Audited accounts for 2011 available for all to see

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31 Aug 2012 12:47 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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E-mail from ML...

Dear Owners,

To all you already registered in the website, we inform you that the summarized report of the accounts and financial situation of the community for the exercise 2011, produced by the company Auditeco, S.A. (prestigious auditors firm in the Region of Murcia) has been published (documents/ generic)

Should you wish to have a look on the entire report from the Audit, it is at your disposal in our offices from 10.00 to 13.00 hours.

If you are a new owner, notice that the Accounts of the community are audited for the exercises 2009-2010-2011 reflecting the financial status of the community.

The issue concerning the bills of 2009 of owners reported in the item 2, regarding the previous administrator, is being liaised successfully in 2012.  Therefore, the Audit Report 2012 will show the outcome of this matter.

The Administrator

No doubt some of you will still find something to moan about. ;)


This message was last edited by Cappielow on 31/08/2012.


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31 Aug 2012 12:53 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I don't trust the auditors (only kidding!)

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31 Aug 2012 4:15 PM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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Would it not be easier for everyone to see the accounts on their web page.Don't understand why you have to go into office

      Pat & Jackie  

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31 Aug 2012 4:16 PM by bluevelvet_77 Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

There we go, the moaning starts
How boring

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31 Aug 2012 5:14 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

What moaning? Can't people ask a question anymore?

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31 Aug 2012 5:18 PM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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Hi bluevelvet
Not moaning,just asking the question,surely a forum is for everyone to have an opinion.Maybe you think we should have censorship and only print happy stories

      Pat & Jackie  

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31 Aug 2012 5:53 PM by bluevelvet_77 Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

Well obviously if you can't see the full accounts on their web side there must be a reason so instead of moaning and saying "you don't understand " wait until Monday and call ML. There are the people who can actually give you an answer. Their English is good so you won't have any problems communicating with them.

And yes a forum is to ask questions and give opinions as long as you have the facts and the knowledge in the subject.

Let's not let our mind go wild. I know is Friday and people dont have anything better to do but at least we could all try.


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31 Aug 2012 5:56 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

Again, no-one is actually moaning!

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31 Aug 2012 6:00 PM by bluevelvet_77 Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

Ok Lynnp, have it your way. My mistake . I must have got Lost in translation.


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31 Aug 2012 6:34 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

31 Aug 2012 6:53 PM by JEB321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by JEB321 on 31/08/2012.


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31 Aug 2012 7:13 PM by JEB321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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I see they sent the commenatry from the auditors but there is absolutely no reason why they cannot send the numbers to all registered owners as well - asking us to go to the office to view them  is ridiculous, eccentric even. Why ?


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31 Aug 2012 8:35 PM by Beau Brummies Star rating in Birmingham and Jardi.... 176 forum posts Send private message

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Why would you want the accounts published over the internet or by e-mail ? Ridiculous.   They should be kept private and within Condado, and not left to chance to be viewed by non owners,  i doubt many would make head of tail of them anyway, maybe all them doom and gloomers out there will book an appointment to view them , don't hold your breath, they'll be looking for the next moan / winge . Give the rest of us a break , some of us actually like the place.


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31 Aug 2012 9:17 PM by bluevelvet_77 Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

Finally someone makes some sense . Accounts, Internet? Big fat NO

You are right Beau, there will be always be someone who will find something to moan/winge about and the rest will follow. Can't wait to see what is it gonna be this time!!!


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31 Aug 2012 10:19 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Some people may not be able to go to the office between 10am and 1pm!

Why should they not be sent out to owners private emails if requested?

Confidential information far more sensitive than this is sent daily around the world.

Let owners study the FULL accounts in detail in private and not just a SUMMARY of them!


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31 Aug 2012 10:22 PM by JEB321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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who said anything about publishing on the internet ? - and as far as understanding them methinks you do most owners a dis-service with that remark (and some of us are Accountants into the bargain !). Let us have them I say.

And as far as having to physically go to the office to see them, that's a joke, most owners are not there most of the time and what happens if 10 people go at the same, are you going to queue up like it's some sort of tourist attraction to view the accounts, it's totally ridiculous.

And by the way I happen to love the place, but I I am on the side of openess, transparency and being fully informed, after all, there is nothing to hide, is there ?


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31 Aug 2012 10:43 PM by JEB321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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(Blue velvet, whoa whoa)

She wore blue velvet (whoa whoa)
Bluer than velvet was the night (whoa whoa whoa)
Softer than satin was the light
From the stars

She wore blue velvet (whoa whoa)
Bluer than velvet were her eyes (whoa whoa whoa)
Warmer than May her tender sighs
Love was ours

Ours a love I held tightly,
Feeling the rapture grow
Like a flame burning brightly
But when she left, gone was the glow of

Blue velvet (whoa whoa)
But in my heart, there'll always be (whoa whoa whoa)
Precious and warm, a memory
Through the years
And I still can see blue velvet
Through my tears

She wore blue velvet (whoa whoa)
But in my heart, there'll always be (whoa whoa whoa)
Precious and warm, a memory
Through the years
And I still can see blue velvet
Through my tears

(Blue velvet, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

no you cannot have the accounts (whoa whoa whoa)

cos you may not understand

all those big numbers

and the terms

like debit, credit, asset, liability, cash or no cash in the bank

and I can still hear blue velvet through my ears


This message was last edited by JEB321 on 31/08/2012.


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31 Aug 2012 10:59 PM by Beau Brummies Star rating in Birmingham and Jardi.... 176 forum posts Send private message

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If you are an accountant you will agree that accounts are compex and possibly confusing to the average person otherwise you and your collegues would be out of work You may have an understanding of accounts but i'd imagine you'd be in the minority who actually understand them properly,  If they are in the office to view then surely thats transparent enough, if anyone is that bothered they'll go in the office and view them instead of enjoying themselves,  don't worry too much about the queue, there won't be one, we may just get the odd handful of people viewing, probably   leading to more consiracy theories on EOS,  I own a manufacturing company, doesn't make me brains of Britain , i'll give them a miss next time i'm over and just enjoy some friends company and a cold beer  instead 


This message was last edited by Beau Brummies on 31/08/2012.


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31 Aug 2012 11:07 PM by JEB321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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if I am an Accountant - you doubt me ? And right I'm going to book a ticket and hop on the next plane to go see them , (like going to see another Spanish holy monument/document, I am laughing my ears off here) get real for goodness sake. An email with an attachment will do the job fine, this is the 21st century isn't it ?


This message was last edited by JEB321 on 31/08/2012.


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31 Aug 2012 11:16 PM by Beau Brummies Star rating in Birmingham and Jardi.... 176 forum posts Send private message

Beau Brummies´s avatar

I couldn't care less whether you are or not, now you got me laughing , like youre profession is  some big deal.  Why should they be e-mailed? i wouldn't be happy with my accountant if he did the same, if your that bothered view them when your next over , correct me if i'm wrong but i think they have to keep them for a while ? , problem solved big shot  or does the world evolve around  accountants ?


This message was last edited by Beau Brummies on 31/08/2012.

This message was last edited by Beau Brummies on 31/08/2012.


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