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Hi. Can anyone who had a Bancaja account please tell me if they need to change IBAN/swift numbers to make a transfer to their new Bankia account number? My currency co need the account number (I have the new account no) but also the IBAN and swift codes and I don't know if these have changed too? I also don't know if the branch address has also changed. I opened the account in Alcantarilla near Murcia city but for all I know even this may have been closed/moved. I need to pay into my account but Bankia are a nightmare to get in touch with. I have called several times and left my tel no as requested for a 'call back' which has neve materialised. If I give the currency co wrong info then they charge £30 for a returned payment. Many thanks. Arlene.
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Hi Arlene
We have had the same problem getting online banking and numbers changing etc it was a nightmare but in the end we rang the Bancaja branch in London who can obviously speak Spanish and English and a nice chap from there sorted out our issues
Hope this helps
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Thanks for that idea.Very helpful. I too have been unable to log in since the changeover. Have tried phoning Spain and was given a number to speak to customer relations in English. When I called it and began speaking I had the phone slammed down on me!
_______________________ Alan R
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Had the same problem but if you hang on long enough on the Spanish help number number and keep bashing the 0 key (seemed to generate a response ! ) you can raise an English speaker who I found exceptionally helpful - they re-set my details in 5 minutes and all is back now as it should be !
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Can't seem to get past the box to log on tonight. Try again tomorrow. Get there in the end!
_______________________ Alan R
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I just logged in online and found my transfer from Moneycorp didn't go through in April, so we are now overdrawn.
We have had no contact from the bank as yet, but I am concerned as I heard that if you go overdrawn in Spain, you get your account closed?
It must be because the IBAN number has changed.
I have a contact at Bancaja (now Bankia) in Torrevieja, so I have emailed for the new details.
_______________________ Rachel and Simon
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I am now able to log on using my old passport number rather than the new one. To make that change I have to go to my branch in San Javier next time I am over. I have to get some money into the account this week so I suspect it will need to go to the new account number rather than the old - although nothing I have seen from Bankia makes that clear.
_______________________ Alan R
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Our account was originally with Bancaja, we have had no problems with transferring money using the original details. The only thing different we have had to do is log on with passport number rather than card number.
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RATS !!!!
I smugly told Arlene that last week I had sorted my login issues out - hhhm no i haven't actually as I now find that that the login screen has changed again (goodbye BANCAJA and hello BANKIA) and none of the codes that I used last week now work and i cant acess my account again account !
it always used to be credit card and then your security code - how has it changed now - looks like another phone call to spain required ??
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Hi Today I have received a credit to my Moneycorp account which looks as if my money transfer has been returned, I did contact my Bank in Torrevieja (Bancaja now Bankia) who asked for my new account number which I have now provided. I did receive a letter from Bankia in March which states the number of your accounts will change automatically during 5 & 6 April and you don't need to do anything so I am bit perplexed that this has happened and it's appears that perhaps my mortgage has not been paid.
_______________________ Tony & Angela Spray on chrome technology
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Still not been able to raise anyone at Bankia - Arlene which number did you call ??
Intresting also to read this morning that Bankia is looking for a 10 Billion EU bailout from the Govt , this is the day after the chief exec resigned - he was also a big mate of the Spanish president "allegedly"
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I also had the same problem and i now seem to have 2 iban codes. i logged in using my nie number and your usual pin code. once in you can view your new/old iban. If you use caxton fx once you put the iban into the field it then arranges new swift code and . our branch details pm me if you need more help Simon N7
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Many thanks for the NIE tip on logging in..
i am now back on line with Bankia and no Spanglish phone calls required - i guess also that judging by the media coverage this week....bankia is generally quite busy at the moment
Online reporting / details look good despite the odd translation wording of some of the text .....
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Can anyone help with another Bankia issue? I am trying to make a payment to someone. I can access my account online ok but have no "Digital Signature" to make the payment. I have been told I cannot get a Digital Signature without going to Spain which I won't be doing for a few months. Does anyone know of a way of getting a digital signature out of Bankia any other way?
_______________________ Alan R
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