The truth about the new trees / La verdad acerca de los nuevos árboles

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17 Sep 2012 4:40 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Dear Owners,

On the 9th of August Mileniun sent out a cowardly and libellous letter to all the owners making a number of untrue allegations against me whilst I was out of the country on vacation and unable to reply.

One of those allegations was that :-


Phillip Tann orders changing the distribution criterion which was studied by professionals and was intended to give equality to every gardens landscaping. To date, we lack landscaping in several gardens due to these changes.”


Here is the truth of that matter.

On September the 19th 2011 the presidents voted to plant additional trees in the gardens to improve the image of the resort and to provide additional shade. A budget of €30,000, to be taken from the reserve fund, was agreed which would provide approximately 300 new trees to be planted the following spring.

On Thursday March 1st 2012 Mileniun sent the presidents the proposal from STV for the planting in their specific garden which they stated would start on the following Monday, March 5th.

Unfortunately the original proposed number of trees per garden ( dated the 9th and 29th Aug 2011  ) seemed to be based purely on the garden size and took no account of the current planting within each garden. As you all know not all gardens were planted to a similar level and some, such as the old show garden – J12,  had a far denser planting than the other gardens. 

An informal level 2 meeting was called for that weekend and it was decided that the number should be recalculated to take into account not only the garden size but also the existing planting. That weekend three presidents visited every garden and took a count of all the existing trees. This showed that there were huge differences in the existing planting. For example J5 and J7 are the same size but J5 had 47 existing trees and J7 only 25.

On Tuesday March the 6th a meeting was held, attended by five presidents, Alejandro Cardona García the head technician from STV and Agustin and Ana from Mileniun. After much discussion the following was agreed.

Alejandro, who knew the exact sizes of each garden, calculated the average number of trees per square meter for each garden. This was then used to calculate the number of new trees that should be planted.

For all those gardens that had below the average number of trees, new trees were allocated to bring them up to the average.

Once this had been done the remaining trees were allocated to each garden depending on garden size, this was to ensure that ALL gardens got some additional tress around the pool areas to provide much needed shade.

On March 9th, Mileniun sent an email to all the presidents explaining how the new distribution had been calculated 

So, the alegation made by Mileniun was completely untrue. The redistribution of the trees was discussed at level 2 then agreed in a meeting attended by five presidents, STV and Mileniun, with the calculations being carried out by the technician from STV. These changes were made to ensure that those gardens with sparse planting were allocated extra trees to narrow the differential between them and those gardens that already had more trees than average.

Of course there are still gardens that have more trees than others but this could only of been corrected by either removing trees from those gardens and re-transplanting them to other gardens or planting more trees in the sparse gardens than the budget allowed.

The disparity of planting across the resort is not a matter that can be rectified in a single year, this will require other exercises such as the above that could take place as and when the budget allows.

I intend to address all allegations individually and will be sending my answers with the relevant emails for proof shortly. I hope as the truth is disclosed you will see how Mileniun manipulated events for their own political purposes.Regards

Phillip Tann


Estimados Propietarios,

El 9 de agosto Mileniun envió una carta cobarde y difamatoria a todos los propietarios que hacen una serie de acusaciones falsas contra mí mientras yo estaba fuera del país de vacaciones y no puede responder.

Una de esas denuncias fue que :-

“Phillip órdenes Tann cambiando el criterio de distribución que fue estudiado por profesionales y tenía por objeto dar igualdad a todos los jardines jardines. Hasta la fecha, carecemos de jardinería en varios jardines debido a estos cambios “.

Aquí está la verdad de este asunto.

En septiembre de 2011 la 19 ª los presidentes votaron para plantar más árboles en los jardines para mejorar la imagen de la estación y para proporcionar sombra adicional. Un presupuesto de 30.000 €, que se ejecutará desde el fondo de reserva, se acordó que proporcionaría aproximadamente 300 nuevos árboles para ser plantados en la primavera siguiente.

El jueves 01 de marzo 2012 Mileniun envió a los presidentes de la propuesta de STV para plantar en su jardín específica que indica que comenzará el próximo lunes, 5 de marzo.

Por desgracia, el número original propuesta de árboles por jardín (con fecha del 9 al 29 de agosto 2011 ) parece basarse exclusivamente en el tamaño del jardín y no tuvo en cuenta la siembra actual dentro de cada jardín. Como todos ustedes saben que no todos los jardines fueron plantados a un nivel similar y algunos, como el jardín espectáculo edad – J12 tenía una plantación mucho más densa que los otros jardines.

