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Hi Geoff
There is a bike shop in Alhama de Murcia on the road that takes you into Alhama from Condado, I can't remember the name but it's at the other side of the roundabout as if you were going into the town centre. I'm not sure how cheap it is but if you go to Thader near IKEA there is a hugh sports shop named Decathlon (or something similar to that) and this shop sells lots of bikes and will probably be cheaper than the shop in Alhama.
Good luck
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You could also have a look at sports direct depending on how quickly you want it. We had a couple of bikes shipped out in June - only 7.99 delivery - and they took about 5 days to arrive at cda. David
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Geoff Hello
On your way into the Port there is a new bike shop on the opposite side of the road to Lidl, it sits back nestled in between various other shops including some banks.
Although small, we got a spare tyre and tube and the guys in there were very helpfull.
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Also another bike shop futher into Mazarron port, is on the right hand side after the traffic ights where you turn down to the underground car park at the beach.
Chap was very helpful even though he spoke little english.
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Hi Geoff, I bought some mountain bikes from Carrefour: aluminium frames, double suspension, Shimano gears, prices very reasonable. They have made it up and down some trails in the Sierra Espuna so tried and tested!
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About 30mins drive towards Cartegena on the A30 (?) you have a large industrial/retail park on the left with a Decathlon and a Carrefour, both do bikes, and if you drive up to the back of that estate there is also a large bike place within the industrial estate bit
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