If anybody is interested we have now carried out the first inspections on this development and have sample reports and an advice pack available
We were impressed with the general quality, normal type defects with walls, windows etc had some external cracking and some water ingress from the roof area but nothing really serious
A coupke of things to watch are that, because there is no office onsite you do not immediately gve you a copy of the snagging list, you can check this onsite, but they then have to e-mail you a copy later
Because this list should become an exhibit when you complete at the Notary, and it may not be easy to print one off, I suggest that you ask for a copy to be e-mailed to your lawyer directly
By having this document as an exhibit it becomes part of the legal pack if there are any disputes
Also make sure that you take a look the communial area on the roof, they are not strictly speaking part of the check but they will need some work
They are now also encouraging people to communicate online to chase their snagging repairs
As with most of these developments our servyce includes unlimited visited to the property including a check if you are having furniture fitted because with Polaris you will normally require 4-7 visits before things are cleared, one specifically for a utility check on electrical conection and pumbing, ideally before you fit any lights
I also looked at the pre-installation for the AC and in order to fit it in they are designed for a multi-split system, internal units running forma central roof unit because this is all that will fit with the space left
Again happy to provide any help and guidance plus I have produced the normal completion guide for this development and if you need this please PM or mail me