The Comments |
Hello to all on DV. Does anyone have anymore news on this years AGM? I know previously it was suggested that it may be held on Sat 14th April but i have not heard anything since Does anyone else know? Also any idea where it will be held now that Duquesa Golf Hotel is closed?
Susan DV.
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I went to the AEA office again and was advised that the date remains as Sat 14th April (I don't know where).
I don't know why there is a delay in calling the AGM formally, so I suggest that before booking flights etc you contact AEA direct.
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Hi All,
I attended a committee meeting this week and it seems that the AGM date remains the same, Sat 14th April, although we haven't had the official notice in writing yet. It's due out soon as the agenda was being prepared, but again I suggest that you call to confirm the date before booking flights etc. Regards.
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Dear Madam,
As the post to the UK takes at least 48 hours and there are no deliveries on Sundays it could not possibly be delivered until today the 2nd April.
Therefore the notices have not been given with 14 days notice and are invalid in law.
The information that should have accompanied the notices relates to item 4 of the agenda. Full schedules of the extraordinary works and the proposed cash call should have been supplied.
Copies of this correspondence is being circulated to members of the committee and other interested parties.
Kind regards
Michael Alinek
Dear Mr. Alinek,
Please note the formal documentation was sent by post on Friday, therefore giving more than the 14 days notice.
As far as the rest of the information you are requesting, I am unsure what is outstanding, and attach all the information again in case you have not received all the documents.
Kind regards,
Valerie Crasset
Grupo AEA-Administración S.L.

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I received the emails this morning. I live overseas so won't be attending but am more than willing to let somebody have my proxy vote. Let me know?
Is there any point in voting or does the developer still retain majority to trample roughshod over everything?
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This is the latest response from AEA. I do not see why we should be subject to any cash call when :-
a) The remedial works and repainting are down to the developer/builders. As has been promised for 6 years
b) AEA have failed to collect over £ 200K of arrears of service charges.
Dear Mr Alinek,
Thank you for your e-mail.
The Call was sent out 14 days prior to the AGM, please be advised legally it has to be sent at least 6 days prior to the meeting.
With regards to the works, you will find a copy of the Cemosa Report on the webpage (The conclusions are currently being translated in English.)
As for the cash call, this will be discussed and voted during the AGM on the 14th of April.
If we can be of any further assistance then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Agree = - this is too short notice for owners living abroad. I have a feeling this is deliberate.
The last EGM had plenty of notice and was well attended.
It seems to me that this AGM will have much lower attendance and thus will not be truely democratic.
We need to maximise the power of proxy voting. Yes, it is worth voting. The vote at the EGM was finely balanced.
As more apartments sell we will have real community democracy providing we act to use proxy votes.
Is anyone attending who is an ordainary resident that can represent us?
This message was last edited by PMillsom on 07/04/2012.
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We are owners and ordinary full time residents of DV who can represent those who cannot attend the AGM if they wish.
If so please send a private reply for our details.
Thanks & regards
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We are totally against a cash call as it will be fruitless. Those that pay their quarterly service charge will pay and those that ignore the service charge demands will ignore the cash call as well.
There is already over € 200K unpaid and in the hands of solicitors and what is needed is much stronger legal action, including repossession, forfeiture and sale of debtors’ properties.
We would support legal action against the builders and Ros y Falcon for their failure to carry out the repainting which the agreed was necessary some 5 years ago.
Michael & Joy Alinek

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I agree with your view but I cannot find any details of the 'extraordinary works' under item 4 of the agenda. Can you point me in the right direction?
I will be in the UK at the time of the meeting so would be happy to cast my votes by proxy.
Paul (Block 10)
This message was last edited by itsnojoke on 09/04/2012.
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Have now downloaded the audited accounts for 2011.
Will someone query how the auditors can sign off the accounts without making any provision for bad debts re the service charges. They would not get away with this in the UK.
I am going to see if I can get a response direct from the auditors and will post their reply on the site in due course.

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