Electrical Box & Stray Dogs

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20 Aug 2012 12:53 PM by MORGAN7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I have just arrived on CDA and found the 6ft electrical box situated between penthouse block 4 and naranjos 7 smashed down all across the pavement.... Any Ideas how this happended anyone???How long it has been damaged and when it is likley to be repaired????

Also please beware of 2 large angry dogs running wild, They scared the living daylights out of my youngsters when they were chased into the apartment... Not sure if wild,stray or owned either way fouling and obvious dangers aside not the best of welcomes on our first day. Will let Millineium Levante/Security be aware to keep an eye out before someone gets bitten.


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20 Aug 2012 1:31 PM by marit13 Star rating in fife scotland . 97 forum posts Send private message

Electric box damaged due to traffice accident according to this weeks mileniun email.



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20 Aug 2012 7:12 PM by MORGAN7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

 Cheers, I havnt had this months email.. The driver must have been going at some speed (or been drinking??) The electrical box is situated on the pavement.. Thanks anyway, Just curious!!

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20 Aug 2012 7:35 PM by jonew Star rating in Leeds & Los Naranjos.... 95 forum posts Send private message

jonew´s avatar
The electrical box was damaged last Monday night at 11.50pm, a large 4x4 vehicle hit a parked car first and then went the wrong way round the roundabout and straight into the box. Security were on the scene quickly and then an ambulance appeared and took either 1 or 2 youngsters off to hospital for check ups. The police also arrived and breathalysed the middle aged English female driver, after a couple of hours of numerous breath test re takes and phones calls to family by the driver she was arrested and the car towed away.

We heard the bang of the accident and then ran out to see the box in pieces and the car engine smoking and severely damaged, it was obviously travelling at some speed to do the damage it did.

From what we could hear the driver was not staying on condado and was from another development nearby.

It did cause quite a crowd though and there were people running from all directions to assist find out what was going on before the police arrived.

"No Guts No Glory" Go Canucks Go

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20 Aug 2012 9:07 PM by MORGAN7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Glad nobody was injured. Makes you think when walking of a night time if some people are driving like idiots or whilst drunk. They must think it is a private road which it isnt - The law still applies!!!

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20 Aug 2012 10:27 PM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

I wonder which other development the driver came from? I think I can guess! The one where the police don't patrol and the Council refuse to adopt the roads. JF

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20 Aug 2012 10:47 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


I hope the stray dog is caught soon. It is worrying for parents walking round the resort with young children to be potentially faced with a dangerous dog.

  Mark Bentley

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