Stolen Items

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20 Aug 2012 10:54 PM by spanishflee Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

I would like to know if anyone on CDA has had any problems with items being stolen from the pool areas?

My daughter who is on CDA has had 5 large beach towels, all their suntans lotions stolen from our poolside (Penthouse 9) along with another resident who has had their sun bed taken from the same pool.

I have been on CDA from the begining and have never had an issue with security, up until now that is.

Would welcome any feedback.

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20 Aug 2012 10:56 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


Go on someone blame Phil Tann - he has been blamed for everything else this past week!!

  Mark Bentley

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20 Aug 2012 11:03 PM by barbararollett0902 Star rating. 128 forum posts Send private message

friends of ours in a ground floor penthouse have had both their sunbeds stolen from the front terrace this past week. have you reported it to the security and m/l?

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21 Aug 2012 12:12 AM by Gedandkathryn Star rating in Crewe and Los Naran.... 120 forum posts Send private message

I saw a post in the last week or so saying sun loungers were pinched from N8 along with someone on N7 (I think) having their washing machine pinched.

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21 Aug 2012 8:20 AM by spanishflee Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

Wel I certainly dont blame Phil T or ML, both parties are blameless in this !

But I do get livid that someone or a few are pinching things from uson site, it puts a mistrust on your fellow owners. Now it could be a owner or a rental, just keep a look out for you possesions

Lets hope we can catch them

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21 Aug 2012 12:46 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Lock everything up and where possible get things inside. Don't imagine there wont be people who stroll about looking and watching, it's very niave to think free standing items won't get stolen.



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