Well if there is any truth in the rumour that Huma have sold ACC (and I've not heard it from anywhere else except on this forum) then the new owner takes on ALL Huma debt's (money owed to us all) and starts to refund it immediately.
If Huma believe this is a get - out clause then they are mistaken because all they have done is pass their debts on to the new land owner and if the new land owner wasn't aware of the law in Spain that states ''debts are passed on'' then they have been stiched - up by Mr Huma.
Court cases I think will stay with Huma
There maybe one consolation from all of this: If Huma sell the land they could use that money to refund everyone and clear this mess up. Couldn't they ?????? (that would be the right and honurable thing to do ) Including all the court cases that went against them and all the deposits they owe people ?
Then maybe people thinking of purchasing in Spain may see some real reason to trust this industry and see that their money is safe regardless..............................