

The whole place to me is a shambles There is definatly  no Licence Of First Occupation in place this was confirmed by the town hall just before christmas I have it in writing, Im told  No water  No Electricity No lifts No Rentals No Hotel No shops who would want to rent these apartments will the place ever be finished.

Any one else started legal action or is interested please let me know prehaps we can all join together  and fight as one please send me a PM if interested

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05 Jan 2010 10:41 AM by PL Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Thanks to all for the updates and the posts, it really does help.  I am in the process of changing lawyers thanks to suggestions of other posters and hopefully will soon be in a position to also take action against Peninsula.  At the risk of repeating myself completing does not appear to be an option.



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05 Jan 2010 10:16 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 forum posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Legal tip 206. Steps if developer applies for Insolvency status 
05 January 2010 @ 07:55 

There are lots and lots of information about this on Eyeonspain, but still I see people who seem not to know what to do if their developer is granted the insolvency protection by a Commercial judge:

A reminder today:

The main aim of an insolvency protection is to try to keep the life of the company. So initially nothing needs to make you think that the apartment will not be finally built or that all to come is disaster. Anyhow...

There are some things you can and you must do:

I) If you have decided to want to cancel your off-plan purchase and have rights to do so, according to Law 57/68, Contract and Consumers Law and related Case Law. You might be under two different circumnstances:

a) You have a Bank Guarantee/ Insurance policy according to Law 57/68. The good new is that: If the premises for its execution exist, you can  execute it  for the refund of deposit plus legal interests from the Bank or Insurer. No expiration deadlines which may be contained in the Guarantees documents count. Interests are always included, regarding the text of the document. The bad new is that in most of the cases a litigation is needed. Even if you decide to execute the Bank Guarantee, it is also advisable to register the credit before the Judge.

b) You do not have a  Bank Guarantee: First step is to registeryour credit before the Commercial judge governing the insolvency situation. There is a deadline of 30 days from last publication of the insolvency granting. You also need to direct a cancellation notice against the developer under administration.

Under this b) situation, if you obtained a favourable Court decission but you were not able to cash your Court decission against the company due to its insolvency, our proposal is to use compensation of damages actions against those who had to secure on the existence of Bank Guarantees/ Insurance Policies and did nothing about it: Civil liability action agsinst the solicitors´ Insurance company and action out of 1.2 of Law 57/68 agsinst the Bank which received deposits. 

II) If, on the contrary, you want to keep the contract alive. Once completion deadline arrives, you can start asking the administrator of the company for price reductions due to the delay and stablish a new completion deadline in order to have a new , extended contract. Otherwise, they may claim you are allowing extension for ever. I would also ask for a Bank Guarantee now too if you do not have it. At least you will have this written petition which mat be useful in the future.

Please email us if you have further questions regarding this.






Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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26 Jan 2010 7:26 PM by white knight Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Still no news from Peninsula aregarding the Medina 23 situation (I enclude their newsletter which was a beautiful piece of fiction). Situation still:

- No rentals

- No rental guarantee

- No proper water supply

- No proper sewage system

- Electricity in common parts not working because electrical infrastructure not completed by Peninsula


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05 Feb 2010 7:06 PM by sjh Star rating in Cornwall UK. 34 forum posts Send private message

Just re-reading posts here & I came across Vicky D glowing reference for Margaret Corley.

You might like to know that missing items paid for in our furniture pack, and claimed to be in storage by Margaret in person, have proved to be nothing of the sort - Peninsular are now purchasing and installing on our behalf they say.

Another purchaser fully paid up and completed has also been left with a complete missing furniture pack - again Penninsular are said to be now supplying.

Now you could  call it naivity or you could call it fraud and theft, whatever!  what I wouldn't call it is a good job in difficult circumstances.


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06 Feb 2010 6:06 PM by reds Star rating in Bolton, UK. 15 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Reds here a ME23 owner,

We are one of the owners whose furniture pack seemed to have dissaperared.

It was paid in full last March and despite promise after promise from Royal Penisula, it never materialised.

Now Peninsula have taken over, Steve Hindley tells us that only half our money is lodged with the furniture supplier, he is still trying to lacate the rest!!  However I have had assurances that Gaspar Lino and Peninsula will make good any shortfall.

I am visiting my apartment  at the end of March and Peninsula know it has to be furnished with the correct pack we have paid for.

I cannot understand anyone sticking up for Royal Peninsula, they were totally incompetant, from the start, constantly lying and totally unproffessional in their manner of dealing with clients, I for one am very glad indeed that Peninsula have decided to take on the management themselves, and look forward  to things getting on track at last.


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20 Feb 2010 5:04 PM by white knight Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Yes, but who appointed Margaret Corley? Yes Gaspar and Peninsula.

Why? Because they probably knew they could get her to play their game of "The disapearing Rental Guarantee Program"

I agree that Margaret was very incompitent and promised much and delivered little. What I dont understand is why Peninsula appointed her in the first place and then sat on the sidelines for so long.

Does anybody believe in the current rental program being hawked together by Peninsula? I would love to but have seen soo many false dawns on this development.

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Fairways - how is it looking? - 3 posts
Furniture pack for sale - 7 posts
Struggling to complete - 1 posts
visit to farways - 0 posts
Medina Elvira 23 Forum - 0 posts
Gaspar Lino issues threat of legal action to ALL purchasers to bully them into completion - 2 posts
Court probes Granada golf complex - 5 posts
tourist train in Guardamar - 3 posts

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