waterlogged balcony planters

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08 May 2011 12:00 AM by boland83 Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Our balcony planters have become waterlogged. We have an automatic watering system which has worked perfectly for the last 4 years - but this year the planters will not drain. Has anyone else had this problem - and fixed it?

We are back in June - and short of digging them out and starting again we are at a loss what to do.

Patrick & Sandra


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10 May 2011 7:52 PM by Ukproperty Star rating. 72 forum posts Send private message

Hi Patrick & Sandra

Do you have drainage pipes that discharge inside or outside your terrace? The planters should have been filled with gravel around the outlet to the dischage pipes, which might have become blocked with sediment.

If they drain inside your terrace, try forcing something like a very long screwdriver up the pipe to see if you can clear any blockage. You can buy a long screwdriver cheaply from the Chinese Bazar in Sabi.

If they drain outside your terrace you really have a problem!

Michelle & Alex

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11 May 2011 12:43 PM by boland83 Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Michelle & Alex

It drains outside the terrace - I don't fancy the idea of digging it all out but if there is no other option.....


Patrick & Sandra

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24 May 2011 6:48 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

 I am not sure if there is a drain from the planter, there is one from the terrace.

Don't forget we have had storms and this may have filled them.




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