New Website, Facebook and email contacts of the comunity

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La Hacienda de Mijas Golf forum threads
The Comments
23 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by lahaciendademijasgolf Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

hi all there will be a new web site, email & facebook account available for owners shortly 


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11 Nov 2011 10:09 PM by burren Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hello, delighted to hear that we will have a new website. We are looking for someone to look after our apartment, maybe will be

able to give some advice.

Look forward to getting details of new site,



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19 Oct 2016 12:45 AM by mandie Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

that sounds good, we have just purchased a place on the complex and would value some help and advice

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