Stealing golf balls

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29 Apr 2012 11:09 PM by paulnjune Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

My friend and I was practising on the driving range Sunday evening about 8.30 and we watched 2 Spanish men and a small child filling 2 bags with range balls.
We went over to them and asked why they were taking them, I don't think they understood us but they got what we meant, in there disgust they throw the balls down and walked off giving us abuse.
The Marshall,s don't turn off the ball machine or collect the ball,s so they are left on the range all night. Last year Ola golf closed the range because thousands of ball,s went missing.
This area seems to be a free for all for kids to play not a top class golf facility??

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30 Apr 2012 11:37 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Obviously kids are not supposed to play on the ranges, but along with stopping random people wandering through the golf course like its a national park, its hard for the marshalls to police.

In my view one issue contributing to this, is that there is no clubhouse.  If there was a clubhouse in the vicinity of the range there would be more people around on a regular basis, including employees, which would help deter such behaviour.

But a commonsense approach would probably be to scoop up the balls around 7pm each least that would minimise the number on the range later on.

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30 Apr 2012 12:24 PM by paulnjune Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

I have spoken to the marshall this morning and he tells me he finishes at 7.30 and as been told to leave the ball machine on,this is ok if used only by golfes but i have seen none golfes with swim shorts ans sandles trying to play on there.

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30 Apr 2012 12:34 PM by mgk Star rating in Penthouse 2. 241 forum posts Send private message

mgk´s avatar

 It seems to be a social thing perpatrated by Spanish families, if last year was anything to go by, just before dusk last May you would suddenly hear talking on the driving range, followed by children screaming and torches illuminating the way, ovoiding the bunkers, then the rustle of the carrier bags as they filled them with their booty [the balls that is]. I suppose its a cheap night out,and keeps the kids entertained. SMV is quite right, we need a Club house or something down this end of Naranjos to entertain and keep the little blighters of the Driving Range


tel.605 832  795

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