Boycott Polaris World Supermarkets and pubs?

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11 Oct 2010 12:00 AM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

geoff359´s avatar

 Hi, it's occurred to me that because Polaris World obviously don't give a crap about us and how the pubs, sports complex & gym etc. could be run better by 2 year old chimps, should we not then show that we are not happy by totally 'black balling' their supermarkets and pub on Condado de Alhama?

And if we can then find a way to let them know that we are boycotting their establishments, we will maybe force them to at least making a statement about exactly what their intentions are and if we don't force their hand, then at least we will maybe annoy them a bit as they have annoyed us quite a lot more than a bit. (would work better with the support of Mar Menor, La Torre etc.)

What's to stop us making our own makeshift bar/meeting area by buying cheap plastic chairs etc. and bringing our own beers and snacks etc in a cooler box after golf or whenever and using the opposite end of Al Kasar  or even the area outside the Surgery.  (I know it maybe sounds a bit mad, but I can't see any reason why we can't do it if we really want to annoy the Clover etc) 

It may not be a great idea, but I'm not used to taking so much crap sitting down without fighting back in some way and I'm sick of everybody complaining about PW and the Clover etc and PW not even seeming like they vaguely care, so it wouldn't do any harm to discuss this if you are for or against.... Regards. Geoff.

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11 Oct 2010 10:21 PM by Dave & Carol Star rating in Stockport & Penthou.... 112 forum posts Send private message

Unfortunately Geoff I still dont think that they would realise, the only way I think they would is if another bar ie temporary clubhouse / sports zone opens up & not run by them.

  Dave & Carol    

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12 Oct 2010 8:22 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

In theory I think its a good idea but in practice I dont think it would work. I also dont think the residents would boycott anything. Different when only visiting and dont mind a bit of travelling.

I think we are in a waiting period and the Paramount deal will bring changes whether its based as rumours suggest at Condado or Funete Alamo (or anywhere else within an hour)

I think they keep The Clover ticking over as it's just about keeping its head above water and with the golf course they need to offer some facilities. I think the Restaurant was run at a big loss- and I'm not surprised. They wont franchise out any food or drink outlets as they generally keep a monopoly on those so until an upturn we wont see anything new.

I haven't had a problem in The Clover- might have waited a bit overlong for a drink but it's not a UK pub so a bit of manana is needed. Never ever had a problem in the Supermarket and I have eaten in the restaurant but not regularly as I think it was over priced and slow but not to the extent of me thinking it should have been boycotted.

Think this is a wainting game now- would love to be a fly on the wall at some of these Paramount decsion meetings. But, if Paramount doesn't really happen then I think we are stuck with what we have now.



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12 Oct 2010 9:33 AM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Don't really see the point in a boycott to be honest. If we force the supermarket and pub to close by organising boycotts we'll just end up with even less facilities than we have now, because PW own Al Kazar it's unlikely they'll allow anyone else in to replace them if they close.

We don't use the Clover that much, but on the few occasions we have we've never had any real complaints. Service when we've been there has been fine, except when they had the entertainment nights over the summer when they couldn't meet the demand. My wife has complained a few times about the state of the Ladies toilets, but overall we've not really had any bad experiences there at all.

We just tend to use the supermaket for smaller items and do our main shopping elswhere as we found it a bit pricey and the choice isn't great, but again I have no complaints about service.

Of course it's up to everyone to decide where and when they spend their money, but organised boycotts will be counter-productive IMO and will just leave us in an ever worse situation.


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12 Oct 2010 10:20 AM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message


Polaris World own the Al Kasar, and Run the Supermarket and the Clover, they have an obligation to provide minimum service which is all we have right now.
The Clover is clearly operating at a loss and the doors open later each day to save wages, they are not going to operate more hours until occupation levels rise.
Any action such as a Boycott would give Polaris World good reason to close the Supermarket and the Clover and whilst at it would probably close the AL Kasar in total and we would lose the Golf Shop and Admin Office.
And what about the 300 people who live here? As a Resident I would be opposed to such action as I think it would send out the wrong signals to perspective would be buyers and will certainly kill the rental business which is bad enough with no sports or club house.
We have had many visitors here without transport what about them?
I do not like the Clover as a bar and have complained before, but many people do like it, and the Shop is just OK but its there and useful if you need urgent supplies.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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12 Oct 2010 10:43 AM by bfr Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

Stupid suggestion end of. Lets ANNOY PW in taking away the only services we do have. Yeh good idea.

As for the Clover it may run at a loss now but it must make a mint in the summer months. When I was there in July it was rammed.



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12 Oct 2010 11:36 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I'd be happy not to use the supermarket and pub but I don't live on the resort and when I am there we have transport to got to Campasol/Alhama/Totana.  So I think a boycott wouldn't be the answer.

Polaris would continue to do things their way as I don't think they care one bit about what people think or say.  They know we can't go elsewhere on the resort.

Geoff I doubt whether bringing our own beer into Al Kasar would work but maybe Olagolf could put up a few tables and chairs near the 18th instead!!



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12 Oct 2010 2:55 PM by nilpla Star rating in Penthouse 7 and Kris.... 50 forum posts Send private message

I do not believe in boycotts and I am afraid that the end result of such a thing would harm the owners the most. The Clover and the shop will have to perform to be able to get customers, so if they don`t they will get less business.

We completed in the Autumn of 2008, and we have been quite happy with the service both in the shop and the Clover. If we hadn`t we would have gone elsewhere. There is of course still plenty of room for improvements, but we believe they will come.

My views are of course influenced by the fact that I absolutely love being at CDA.


