Today the 11th of March Fadesa has come out of Administration and is now able to trade freely again unsupervised by the administrator.
This should be good news for Costa Esuri since they will now be able to spend company money finishing all those things that formed part of the planning approvals and also they will again be able to do snagging on the properties that they sold direct to clients.
How much of this they will do remains to be seen.
However in my view the Mayor should immediately suspend the EUC since the work it has been doing is clearly Fadesa's responsibility. A thorough audit would not be a bad idea as well.
He should then take all possible steps to ensure that they put right major infrastructure faults such as the drainage problems and the unfinished roads as quickly as possible so that the Ayuntamiento can begin the adoption process.
He should also move to get out of Fadesa a building to house the Clinic/Ayuntamiento Branch Office/Local Police Station on the designated site up near the shop. He should do all this now before the new company is swamped by similar requests from the 10's of other major developments all over Spain that were left in the same position as Esuri when Fadesa went into administration.