Internal Doors

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27 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I have a problem that I remember someone else mentioning but quite a while ago.

Some guests in our apartment have left loads of water on the floor in the bathroom.  This has soaked into the bottom of the bathroom door which has soaked it up and has warped.

Has anyone had to replace an internal door and if so can you let me know where they can be purchased from to match the existing doors.

Thanks in advance


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28 Jul 2011 1:16 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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I posted before about this issue but we didn't have to replace our doors as Angel who is foreman for Ros Y Falcon fixed them for us and then sealed them.  We contacted him via the office in the port though it was an effort to get past Maria down there.  I believe they can be bought from Leroy Merlin at La Canada though.

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