Una reunión informal de nivel 2 fue llamado para ese fin de semana y se decidió que el número debe ser recalcados para tener en cuenta no sólo el tamaño, sino también el jardín de la plantación existente. Ese fin de semana tres presidentes visitaron todos los jardines y dio un recuento de todos los árboles existentes. Esto mostró que no había grandes diferencias en la plantación existentes. Por ejemplo J5 y J7 son del mismo tamaño pero J5 tenía 47 árboles existentes y J7 sólo 25.

El martes 06 de marzo se celebró una reunión, al que asistieron cinco presidentes, Alejandro Cardona García el técnico jefe de STV y Agustín y Ana de Mileniun. Después de mucha discusión se acordó lo siguiente.

Alejandro, que conocía las medidas exactas de cada jardín, se calculó el número promedio de árboles por metro cuadrado para cada jardín. Este se utilizó entonces para calcular el número de nuevos árboles que deben ser plantadas.

Para todos aquellos jardines que tenía debajo de la media de los árboles, los árboles nuevos se destinaron a llevarlos hasta la media.

Una vez que esto se ha hecho de los árboles restantes se asignaron a cada jardín dependiendo del tamaño del jardín, este era asegurarse de que todos los jardines tiene alguna adicional árboles cerca de la piscina para dar sombra muy necesaria.

El 9 de marzo, Mileniun envió un correo electrónico a todos los presidentes que explican cómo la nueva distribución se había calculado 

Por lo tanto, la alegación hecha por Mileniun era completamente falso. La redistribución de los árboles se debatió a nivel 2, entonces se acordó en un encuentro al que asistieron cinco presidentes, STV y Mileniun, con los cálculos que se llevan a cabo por el técnico de STV. Estos cambios se hicieron para asegurar que los jardines con la plantación de árboles dispersos se asignaron adicionales para reducir la diferencia entre ellos y los jardines que ya contaban con más árboles que la media.


Por supuesto, todavía hay jardines que tienen más árboles de los demás, pero esto podría sólo ha corregido ya sea por la eliminación de los árboles de los jardines y volver a trasplantar a otros jardines o la plantación de más árboles en los jardines dispersos que el presupuesto permitido.


La disparidad de la siembra en todo el complejo no es un asunto que puede ser rectificado en un solo año, esto requerirá otros ejercicios como los anteriores que pudieran tener lugar como se lo permita el presupuesto.


Tengo la intención de hacer frente a todas las denuncias de forma individual y va a enviar mis respuestas a los correos electrónicos relevantes para la prueba en breve. Espero que la verdad se revela verás cómo Mileniun manipulado los eventos para sus propios fines políticos.



Phillip Tann



This message was last edited by ptan on 19/09/2012.









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17 Sep 2012 7:04 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Pin you lug holes back people!!!!


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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17 Sep 2012 8:36 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Exactly what I was banging the drum about months ago . You don't need to be a Philadelphia lawyer to understand simple arithmetic.

We might now be finally seeing some truths emerge.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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17 Sep 2012 10:38 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Like we said before Billbo none so deaf as those who dont want to here..

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18 Sep 2012 9:46 AM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by dwinder72 on 18/09/2012.


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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18 Sep 2012 8:36 PM by matryd Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

18 Sep 2012 9:59 PM by svh Star rating in Sandvika, Norway and.... 39 forum posts Send private message

matryd - Why should this be dropped? It should be in the interest of all owners at Condado to know if ML is running the resort as they should. We have trusted them with a lot of responsibility, and a lot of money. They work for us, not the other way around. I had no reason not to trust ML before I witnessed the way they handled the matter with PT, but after that one could suspect they have something to hide. Either that or they are just highly unprofessional. Either way it’s quite a serious matter. I hope the truth will come out, and I will certainly book a flight ticket to attend the next AGM.

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19 Sep 2012 8:00 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

SVH. Exactly. Do we consider ourselves requested or told here by matyrd to 'drop it' ? ...............You wish mate !

Apathy & acceptance are exactly what anyone who carries out these sort of actions wants to see. A little bit of a powder puff protest, then carry on with the hidden agenda unchallenged. Look at the rights & wrongs of each party whichever way you wish, but nobody can deny that a meeting called at such short notice to ensure that only those that sympathised with the ML agenda would be able to have an influence on the vote is just not acceptable.

I have a very vested interest here, as I have campaingned relentlessly over this issues of trees in gardens/pools etc. and for one, certainly want to find out the truth of this individual matter just for starters.  So, I have not dropped it in 2 years or more and I am not going to drop it now matyrd. I am not one for easily being walked over. Part of this means bringing it to others attention in whichever way posible. EOS is a very good vehicle.  If you don't like that, then don't read the posts.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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19 Sep 2012 4:51 PM by lamangaclub Star rating in La Manga Club Resort. 79 forum posts Send private message

 I am not an owner at CDA but I think I have quite some professional and private interest in the resort. May I ask all of you to stop this kind of threads on EOS please, you are only doing harm to the resort and to yourn investment! Rupert, Quality Homes Costa Calida at Al Kasar

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19 Sep 2012 5:33 PM by CondadoHope Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message


As much as i agree it somewhat leaves a stain on the resort the alternative is unacceptable.

