Dog mess again

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06 Jul 2010 12:00 AM by deaps Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

I would like to thank the ones that pick up after your dogs

I do not know who you think cleans out the bins along side the gardens that some of you think it is OK to put the dog mess in them.

Its no one

Your smelling dog mess stays in them, if you like I will bring it back to you  dont be so lazy  put it in the correct bins.

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12 Jul 2010 12:13 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 forum posts Send private message

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I understand what you are saying but surely you should be complaining to your president  about the fact that these bins are not being emptied. However someone must be going around the site and empting all of these bins otherwise they would be overflowing everywhere which they are not.


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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16 Jul 2010 11:58 PM by deaps Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

Correct the people that live across from the bins do  as the smell of your dog mess get over powering. In fact we have sealed them  a number of time but some one open them to put the dog mess in.

 You should also know you live here the council have not taken over the Urb. yet and will not until all out standing work has been completed by Taray.

I have seen a number of the dog walker useing the bins do you want me to put it out side your property

It cannot be so difficult to go to the correct bin.


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17 Jul 2010 8:58 PM by steve and anita Star rating in in San Cayetano. 324 forum posts Send private message

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Picking it up and putting it in the correct bin is the easy bit. Its the people who dont bother that gets up my nose, and everybody elses, There is now absolutely piles of dog crap around the Taray site, its disgusting, and very unhealthy for everybody, especially in these temperatures and with lack of rain to gradually wash it away. It only takes a few seconds, so :PICK IT UP AND BIN IT.





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18 Jul 2010 9:16 PM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

I think you are wasting your time putting it on here. The spanish lady with the beige cocker spaniel lets her dog crap everywhere and never lifts it. There is also a spanish boy who has a little grey dog who craps everywhere also. Two dogs crapping each day around taray being left by lazy dirty people. It soon builds up. If anyone knows who the president is please pass it on and ask them to talk to these people.

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19 Jul 2010 9:37 PM by deaps Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

What has this to do with people putting their dog mess in the S/Steel bins? around the gardens

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19 Jul 2010 10:28 PM by steve and anita Star rating in in San Cayetano. 324 forum posts Send private message

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