The Comments |
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Tann v Ml situation most of us felt very sorry for the Tann's- away from the resort and villified without recourse to response. I'm sure people who said and wrote nasty things will have their justification ready but I really feel for hte Tanns and think it must have been very difficult to return to their home after all the posting and mailshots. Whether they hold the high ground or not it was a very strange thing for ML to do when they posted all that information to every owner and felt very much like a coup as the target of their campaign was being undercut when not available to respond. Had anyone considered how the Tanns would feel about returning to their home, a place that should be their sanctuary, under such circumstances?
What ever the back story is I really do not think this situation was dealt with properly or, dare I say, professionally and as owners we pay ML to be professional.
By the by- incase anyone thinks my support, if that is what it is, is because P Tann and I are buddies forget it- never met him just feel very strongly this has really been handled badly and not to any credit to the resort.
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I think most people have a lot of sympathy for Lesley and Phil, but there's absolutely no acceptance of any wrongdoing on their part in this statement. Surely their public criticisms of ML on here is at least partly to blame for the current situation, and their failure to acknowledge that is just a tiny bit disingenuous IMO.
I wish them both well however, and hope they can move on and enjoy their life on CdA.
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We recently completed on Condado and I like to keep up to date with how everything is run although just relaxing with the family is the priority as I am sure is the case for many people.
I have followed with interest the posts regarding Mileniun and Phil Tann. Goodness, what lies beneath !
I have met Phil once and he was very helpful and seemed to be a perfectly amiable chap. By the same token, Mileniun have always been very helpful and accomodating when issues have been raised.
The 'release' some weeks ago by Mileniun was calculated and intended to cause maximum damage both personally and in his capacity as L1 President. That troubles me as the tail is clearly wagging the dog.
I now appear to have an L1 President who I neither know or had a hand in electing at a time when I was an owner and have a vested interest in the wellbeing of all matters concerning Condado (albeit recent)
If ever there was a time for a simple election process this is it.............
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Why should they? From what I know they didn't do anything wrong, all the rubbish ML posted was prue fiction or mistruth.
So you are suggesting that they got what they deserved as she dared to critise Mileniun? Do you think it's right that ML can target anyone who complains about them? ML control the comunications so how should people let the owner owners know whats really going on. There are some website who praise ML for every little thing, even if it has nowt to do with them, surely having a balanced view of event is better?
Take another look at the post about ML back in April, are you complaining about the content or how it was posted?
the post says there were problems with the insurance renewal and irrigation, it now seems these were all the truth.
As I posted last week Phil seems to be posting the information on the old community website for all to see ( I sent you the link and password )
if you look at the info on insurance it seems that ML lied to all the presidents tellig them they were getting three quotes then backtracked at the last minute and said they wouldn't get any quote as they were agents for Axa? All a bit dodgy if you ask me.
There are also copies of emails on the irrigation problems, seems ML didn'y bother to tell the presidents or do anything about the problems? Again is this what you what from a paid administrator?
I even looks like ML were given a written warning for their bad performance signed by ALL the level 2's
Without a way of contacting the owners directly how are these things supposed to be made known?
Personally if this happened in the UK with someone that worked for me I'd of sacked them by now!!
This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 09/09/2012.
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Maybe a simple presidential race voted by the owners might be popular but as I understand it changing any of the basic rules governing CdA requires nearly unanamous support...good luck there.
I had never given too much thought to the election process other than casting my vote by proxy.
I now understand you only have to be an owner to hold the position of level 1 president. Now I know how much time voluntary committee positions take up in small sports clubs. I cannot for the life of me see how someone who is not resident can do the Level 1 job effectively considering the vast nature of CdA and that the Level 1 is our "watchdog" of sorts. It seems cheque signing was a big issue for ML who want a Level 1 president to be able to present themselves at the office for signing whenever required. If you live and work 30-45mins drive away how does that work. It disturbs me to think that the effect of this change in level 1 will be less oversight of ML (through no fault of the new president) and a possible increased reliance on ML.
I would have preferred if another resident Level 2 had been appointed...I assume some of them must live on site.
And I certainly don't think Phil and Lesley should worry about the residents/owners attitudes towards them....they probably have more support than they realise.
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Whether or not they are guilty of any wrongdoing is for each individual to decide. What I might think is wrong and improper behaviour may well be perfectly acceptable to you and vice versa, so there are no 'rights' and 'wrongs' in this, just opinions.
Personally - and of course this is just my opinion - I believe they made a very big mistake publicly criticising ML on here. I thought it was unprofessional and wrong at the time, but of course I never thought for a second it would have been the catalyst for all of this. IMO our L1 president should not be washing our dirty washing in public like that for anyone and everyone to read. If Phil felt it was necessary to make the owners aware of the situation then proper channels of communication should have been followed. Of course it would in all probablilty have found its way on here eventually and be discussed, but the L1 has no control or responsibility for what other people write on a public forum.
