money back from Huma

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The Comments
17 Jun 2011 2:07 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

Indeed, why so quiet ? What's Mr Huma's game plan ? Are they still in business ? have they gone into hidding ? What happened to all the court cases ? What are all the solicitors doing to resolve the cases ? (they have taken the fees !!)

Mr Huma must still owe many people a substancial amount of money !

It's very strange that the Spanish authorities do not get involved. This has caused so much untold damage to their very own ecconomy that they should surely be very concerned about 'righting'' all the issues and putting their property sector back on the right tracks for recovery? Seems not !

People are not (and will not) buying in Spain. Too much unfinished / un corrected problems such as the ones we talk about with ACC.

Spain will have a dying property market for many many years to come. Unless it acts NOW to correct the issues. (ACC being one of them)


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18 Jun 2011 1:28 PM by raylyn Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Just been informed by my solicitor that Huma have dismissed their solicitors and have employed new one. They do not know of any outstanding debt against Huma and therefore we have had to resubmit all previous letters to them. Does anyone else know of this. 

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19 Jun 2011 9:43 PM by trudge Star rating. 154 forum posts Send private message

Sorry don't quite understand your posting. might just be being thick .What letters have you got to send them and is it their solicitors dont no about debt ?

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20 Jun 2011 11:31 AM by kingdingaling Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

No Trudge I don't really understand the jist of it either. Ive been pushing my solicitors of late and they say theres no change, no change there then, bloody pain in the ar*e!!!




This message was last edited by kingdingaling on 20/06/2011.

This message was last edited by kingdingaling on 20/06/2011.

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20 Jun 2011 12:00 PM by raylyn Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Sorry I did not make it clear but Humas new solicitors after receiving all correspondence previously sent, have said that Huma will not be making any refunds, purely because there is no money and the company has major finacial prioblems. So my solicitor said all we can do is sit and wait for property sales to pick up or they get planning permission for ACC. Hope this is clear.

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20 Jun 2011 12:32 PM by nigela Star rating. 415 forum posts Send private message

 I think that is the realistic picture - to get anything from HUMA you will have to wait for the property market to turn round, for ACC to get planning permission and hope that  they havn't gone bust in the mean time.  For all these things to happen I believe you are talking about a minimum of 5 years (probably longer) and even then I think we will be lucky for all 3 events to occur. 

The only other options are to take legal action against the banks or your original solicitor for bad advice.

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24 Jun 2011 11:33 AM by johnfozard Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message

I wonder if Huma's old solicitors have taken Huma to court for non payment of fees??

Even their solicitors have had enough of them!!!!

Let's be realistic Huma Mediterraneo will probably never trade again.

Any new developemnts will be done using a new incorporated Huma company - that ex-ACC will never be able to access. Even if Med does trade - I am sure the banks will take a major charge over any new properties and leave next to no equity for legal action against by the individual punters.

The only people that will get any money back from Huma's future (if they have any) are the bank - who will no doubt insist on profits repaid to them first for losses on ACC & OTCC in turn for borrowing facilities for new ventures.

Don't hold your breath for ACC resurrection in the next 20 years. Spain will go the same way as Greece and Ireland - once Banks admit the losses made - that is why Huma is not bust - the Banks daren't force them - as they would have to report the gigantic losses - which would kill their Balance Sheets. However, the lack of cashflow from these bad bank debts will catch the Spanish economy out eventually.  The total exposure to bad property loans must be immense when their economy was 35% dependant on property at the height of the boom!

When I tried to purchase a bungalow on MCC years ago - the mortgage and charges on the property far outweighted the purchase price and a realistic sale price - so any attempt to put a charge on a Huma Med asset will probably make the property unsaleable - so no one will get any money back!!!

I truly believe exACC and exOTCC clients with no BG's are completely stuffed - we will never see any money back from Huma.


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25 Jun 2011 12:34 AM by bilpaul Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

 sad to say but spot on jonfozard.

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25 Jun 2011 12:16 PM by kingdingaling Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

May I just enquire JohnFozard and BilPaul, do you have any monies outstanding on ACC in the way of monies paid to HUMA with no BG?





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25 Jun 2011 1:44 PM by johnfozard Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message

Yes - I am probably owed one of the most  - over E100+ with no BG's.

So I have more to lose than anyone.

I was conned to pay over just a few weeks before ACC stopped - by then - Huma surely knew the situation!!

Huma wanted me to use Aldea initially to make the purchase quick - now I know why!!!!

I have written this off - and I just dip into the Forum from time to time to see if anything is happening.

The only consulation is - that all would have lost a massive amount in equity with prices dropping if we had completed.

However - I would have preferred something than nothing and taken the initial loss on the chin.

