Pergola painting

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01 Dec 2010 12:00 AM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Just received the e-mail in relation to the checking of our pergola's which I think is the woodwork around the top of the patio.  They are apparently inspecting it in February and if needed painting it as they all have to be the correct colour, they will then bill us the cost of painting it.......  Does anyone know the intended cost as they have conveniently left that bit out of the e-mail....  I thought it was in with our community fees??


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01 Dec 2010 6:08 PM by pboughey Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi  SMIVS - who sent the e-mail ? I haven't received one . Was it from Milleniun ? 

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01 Dec 2010 6:16 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Copied below


We contact you to inform you about the convenience of carrying out of the pergolas maintenance.
Please remember that the wood is very sensitive to extreme meteorological conditions and without a maintenance it is eventually it can deteriorate, leading to higher costs.
The colour must be the same of all of them to preserve the aesthetic of Condado de Alhama.
If on February we detect pergolas that need to be painted, it will be done by the community, charging the cost to the owner.
Should you need some details of companies that can provide you with the service, please do not hesitate to contact our offices and we will give you the information.
This is a massive mailing. A response is not required, unless you need our assistance.
Kind regards
Carmen Gimenez Castro
Mileniun Levante
Tlf.: 0034 968 32 80 24
Fax:0034 968 97 47 13


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02 Dec 2010 9:03 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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When we bought we were told that the properties would be painted every 5 years and that this was paid for as part of our community fees.

You would assume that the Pergola was part of the building and therefore included.

Then again we should never assume anything when PW are involved should we!!


This message was last edited by stonephil on 02/12/2010.


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02 Dec 2010 9:10 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Somewhere on the community website, I think, they have the colour you have to use. I'd also like to know the cost as per ML as we'd probably consider getting a quote from a local handy man to do the job if it was deemed that the pergola needed doing. We did check it over in October and thought it would be okay until our next visit which unfortunately will be after Feb.



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02 Dec 2010 11:36 AM by SIMPSOK Star rating in Heswall, Wirral. 23 forum posts Send private message

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 You can buy it in any bricolage shop.
Hope this helps

Karen. Jardin 1. 2 & 3 bedroom Apts.

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02 Dec 2010 1:25 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Just got the same email, saying they will be painted in February and I will get billed!!! Great!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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02 Dec 2010 1:38 PM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

As per Jan post earlier, When I was over in October I checked the state of the pergola and believed it did not need any attention.

I would have hoped that ML can not just say it needed painting and then just go ahead and do it with out notice and then expect us to pay. This could turn out to be a nice little earner for ML and the contractor they choose.

It would make more sense to provide notice that the work is required, with a cost from ML and a date when the work is required by It is then up to the owner to accept the offer or find there own worked by that date.

Can one of the presidents confirm the situation please?


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02 Dec 2010 2:56 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

 I got the same e-mail, I have sent one back asking why this is not covered in the community fees which i was told it would be. There is no point getting a reduction of fees in one hand and having to give it out in the other with interest. (The irish government is doing enough of that to me at the moment)....... I am looking forward to the reply if i get one.

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02 Dec 2010 7:54 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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I did e-mail straight back asking for the cost should it need painting but as yet NO REPLY!!


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02 Dec 2010 7:55 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I was also told by a Polaris representative that the maintenance of the buildings (painting and woodwork) was included and would be carried out every two years.  Has anyone asked how much Mileniun propose to charge us if they have to do it?  Perhaps it is worthwhile getting them to do it if it is cheap enough?  However, anyone with an ounce of savvy and living on CDA will probably get the answer to this and offer to do it for us at a cheaper price!! A nice little earner methinks.


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02 Dec 2010 8:45 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I'm not entirely happy being told that my Pergola may/may not need painting and that we'll tell you how much you owe us for painting it if we decide it needs it.

Firstly my view is that if they need to be maintained get someone in to do them all at the same time and use the community fees (should be able to get a decent quote for the large numbers). Otherwise they are all going to be in varying states all the time.  And I think the whole point of it is to have everything standard and in good condfition.

Secondly if they need to do it on an individual aprtment basis, why can't they contact the owners by listing all the apartments that need work,  give them 2-3 months to have the work done or the work will be done for them and they'll be charged €x for it.




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02 Dec 2010 9:25 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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That's me done then - I have just arranged to get all the woodwork (inc gate etc) for €60.  I'm happy with that.


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02 Dec 2010 11:27 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi folks,

glad I'm not the only one that think this sounds like a money-making scheme for certain individuals.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say the cost to each owner for ML appointed contractors carrying out work deemed necessary by ML assessors will be around 150 Euro.

I shall watch and wait to see what people get 'quoted'.



Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...

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03 Dec 2010 7:19 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

As I understand there won't be a quote but a bill..which is totally inappropriate to enter someone's property and carry out work without the owners permission!

I quite agree that the timber should be treated but at the very least owners should should have reasonable notice or a quote before any work so alternatives can be sought if necessary.  Can't see many people going over this time of year to do the work.

I've e-mailed ML accordingly and told them that they don't have permission to carry out any work.  Lets wait for the response...

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03 Dec 2010 8:10 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

 I got no reply to my e-mail that i sent yesterday but i did get back a read receipt, I have been led to believe that the pergola painting used to be covered but not any more since a reduction in the maintenance fees means money has to be saved somewhere, So from what i gather we have been conned out of money again.

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03 Dec 2010 11:24 PM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

 How will they get access to our properties?  I don't remember leaving a key behind.


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04 Dec 2010 9:25 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

"The association assumes the maintenance of the building fronts, gardens, open spaces and swimming pools on the estate. The fronts shall be maintained at least every five years and the cost shall be charged to the association's funds, for which the corresponding item shall be allocated in the budget over one or more years. The work shall be carried out by virtue of the corresponding contract by and between the association and the company chosen."

This is in the community rules, I dont think they have been changed on this point as there is no amendment noted on the document on the community website but it doesnt appear to refer to the painting of the woodwork by the adminstrations representatives.



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04 Dec 2010 3:46 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

 you dont need access to paint the outside wood so no key is required. i have already done mine- buy the wood preserver at leroy merlin but you will need some steps.they will just debit your account if they do it for you. this is spain.







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04 Dec 2010 5:11 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

I think the penthouses would need access from the owners?

But a post on the other forum suggests that ML will check and then contact owners before just doing the work. Dont particulalry have a problem with someone doing this job for us but would like an option of hiring someone oursleves- however we chacked ours in Oct and decided they were fine, so planned to do them next visit which could be after Feb.



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