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12 Oct 2010 7:02 PM by glesgasteve Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message


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12 Oct 2010 7:53 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

A lot of owners boycott the bars on la torre and have done foe a couple of years. now they are begging to have pinos bar reopened. I think upper suppermarkets own the polaris suppermarkets, so its not  a big deal that it is polaris who will suffer.

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13 Oct 2010 10:04 AM by fozzer Star rating in Wigan. 70 forum posts Send private message

I for one would not back the boycott

in my opinion bad idea

surely a better way?

Tony and Dawn     http://ww...

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13 Oct 2010 10:36 AM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

 I don't believe a boycott would do any good.  From what I understand ( could be wrong ) as part of the planning laws Polaris are under an obligation  to provide a minimal level of facilities - Supermarket, bar + food outlet.  The bar and restaurant are both losing money but they cannot close them completely, only keep reducing the opening hours in order to save costs.

So for me a boycott would not work, perhaps what is needed is the complete opposite.  

If everyone went to the Clover and restaurant and spent money, then perhaps Polaris would see that there is a profit to be made and start opening them longer and reopen the restaurant fully.  

Just a thought, your all welcome to agree/disagree.





This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 13/10/2010.

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13 Oct 2010 11:00 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I don't think a boycott is the answer.  If you don't like the service don't use the facilities as Polaris won't change.

I'd spend more money in the bar if polaris did something to attract people in.  Or actually looked interested in taking my money when I am standing at the bar.



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14 Oct 2010 1:31 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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In my 3 weeks there during August, the restaurant was pretty busy ( i went twice), the bar was fairly busy (when i went) and when my daughter went (every night with my money) it was very busy ...... particularly on the Friday 'themed' nights.

When i have been the ladies toilets did smell the toilets were as you would find in most pubs anywhere in the world, not as good as home, but sufficient given how well used compared to your own house ! ............ and the service was fine if you sat down or quicker if you went to the bar............. but as always it all depends what time you go, who serves you, what else they're trying to do etc etc ........ you might be unlucky then.

As in any survey you need a 1,000 respondants to get any true'ish' response, but may only get 80% satisfaction, so 200 people got crap service, and people who get crap service tend to mention it more than the 800 who got ok/good service - c'est la vie or that's life or c' es la vida



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14 Oct 2010 8:57 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

'Planning laws', so who knew?

That explains alot. PW are clearly only doing what they have to if this 'planning law' theory is correct. I think they are loosing money hand over fist with The Clover and with the Restaurant- even if the summer months were 'mad busy'. Outgoings on retail, food and drink outlets are huge so they havent made much profit as any profit has to cross whatever their 12 month period is. Water, Lights, heat, aircon fridges and freezers, microwave cookers, radiators, wages, products/stock, insurances, taxes etc have to be paid for every open hour regardless of 2 customers or 200.

In 2005 I nearly got involved in a cafe in the Cotwolds (UK)  until I saw their figures- summer looked amazing/terrific, autumn and winter was really scary and thats in a place that still gets regular autumn/ winter custom. I think PW are struggling with The Clover. Do they pay a community charge and are they paying for their water and electricity bills? I believe a long time ago I read there was a problem with the bills for the Al Kasar- it was proving hard to identify exactly what their costs where.

Boycott wont work- cutting off nose to spite face!

Fingers crossed for good decision on Paramount and another corruption problem doesnt appear in 2 years time-and some unexpected unheard of location doesnt materialise to snatch the result, in the next week or so.



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14 Oct 2010 10:27 PM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 Good points about supporting the only things we have at Condado, I guess I didn't think that through, but glad I asked though.

 I didn't actually think it possible that Condado de Alhama could get any shitter than it is now, (compared to what we were supposed to get) but it would indeed be actually even more shit without it's shitty restaurant and shit bar. To be honest, I like the supermarket, even if it is a bit more expensive.

PS. I mean no offence, but I wouldn't be very concerned about what anybody who went to Condado without a car thought, because it's insane to go there without one, that's just a preposterous thing to do is it not?. lol Regards. Geoff

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14 Oct 2010 10:51 PM by willywonker Star rating. 76 forum posts Send private message

Ive looked into buying a bar on the main square in los alcazares with the rents at 1500 euro pcm plus iva you need about 2000 euro before you open the doors plus you taxes you would have to be mad, if you have staff you have to sort out there tax. I cant see why polaris evan have the bars.  The winter months a lot of the bars in los alcazares run at a loss from nov--feb, i will give it a miss

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14 Oct 2010 11:40 PM by infidel Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Wolly Wonder

Obviously never ran a business before? you havn't got a scooby.

Probably couldn't run a bath.


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15 Oct 2010 12:35 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

We have people who use our apartment for a couple of  two week blocks in the summer and dont hire a car. They get a train from Alicante to Alhama then get a taxi and vice versa for the return. They use a taxi for occasional visits to Camposol but otherwise are content to stay at the apartment and use the bar and when it was open the restaurant, sometimes they get a take out delivered. They just want to chill and have a rest- they have said in future they may use that Camposol company F&C car hire and have a car for the minimum four days but wouldn't book it just decide when they are over and if they feel a change of scene is worthwhile. Not exactly my choice though I dont want to be driving anywhere in the heat, but it takes all sorts and I've stayed for days on the resort without going off site. I think for short breaks, when Corvera is open I wouldnt hire a car every time,  you can get all necessities at the Supermarket and chill.



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15 Oct 2010 11:48 AM by Giles Star rating. 123 forum posts Send private message


Do you really have to swear on this or any other forum, I am sure there are some children out there that look in at this forum from time to time, in addition to this I dont want to hear your fowl mouth.

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