Now of course you could say with some justification that ML acted equally unprofessionally in they way they reacted to that criticism, and on that point I'd agree. So the bottom line for me is that no-one has come out of this with any credit and from the outside looking in it's clear to me at least that both parties were at fault and should share some of the blame.
FWIW I've only met Phil once when I bought a TV box from him, and he came over to me as a thoughroughly decent bloke. Until this sorry episode I had no complaints about his presidency whatsoever. Indeed, if the L2 presidents had voted in his favour instead of ML's I would have had no problem with that decision either. But, rightly or wrongly, they chose the back ML. Only time will tell if that was the right decision, but now it's been made it's better now to take a step back and to at least give the new L1 president and ML a chance.
I've heard there are 'factions' already forming to try to oust the new L1 president, sadly along nationality lines. If this is true, it will be very damaging for the resort and all of us, IMO. The last thing we want or need is a English vs Spanish conflict, which seems to be where we may be heading.
Just my opinion.
This message was last edited by Cappielow on 09/09/2012.
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Ha ha, nice try Chaddy! :)
I asked for evidence that the only reason Phil was removed was because he's English as you claimed, which I still waiting for. Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath!
BTW, you were going to report back on how you got on when you visited the ML office. How did it go? Did you get the answers you were looking for? Did you look over the accounts from 2011?
This message was last edited by Cappielow on 09/09/2012.
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As you can probably gather, I am firmly on the side of P & LT in this episode. How some can liken a post from an individual on a website that is viewed by a limited amount of people to the full-blown assault by ML distributed far & wide (as a professional organisation ???) carried out against Phil & Lesley is beyond me. The blinkered (minority) contingent here choose to only see what they want to...........say no more.
I find it somewhat patronising to wish people well who you have been inderecty castigating with your earlier comments and 'opinions'.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Not surprised that they only provide a summary. I mentioned previously that I wouldn't expect ML to provide every detail to any owner who fronts up at their offices. That would basically be opening up all their files to any owner.
Its up to our presidents to make sure all the details are correct and ML is being efficient and upfront with their dealings. My worry is that the presidents will not have the time to do this, especially as the top dog is now off site. No reflection on the presidents really...the budget for CdA is big and there is a lot to look at.
If the presidents can't do it then they either ask for owners with appropriate experience to help them out (a finance committee type of thing that reports up to the presidents), or they hire someone to carry out independent regular auditing...someone with no conflicts of links to ML or the presidents.
Either way the spotlight, rightly or wrongly, is well and truly on the finances and the budgets of the community now. I will expect some pointed questions come AGM next year in regard to the information provided, and the timliness of the info.
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My heart goes out to both the Tann’s and I respect the dignity they have shown in this shameful attack on them both by these disgraceful people who call themselves professional. The truth will come out in the end. And for those that think I am saying this as a friend of theirs, you are correct and I am proud to consider them both as such and we should all be grateful for the work and sacrifice they have both done for our community.
I am myself a president in this community and was in my past life a Treasure for a National Charity in the UK, so I have a good understanding of accounting.
Phil as a person who has good technical and professional understanding was requiring ML to produce accounts that he and all Presidents can understand and could be presented in a clear way for all owners. He had made significant progress in achieving this and now it has all come to a complete stop.
I ask anyone who has professional understanding of accounts to ask to see the community accounts and see for yourself what information you are given.
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It takes a big person to hold your hand up and apologise that you got things wrong and commenting when not even bothering to investigate yourself the other side of the story.....I doubt very much whether the people that commented on here are actually man or woman enough to admit that they didn't bother to investigate themselves before giving their opinion on this forum and that fact that they got it so badly wrong
Cappielow investigate yourself don't ask others to do it.......!!!!
This message was last edited by smivs on 09/09/2012.
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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I have done exactly that smivs, and formulated my own opinion accordingly. I'm only suggesting others do the same.
To be honest, I'm not in the least bit interested in personality clashes, petty politics, national prejudices, personal egos, and who can pee the highest up the wall. All I want is the resort to be well ran and maintained and at a reasonable cost, nothing else. I think that on the whole Phil, ML and the other presidents delivered that and it's a real shame that that relationship broke down. But it did, and if the new L1 president and ML can continue to deliver the level of service we're now used to and maybe even enhance them, then I'll be satisfied. I'm sorry this opinion seems to have annoyed so many of you, but hey, I'll get over it. :)
Sheesh, you're a touchy lot, aren't you? :)
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Had you investigated properly you wouldn't be banging the 'ML' drum quite so hard, we have investigated and found such overwhelming evidence that I will not share on a public forum
I am not saying that it is ML as a company but some individuals within that Company have some very serious questions that need to be answered
Its not about being 'touchy' its about getting your facts right and like I say some will not be man or women enough to admit that they might just have got it a tad wrong..........
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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