To be honest - have been so put off by Spain - have never gone back and probably will never visit again - so how the Spanish market will ever recover in the meantine - God knows! However - people's memory's are short and when there is a boom again in Spain (in many years time) - the same and new vultures will return like Parador, Huma, etc and con the gullible that were not involved in this fiasco. The world is full of people to scam and scammers!!!

I have always tried to talk sense in my contributions and be realistic - no matter how uncomfortable it felt.

I have admired people with optimism - but reality is far more sensible!

When I enquired a few years back into the accounts of Huma Med and found they owed E100million + - they was no way back for the punters - MCC people tell me that debt has risen even higher now!!... how incompetent can you get Mr Sibelia? - but I still believe there are hundreds of millions squirrelled away in some illegal bank account. No one can spend that amount of money on buidling so little!!!!


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25 Jun 2011 5:03 PM by kingdingaling Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Indeed - my Father has £46000 with no BG, it is now 7 years since he paid his last installment, we are wondering now just where this will end, we have always believed somewhere down the line it would be recouped. But now I just don't know?

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26 Jun 2011 1:01 AM by bilpaul Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

 Hi kingdingaling, in answer to your questions ? yes , yes , and yes.

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26 Jun 2011 11:14 PM by trudge Star rating. 154 forum posts Send private message

Sorry John I must be honest i was a bit taken back and it made me down hearted to read your  message. We must  not give up and reading it seems to me that some people have, there are certain people who read this forum so be careful    (yes you no who you are !!!!! ) we have no BG but i wont give up because thats what they want, so come on and keep up the figh,t  never say never, its alot of hard earned money were talking about

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02 Jul 2011 8:37 PM by china Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message


I am new on this forum and also victim of mr HUMA and his friends. Same as others I won the courtcase and have a embargo on HUMA's propertes (which they dont have).

Found some thinks on the internet and you probably all know that Mr Antonio Subiela Hernandez and his relations are the owners of several empresas in Mazarron and Murcia (15 off). Also technical advisor (since 2009) of the GRUPO de electrodomesticos de Murcia SA (Expert in Spain).

One  issue I found is that it seems that the brother (and co-owner of HUMA), Mr Antonio Subiela Vivancos seems to be one of the representatives in the Euro parliament in Brussels as President de la Association des propietaires de Mazarron. Found in the minutes of Euro parliament 07-06-2011.

I have asked my lawyer to confirm if this man could be the same as our Mr HUMA! before I will accuse him.

I live in Spain and personnally I believe that the HUMA cartel (not only the Subiela brothers) have the power in Murcia to influence banks, abogados and even the judges.

Keep U updated



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03 Jul 2011 10:47 PM by trudge Star rating. 154 forum posts Send private message

Hi all.

Rabi on the general EOS site is loooking into doing something for us too .He has asked me to tell you al,l and needs this info. I am looking for a rough estimate of the number of off plan deposits taken and the minimum or average cost per deposit. He wants as many as possible  anyone interested go to the general EOS and give him your details

. Oh and go for it china sounds good.

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04 Jul 2011 11:58 AM by diverdan Star rating in Scotland / Greenock .... 119 forum posts Send private message

Where on the general site is his posting? Couldn't find it.Please post a link.



Looking forward to a long retirement in the sun..........

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04 Jul 2011 1:47 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

China, That really would be astounding if (and I have no idea) one of the Huma company directors is on the EU bench in anyway shape or form.


That's the EU we are all part of and EU we have requested help and advice to get justice,

Wow, what a snippett for the media / press !!


Unbelievable if this is true.

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04 Jul 2011 9:38 PM by trudge Star rating. 154 forum posts Send private message

Its on General Spain Forums, then Bank Gaurentee, then 185 million euro missing in off plan by Rambi. Ive got the link hope this helps and works .

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04 Jul 2011 9:40 PM by china Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Here you can find the link to the minutes from last June. I dont have confirmation yet if it is the same Mr Subiela, but checking now with CIF?NIF numbers.

Sorry, I am not allowed yet to include a link ,I first need to make at least 10 posts,

Just try on google antonio subiela vivancos minute euro. That will bring you to the link

 Look into Section 3, Petitions, date 31 May (page 10) Last row.



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08 Jul 2011 3:04 PM by kingdingaling Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone that is using Fusters Solicitors received an email today regarding taking on the banks as we have?

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newbies - hi all - cant believe this is still going on - 0 posts
Happy Christmas and New Year. - 2 posts
Where are we going with HUMA - 29 posts
TV Programme - 0 posts
Criminal proceedings affecting Almanzora Valley Country Club - 26 posts
Advisors Bureau Consulting SL - 5 posts
Planning Permission at ACC - 0 posts
What happens after you win the court case? - 4 posts
The Restore Action - 0 posts
Huma Mediterraneo - 7 posts
bank guarantees - 1 posts
Taking Huma to Court - 127 posts
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Low cost action against Banks. Manifesto by Costaluzlawyers - 0 posts
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