The day we arrived there were 2 break-ins to town houses around 12 oclock in the morning!, whats very alarming is on one they ripped of the wall the external cage on the balcony door in broad daylight. Both times it was just after the people had arrived.
They stole clothes and electrical goods. Even took a TV over the balcony in daylight. They seem to be watching so everyone needs to be extra vigilant.
The security guard is still patrolling at night. It appears the thieves have changed their approach. The courtyard railings seem to be the week link. While we where there 2 of our Swedish neibours secoured the railings on our block (Christina). They did a great job which will make it just that little more difficult for the scum.
Can I suggest that while we are there we all check the gates are locked. The gardeners have a habit of leaving them open.
The 2 lots of people effected (and us) are looking into some form of security alarm thats linked to a quick response company.
Dont know what more to suggest. I am back over there next Tuesday for a few days and hope to have something more positive to report.