Golf course condition

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08 Oct 2010 12:00 AM by woodycurtain Star rating in south wales. 121 forum posts Send private message

woodycurtain´s avatar

 I've heard the golf course condition has gone down hill. Can anyone advise if it is worth playing in November this year?

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08 Oct 2010 8:27 PM by famroc Star rating in Ireland. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I moved in to my apartment in Suites last week. I had to use builders electricity and water for the 3 days I stayed there. My electricity meter has since been connected. There were not many apartments in Suites occupied while I was there. It does appear mortgages are going through in the last 2/3 weeks but at a slow pace. I was due to complete last May but only did so on the 12th Sept.

The golf course is not in good condition at the moment but it is due to maintenenace work being carried out on the course. All tee boxes were out of play because some were being resodded and others were poleforked and sanded. There is also work  being done on a lot of the fairways where they appear to be removing the very coarse grasses. This work looks unsightly as they have left the sods and dead grass in place. It appears to me that they will repair these areas over the next week or so. Whether they reseed or resod  I dont know but each fairway could have up to 6/7 of these areas. The only good thing is they are doing the work and it can only be done around this time as the summer is so hot. Generally a lot of courses in spain do their work around the end of sept so I am not to worried at the moment. I will be going back in Feb. and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the improvement continues. I dont know when you are going in November but if you do I'm sure you will fill us in. I took out the life membership when I bought the apartment and I have been given 2 years free golf from the day I completed on my apartment. My own belief is that the golf club membership and apartment completion sales are slow, which is having some effect on the spend overall on the golf course. Before you go I would contact the club to see if the tee boxes are in play and have the coarse grass areas been repaired. The greens themselves were not bad and work may be due on them in the next few weeks.

The course was quite busy in the late evenings and the players were mainly Spanish. It was quite hot there during the day last week. Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning were quite busy. The bar is the only game in town at the moment and it stayed open until about 10pm and a number of players/families dined there. The language college does appear to be very busy with plenty of buses going in and out.

I know you only asked about the golf course but I know others on the forum will be interested overall. I am disappointed it has taken so long but I am happier than I was in May. At least I have an apartment. There are a lot of  apartment shells down Between Estapona and Benalmadena which will never see completion for at least 5 years if ever.

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22 Oct 2010 5:44 PM by woodycurtain Star rating in south wales. 121 forum posts Send private message

woodycurtain´s avatar

 Thanks for the response. I have been trying to avoid the course this year but the weekend we are over the course at Granada has a two day comp and Santa Clara has  a Saturday comp so we will have to play it or not play at all and i don't want that!

Do you have a number i can call the club on to see how things are?

Thanks for your help

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22 Oct 2010 7:37 PM by famroc Star rating in Ireland. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi Woodycurtain

Phone number is 9588448502.

Let me know how you get on.

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16 Nov 2010 2:56 PM by woodycurtain Star rating in south wales. 121 forum posts Send private message

woodycurtain´s avatar

 Hi famroc

Just returned from our golf trip. We played Elvira on the Saturday! mmmm.

In summary the course was ok in places poor in others. The holes around the back are much better. All the Tees have practically disintergrated.

I still think the layout is great and with a bit of effort the course would be fine. the trouble is that they are short of money. We spoke to some one in the pro shop called Rafael who explained the lack of ground staff.

I can't see thing improving in the short term until the property input improves.

There was practically no one else on the course

I wouldn't be surprised if it was mothballed until the economy improves.

Probably will not go there next year.


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