EGM - 24th September

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The Comments
05 Sep 2011 12:00 AM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

The e-mail for the EGM went out today.  As we are trying to get some important issues resolved in this EGM, if you cannot attend the meeting  please, please, please make sure you give me or someone who will be attending your proxy vote.

Last AGM we couldn't get anything done because we did not have enough votes! 



Daniela & Lee

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07 Sep 2011 4:45 PM by ukproperty Star rating. 72 forum posts Send private message

Hi Daniela,

We will need to give our proxy vote to someone, as we are not attending.

Can you just give me an idea of the important issues you are trying to get resolved at the EGM? 

We would like to ensure our vote is counted in order for Duquesa Village to continue to be the great place we love to escape to.  Unfortunately, we are a little out of touch with the issues pending, so want to understand what our proxy might end up voting on in our absence.

I look forward to hearing from you.




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07 Sep 2011 7:57 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Suggest an Agenda for items to be brought up under Any Other Business if not covered under the main agenda

Exterior painting

Electricity supply Phase 3


Add any other items you want



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08 Sep 2011 3:41 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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The pavements are dangeously cracked on the way down to the bottom pool - presumably because people park on them a lot as there is no public parking on our road.  Also, someone in our bloque (13) is running a car repair business from the garage and often has his cars advertised for sale along that stretch.

The garage under bloque 13 remains badly flooded at the far end - especially when the village is busy as waste water comes up from the drains.  I have reported this issue repeatedly to AEA but nothing has been done

There are cracked tiles (very dangerous) on the stair well to the garage in bloque 13 (again reported but not acted upon) and holes in the ceiling for some reason.

My daughter injured her foot at the bottom pool due to the uneven tiling at the edge of the pool where there has been some subsidence.  Some green sports surfacing has been stuck over this area but it reamins uneven and dangerous as well as unsightly.

People who are known never to have paid any community fees (including one in bloque 10 that I know of) are renting out their apartments and making money without paying anything towards the facilities their guests are using.  Has there been any progress with recovering debts though the European courts and seizing oveseas assets as at Coto Real where they sucessfully had many of their outstanding fees paid?

We will not be able to attend the meeting but are in 13, 51, 02.  We would be happy for someone to use our vote but would also like to know what we would be voting for so far as it is possible to let us know in advance.  I would trust that most of us have thesame concerns though and want the place to look better and run smoothly at as reasonable a cost as possible.

Caroline and Neale Johnson, bloque 13,51,02


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08 Sep 2011 3:43 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Also, I believe there is a design fault meaning water pours down the walls on the stair wells and communal entrances.  Could we have this rectified by having it covered to save futue paint work being damaged so quickly?

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13 Sep 2011 10:19 PM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Caroline and Michelle,

I have PM'd you both.



Daniela & Lee

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26 Sep 2011 11:05 AM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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HI Everyone

Any news on the outcome from the EGM on the 24th?



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26 Sep 2011 9:49 PM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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I took some rough minutes if you PM me your e-mail I can send over to you.  Pretty much the same as the last AGM! - Nightmare!

Daniela & Lee

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