Update on the Port

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The Comments
13 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by Faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Went into the Port last night. Not been in for a while and what a difference. It was buzzing - especially for a Tuesday night. There are many new bars and restaurants and at 8.30pm the beach was packed with a 5 a side beach soccer tournament going strong. No wonder the Spanish are world cup champions. The ambience was really great with people strolling around and some of the big expensive yaughts mooring.

Found a really good and friendly restaurant called ´VIGGOS´.  As you get to the port where the bars are, turn right towards the  harbour office and you will come across some new restaurants and bars including an Irish and Karaoke bar. VIGGOS is the first in the block.

The staff were really friendly and helpful speaking good English which helps me a lot. The food was very good and we had a paella, garlick bread to start and bottle of nice white wine and a large beer. Total cost 27 euros. (wine was actually only 6 euros!!)

Had a great evening out and the port really is becoming a treasure around these parts.

Jon Faulkner

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