Copy of my email to AEA re the accounts which you will note that the accountants confirm are not audited
Dear Sirs,
As you will note from the email I received from Newmarket Auditores (see below) they do not perform an audit on the accounts of Duquesa Village and
accordingly you should stop referring to audited accounts in your minutes, communications and budgets.
Thank you
Michael Alinek
Dear Mr. Alinek
First of all please accept my apologize for the delay in answering you. Your fax was lost for a couple of weeks.
In respect your requirements, we need to clarify as follows:
1. This in not an audit report, due that a COMMUNITY OF PROPIETORS do not present Annual Accounts. This is a "Revision Limitada" report according Spanish Law in which we do not give an opinion.
2. Anyway, in the "Report", we include this paragraph
"4. Las deudas de los propietarios por cuotas de comunidad ascienden a 380.383,47 Euros. El detalle de propietarios y propiedades figura en los estados financieros confeccionados por la administración."
3. In the Comments to the accounts prepared by Administrators we include this paragraph:
"1. Propietarios, Deudores por cuotas. 380.383,47
El saldo de esta cuenta recoge el importe de los recibos de comunidad pendientes de pago por propietarios. "
Any other question, please contact us
Yours sincerely
J.L. Cuberta
Auditor Partner