Alot of people do not see transparency and a forum is to discuss ALL situations.

I do not agree with all the posters on here but defend their right to do so.

I think personel attacks are wrong and people should behave in a correct manor.

But when adminidtrators think that its ok for them to attack someone in person then that person has the right to defend himselve by all the means he can. (wether I agree or not)

The post written here to me clearly shows that the allegation against him on this issue alone was not true and he has prouded evidence to back this up.. all that was asked of him

I know that it can end in this situation but once the can is open!!!!!!!!! it cant be closed because some people dont like it.

the best thing for the resort and you Business is to sort this mess out but I feel that this will take time and we will have much more to come.

Good luck and I hope you can thrive on our community


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19 Sep 2012 5:45 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message


Surely, if the resort is under the control of the members, run honestly and professionaly, it could only enhance the owners' investment.


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19 Sep 2012 7:08 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Peter,

You're making a VERY big assumption there that if was under control of the members it would be done 'professionally and honestly'. In fact I fear exactly the the opposite would be the case as I believe the resort is way too big to be managed by well meaning amateurs. And to be brutally honest, going by the frankly nasty and aggresive attutude of some on here, I wouldn't trust them with my TV remote control never mind my property investment.


This message was last edited by Cappielow on 19/09/2012.

This message was last edited by Cappielow on 19/09/2012.


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19 Sep 2012 8:07 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

I believe that you are vastly underestimating the capabilities of your neighbours.  I understand that you recognise your own limitations, but, please, do not judge others by them.  You only have to look a few miles (kms) down the road from CdA, at the Mazarron Country Club, to see how an urbanisation can be run, honestly and responsibly, by a few 'well meaning amateurs'.  Admittedly, it is not the size of CdA, but it is hardly insignificant at nearly 1000 homes.



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19 Sep 2012 8:14 PM by dwinder72 Star rating in North Manchester /Ja.... 54 forum posts Send private message

I completely agree with Rupeet and Cappielow, enough is enough.
By all means fight your good fight but do you have to wash your dirty linen in public? And do we all have to be privy to all of it?
Rightly or wrongly it comes across as if some members on here are merely voicing off as one of their mates has been put in his place and the issue is no longer about what ML should be focussing on and allowing transparency in their actions, but now it seems the only issue is clearing the name of our ex level 1 president.
Which if that's what you want to do then fine, but at what cost? At what point do you take a long hard look at yourselves and think maybe the way you are going about things is causing further unrest and problems.


'Up here for thinking..down there for dancing'

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19 Sep 2012 8:35 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Ahhh, come on now..........  What's wrong with a little irresponsible freedom of expression; have you never watched Prime Minster’s Questions on a Wednesday afternoon?


The problem with a 'closed' forum is that you're at the mercy of the, never, impartial moderator - one side will always, with good reason, feel put upon.  You will stifle freedom of expression.


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19 Sep 2012 8:47 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Ha ha Peter, there's absolutely nothing wrong with recognising your own limitations. In fact, I strongly recommend you and your pals try it. :)


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19 Sep 2012 9:09 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Which pals are they?  Do you mean the 'well meaning amateurs' who couldn't be trusted to act 'professionally and honestly'; the ones that you have such a high estimation of that you wouldn't trust them with your TV remote control?

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19 Sep 2012 9:18 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

And, as a parting note, I'll leave you with this quote:

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

Now!!  I'm off down the pub

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19 Sep 2012 9:21 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Nice quote Peter, but it's not my abilities I'm worried about. ;)


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19 Sep 2012 11:05 PM by svh Star rating in Sandvika, Norway and.... 39 forum posts Send private message


I agree with Cappielow. A resort of this size should be run by professionals. That’s why I was so shocked to see how ML handled the situation with the former level 1 president. What they displayed there was nothing even close to professionalism.

We are so far a young resort. Cutting the grass, changing some light bulbs, replacing a few tiles, picking up litter etc. will keep the resort looking good. But age is starting to show already, and the painting of the whole resort is planned to start next year is it? I have not seen the figures, but I assume that we are talking about a few million euros. Are the funding ready for this? This is one of many important issues that should be addressed. If we are not able to meet these requirements, then we will really experience “
harm to the resort and our investment”. Far more serious than what can be caused by a few messages on EOS.

I hope we have the right presidents, and the professional administrators to do the job, but after the recent events I’m not sure. I really enjoy every minute I spend at Condado, I hope that will continue for many years to come.

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