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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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13 Dec 2010 12:00 AM by chelmsford Star rating. 50 forum posts Send private message

For everyones information -  if you are late in any of  your community fees with Milenium on Condado - they are referring your details to a Debt company in the UK - Who send a demanding e-mail and are adding a high fee for the administration to the homeowner.  Around 150euros.    So speak with Mulenium before it gets that bad regarding payments.    We have been bitten by this as a payment did not go out our spanish bank , which was no fault of ours - but they are not interested - just want to charge you.

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13 Dec 2010 4:47 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Is this for current fees or for older unpaid fees?

I would be very unhappy if it is for current fees unless they have got all of the old unpaid fees from Polaris/Banks and other owners.

I'm all for ML being pro-active but don't think getting a 3rd party involved chasing the debt because of one missed payment is a good policy.  ML have all the emails so they should at least try to chase it up and if after a month or two it isn't sorted then pass it onto a debt company.

Am I right in thinking we now pay fees in advance?  Would be a further reason to allow some flexibility for the odd payment miss.  I am not talking about a serial non payer who is chased up every quarter.



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13 Dec 2010 5:02 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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We all moaned about non-payers of fees when the other management company were in power.  I would rather Millenium be proactive as opposed to being re-active.  Everyone should know by now when the fees are due, sorry no excuses.  If the bank is to blame thats a sepaerate issue and needs to be addresses by the individuals and the banks.

Unfortunately there will always be errors and hopefully ML will sort these issues out in due course, and it will always be the case of "damned if they do and damned if they don't.   I persoanlly dont have any issues with a third party being involved to collect what is rightfully the communities money.  Ask yourself why some should pay and others reap the benefits.



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13 Dec 2010 5:41 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Chelmsford,

Request a complaints form from your bank and advise your taking it further, you might just get this  resolved quicker than you think.



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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13 Dec 2010 6:02 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I have no issues with people who have refused to pay being passed onto a debt collection company.  Or those who are consistently behind.

The attitude that missing one payment is your fault and therefore you get what you deserve may be technically correct.  I suppose if the bank gets your DD wrong or Polaris/ML gives a power company or water company wrong details and you miss a utilities payment you should also be immediately disconnected and have a debt collection company knocking on your door.

I don't want the community to get stung with a load of unpaid fees but I'd like it to deal with any issues in a fair and reasonable way. 

I pay all my bills on time but there have been over the years one or two times when I have mislaid or forgot a bill.  A simple letter or phonecall to me has rectified that immediately.  I think that should be the first step.

I am also aware that something like this could affect someone's credit rating which would be very harsh result if it was merely an error or an oversight.


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13 Dec 2010 6:56 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Alison & Simon are 100% correct

Milemniun are chasing Debtors and not Just UK the community is owed a lot of money and this can not be overlooked, they are acting within the Statutes of the Community and rightly so why should those that pay carry those that dont (and there are a lot) Up to now action has not been taken so those that owe have had ample time and everyone knew when they bought that they had a commitment to the community so if money has not been paid they should have taken action sooner.

Milenium are not chasing people who are less than 30 days late.

If the Problem is due to an owners Bank then its up to the owner to chase the Bank and get the extra payments back from them.

By the way Late Payment is Debt plus 20% plus 8% Interest in accordance with the Statutes.

The Majority will not want to pay increased fees next year to cover debtors.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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13 Dec 2010 8:43 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message


Does anyone know when the next quartely payment is due. I only ask because I had several payments taken out around the same time due to various issues and I think the next payment is due about now.

Could anyone confirm this so I can keep an eye out with my bank.



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13 Dec 2010 9:50 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message


Community charges are payable in advance 3 monthly In January, April, July and October as agreed at last AGM and will normally be taken around the beginning of the due month.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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