210 tax form

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02 Oct 2010 12:00 AM by dixons Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


Does anyone have the guildelines for completing this in english please?


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07 Oct 2010 11:35 PM by M&PS Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

I can recommend Spanish Tax Forms who have completed ours on our behalf for the past two years.  It takes all the stress out of the process and is very reasonably priced c£20 per person from memory.




This message was last edited by M&PS on 07/10/2010.

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08 Oct 2010 9:17 AM by jihem Star rating in in Belgium and Naran.... 62 forum posts Send private message

jihem´s avatar


you can check here on my other post how to fullfill  your 210 form

and keep  your 2x 20£



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08 Oct 2010 10:20 AM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

MY Solicitor has offered to do this for 60 euros for both of us. As its the first one I am tempted to let them do this one (also doing other bits at teh moment for me) and the next year do my own. Over in October so may see how easy this is do myself and if not then let them do it for me.

Please can anybody advise if this can be set up for furture years as a direct debit, or do you need to do this each year yourself?

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08 Oct 2010 11:57 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I'm not sure if you can do a DD.  We went into the bank and sorted out the payment the first year.  Second time around we got Spanish Tax forms to do the return and the payment.  Did this because I have on occassion spent a long time in a queue in the bank and felt it wasn't worth it while on my holidays...considering for around €20 someone would do it for me.

If you're solicitor is going to sort out the returns and the payments I would say his charge is reasonable enough.

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08 Oct 2010 7:27 PM by xqi42f Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

Hi Neigbours. I went to the tax office in Lorca early this year and completed the relevant paperwork for paying my non residents tax by DD.I then took it to my bank manager in Alhama at BBVA. He then set up my DD and it was paid virtually staright away.It cost me 1.50 euro per form 210 and we needed 3 forms as we have 3 names on the deeds.It was very easy to do and a hell of a lot cheaper than paying my solicitor 50 euros per form to complete.Hope this helps.



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08 Oct 2010 9:27 PM by tired of waiting Star rating in navan,ireland.. 100 forum posts Send private message

 Hi John

What do you have to do with the envelopes that the tax forms come in once completed and paid ?


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