To Rob & Bev

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The Comments
23 Apr 2012 8:58 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

To Rob & Bev


Please allow me to go off the track for a minute; the gist of what I am aiming at should become apparent in a while

I often ask myself how come the elected members of parliament hold no qualifications for the role they are given. How can a minister of fisheries become the minister of health the following year when they have no qualifications for either role & how come they still get large pay packets even though they are crap at what they do

Now to get to the point

All the presidents irrespective of the level do what they do for Free. They may not have the qualifications for these roles but they take it on because no one else will

Ok they may get things wrong but they try their best.

I wonder Rob & Bev if you have the suitable qualifications for you to justify your criticisms?

& if so will either have you are standing for election next time?



This message was last edited by Hamibabe on 23/04/2012.

This message was last edited by Hamibabe on 23/04/2012.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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23 Apr 2012 9:20 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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23 Apr 2012 11:18 PM by PaulS1 Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

Well said Jan. I seldom make posts on the forum but I have owned a property on CDA for nearly four years and the community is run better now than at any other time.

It is good that we now have Phil as the Level 1 President as he with the other Presidents own properties, and it is not in their interests to make decisions that would be detrimental to their own investments in the resort. When Po;aris were the Level 1 President they ran rough shod over the owners and made decisions to their benefit not ours.

Rob & Bev if you feel so passionate about the running of CDA do something about it and stand for office yourselves and put in the unpaid hours required. Before you make accusations make sure you have evidence to back up your claims as there are libel laws that could cost you dear.



This message was last edited by PaulS1 on 23/04/2012.

This message was last edited by PaulS1 on 23/04/2012.

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24 Apr 2012 9:52 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

I disagree with Rob & Bevs views completely and any personal attacks on presidents by anyone goes too far.

BUT if they are owners (and not just posting to wind everyone up) then they should have the right to criticise community decisions as much the owners who post agreeing with these decisions.

I totally understand people's point of view that they should basically "put up or shut up".  However I have never considered running for president and I don't think that should bar me from saying something, if in my opinion I think the presidents have messed things up.

I'm sure Phil & Co know most owners support them but I'm equally sure they know you'll never please all the people all of the time.









This message was last edited by SMV on 24/04/2012.

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24 Apr 2012 10:33 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

I absolutely agree with your comments Shane, however if those comments become libel I draw the line. We all have freedom of speech and the right to venture our opinion and long may that continue, I have done so often enough on this forum but with that come responsibilities. As I said previously if statements that are made are true then people have nothing to worry about in saying them, however if not, the person or persons they are aimed at have the right to challenge them. My name and reputation are important to me and I will not stand by and allow someone mischievous to try to spoil it without foundation. As they say mud sticks.

Phil M




This message was last edited by PGM on 24/04/2012.

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24 Apr 2012 10:51 AM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

darren.wilkes´s avatar

I fully agree with Shane on this one, Rob and Bev are entitled to their opinion. 

Having made previous posts (and probably this post) that most dont agree with, I have suffered the wrath of the "Half Full Brigade". Think the forum should be a place were people air their "Opinions" without repercusions.

I am also a little Jealous of Rob and Bev as I am the person  who everybody is supposed to hate! If Rob and Bev continue to steal my thunder I will take them to court!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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24 Apr 2012 10:53 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Definitely, any personal comments regarding actions/motivations are out of order.

But comments about appropriateness of any actions or decisions being good or bad for the community should be fine.

From past history when someone I haven't really seen on the forum before posts several things on different threads which are hugely controversial my first thought is its a wind up.

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25 Apr 2012 12:26 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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My first thought is that they firmly belong in the 'knob cupboard' !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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25 Apr 2012 6:27 PM by robandbev Star rating in South Africa. 42 forum posts Send private message

 Hi to all,


thanks for your attention, I think you are missing the point. We expressed our opinion regarding some issues at the resort, especially as there is/was the irrigation problem which now seems to be sorted by Mileniun, at least they started action on that. I still think that the resort should be operated and managed by owners who are prepared for that, free work does not always mean we get the best deal. Maybe we should even pay our presidents, at least level 1, so they dont have to sell electric gimmicks to survive! I still think that businesses should be fully legal, pay their taxes and social security, also for the sake of their costumers! We always complain in the UK about immigrants doing all kind of jobs in semi legal setups, now we do the same in Spain? Looking forward already to the reactions of "Phil's army".....



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25 Apr 2012 6:47 PM by onecall Star rating in Liverpool, and Jard.... 181 forum posts Send private message

To Rob and Bev, I dont know and have no allegiance to Phil Tann.

However if you dont like the way the resort is operated by the Presidents, then get involved yourselves and stop whinging. Its to easy to be critical, and not creative, so devote your time to making things improve, rather than moaning about someone who is giving his time FOC, and who has been voted in democratically by the community.

Mark + Sandra

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25 Apr 2012 8:52 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Rob & Bev

After reading a few of your postings they seem to be more worried about Phil rather than CdA.

If you have an issue with Phil take it up with the presidents but lets not take 2+2 and get 100 by linking issues like the irrigation with whatever our presidents do in their personal capacity.

If you have an issue with a decision and think it was wrong, say so, and why, and no doubt some will agree with you.  But constantly attacking people personally does nothing for your argument.

In theory ML should be doing the majority of the work around the place (thats what they are paid for).  The presidents should be instructing them on major issues so that ML are acting consistently with what the owners (represented by our presidents) want. 

The irrigation in my view is the responsibility of ML so I am not going to give them a lot of credit for starting to sort it out.  There seems to be a lot of parties involved who disagree on who knew what and when.  Bottom line we need to fill a lake and that is what matters to most of the owners.  The seondary issue of who, if anyone, was slow in reacting to this issue can be sorted out later.










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25 Apr 2012 9:01 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Perfectly put Shane.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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25 Apr 2012 10:58 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I dont thiink ML sorted the problem of the water- they were involved , even the mouth pieces- but it was the Presidents who got it sorted.

I also agree that new posters when they come in all critical are likely to be a red herring! Why soooo negative about the Presidens and where would a resort like ours with just 300 residents get the money to pay them a wage?

And before I get the back lash- I /we do own but for the time being we have mothballed the apartments and stay at Hotel Cumbre for brief vists and golf between us through the year (so much messing about for 2 nights in an apartment without a keyholder\) Though I did a long weekend last summer.

I said earlier we just need to move forward not snipe over who did what when- or not.



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26 Apr 2012 12:02 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Rob & Bev reveal yourselves!

If I had a problem with anyone I would speak face to face.

This thread is feeding your egos - but I don't think these are your real names anyway are they?

You are welcome to come and discuss your views  but I am not holding my breath!  


 penthouse 1003



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