IBI Bills (Again)

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04 Mar 2011 12:00 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Dear All,

I posted the letter below to the Patronato in mid Feb and to date have had absolutely no response (typical of local goverment). Can this committee add the question of these discrepancies to the agenda for the AGM. If I do receive any reply I will post it on this thread.


MA/AS                                                                                             15th February 2011
Patronato De Recaudacion
   Provincial De Malaga
c/Severo Ochoa 32 (P.T.A.)
29590 Campanillas
Dear Sirs,
Duquesa Village - Phase 1   CP 29692 Manilva
I am writing on behalf of owners of properties in Phase 1 of the above development who are concerned that their IBI bills are up to some 60% higher than similar properties in the later phases of the development.
It  appears that the Patronato have used a much higher cadastral value for the two bedroom apartments on the first phase of Duquesa Village than the same apartments on later phases.
There appears to be no particular difference in the size of apartments or facilities enjoyed
The office in Manilva have advised us via the foreigners department that in order to appeal the IBI bills for the past years each owner must  attend in person and complete a claim form and that they will only deal with matters in Spanish.
I would advise that this would be in breach of EU legislation and the claim form must be provided in English or accompanied by an English translation
As this matter is causing disquiet amongst owners and will be listed for discussion at the Annual General Meeting of the urbanisation, I would be obliged by your detailed responseas soon as possible.
Yours faithfully



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05 Mar 2011 9:52 AM by kilbride Star rating in Cheshunt, Hertfordsh.... 5 forum posts Send private message

I don't have our bill to hand but it is in excess of €650. what are other people paying ?



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07 Mar 2011 9:17 PM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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We are also in phase one and our bills seem to be much higher too.  We were planning on visiting the office when my Dad is next visiting here because he is Spanish and can deal with the problem much better than I can with my conversational Spanish. 

The first few IBI bills we received (and paid) didn't even have the correct address on the bill.  We had it changed but the bills are still high.  We only noticed that we were probably paying too much when we started looking for houses and discovered that IBI bills of properties much larger than ours were half the price!!

I definately think that this should be added to the agenda.  Maybe if we all group together we can get a response.

PS do we have a date and time for the AGM yet?

Daniela & Lee

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08 Mar 2011 4:18 AM by kilbride Star rating in Cheshunt, Hertfordsh.... 5 forum posts Send private message

The AGM  is 31 March at 10.30am, I cannot go but would certainly support any protest about the IBI bills.


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08 Mar 2011 10:36 AM by Valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Hi Michael52,


I cannot give my opinion with regards to IBI bills, as I do not receive one, I rent in DV, but I do know a little bit about what is happening in the Manilva town hall.


They had a deadline, 2nd of March 2011 where you could ask for help in your IBI payment and I know that they informed the urbanizations from the Foreigner´s Departmanent. They are dealing with the complaints and requests and I know they speak English there, the  name of the lady is Beli,  but the papers have to be done in Spanish.


Also, with regards to the letter sent to Málaga, I am affraid that  an official communication has to be send in Spanish.


From my own experience and work I can tell you that even if it is an EU country, you have to address official documents in Spanish, or in English, with a Spanish sworn translation attached. That is why the Minister of External Affairs has a list of translators. That is why if you go to Court/ Police etc. and you sign something you need to have an interpreter.


Please don´t think I am defending the system, just because I am a translator, but you needed to have sent the letter in Spanish. If you want I can have it translated for you, for FREE, no charge and you can send it again to Málaga.


If you want me to ask anything for you to the town hall let me know, I am dealing with them quite often. PM me and let me know.


Good luck,




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08 Mar 2011 10:36 AM by Valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Hi Michael52,


I cannot give my opinion with regards to IBI bills, as I do not receive one, I rent in DV, but I do know a little bit about what is happening in the Manilva town hall.


They had a deadline, 2nd of March 2011 where you could ask for help in your IBI payment and I know that they informed the urbanizations from the Foreigner´s Departmanent. They are dealing with the complaints and requests and I know they speak English there, the  name of the lady is Beli,  but the papers have to be done in Spanish.


Also, with regards to the letter sent to Málaga, I am affraid that  an official communication has to be send in Spanish.


From my own experience and work I can tell you that even if it is an EU country, you have to address official documents in Spanish, or in English, with a Spanish sworn translation attached. That is why the Minister of External Affairs has a list of translators. That is why if you go to Court/ Police etc. and you sign something you need to have an interpreter.


Please don´t think I am defending the system, just because I am a translator, but you needed to have sent the letter in Spanish. If you want I can have it translated for you, for FREE, no charge and you can send it again to Málaga.


If you want me to ask anything for you to the town hall let me know, I am dealing with them quite often. PM me and let me know.


Good luck,




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08 Mar 2011 6:12 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Its now the 8th March and we have not been formally notified of the AGM on 31st March

Will any member of the committe viewing this site please arrange to put the question of the IBI bill discrepancy on the agenda


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09 Mar 2011 11:17 AM by GA Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message


I have reminded AEA that Owners are waiting for the official AGM notice.
I will also ask for the IBI subject to be included in the agenda.

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10 Mar 2011 9:53 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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I received email notification yesterday of the GM, along with the usual list of debtors, accounts, etc. Hard copies will have been (or soon will be) sent out.

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10 Mar 2011 5:08 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Letter to Patronato as drafted by Valentina and posted here for those wishing to contact the Council

Once again many thanks to Valentina


Patronato De Recaudación
Provincial De Malaga
C/Severo Ochoa 32 (P.T.A.)
29590 Campanillas
Estimados Señores,
Duquesa Village - Fase 1   CP 29692 Manilva
Estoy escribiéndole en nombre de los propietarios de la Fase 1 de la urbanización arriba mencionada, preocupados con respecto a las facturas de IBI que son con un 60% más altas en comparación con propiedades similares en otras fases de la urbanización. 
Al parecer el Patronato ha utilizado un valor catastral mucho más alto para los apartamentos de dos dormitorios de la primera fase de Duquesa Village en comparación con otros apartamentos de las demás fases.
No aparece ninguna diferencia en particular en la medida de los apartamentos y en las instalaciones disfrutadas.  
La oficina de Manilva nos ha aconsejado a través del departamento de extranjeros que para poder contestar las facturas del IBI del año pasado, cada propietario debe venir en persona y rellenar un formulario de queja y que los problemas se discutirán solo en español.   
Debo informarle que esto es un incumplimiento de las reglas de la UE y que el formulario de queja se debe entregar en inglés o que se acompañe de una traducción al inglés.
Como este problema está causando inquietud entre los propietarios y también se va a discutir en la Asamblea Anual General de la urbanización, le agradeceríamos una respuesta detallada a la mayor brevedad.


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