the main road through san cayetano has been left with very very overgrown tough weeds to stick out into the road. these
a) obstruct your view while driving approaching a bend
b) cause road users on either side to move further towards the middle of the road increasing the likelyhood of an accident.
The bins are normally collected each night and every night of the year -- EXCEPT IN AUGUST WHEN THE HEAT IS AT A PEAK AND THE FLIES MULTIPLY AT THEIR MAXIMUM RATE!!!
Both problems are a result of the neglect and disgraceful attitiude of the council/ayuntamiento of Torre Pacheco. They have
a) cut and trimmed all the roads' problem weeds and overgrown organic matter throughout the perimeter of the village -- but have ingnored the main central road/route through the village / Calle Primera
b) the council have advised the bin collection company/contractors (who use alternative people in August because the normal collectors/personnel are on holidays) not to collect the rubbish from THE TARAY DEVELOPMENT every night but ONLY THE SAN CAYETANO VILLAGE.
The explanation i have received from the bin men was that their bosses have advised them that WE HAVE NOT PAID FOR NIGHTLY COLLECTIONS --- ONLY FOR EVERY 2ND NIGHT.
I advised them that we receive NIGHTLY COLLECTIONS for the entire year EXCEPT AUGUST when the human resources/personnel are changed but they were powerless to offer to change their routine from 2nd nights only. They will still collect rubbish from SAN CAYETANO the original village elements every night though... Only the Taray developement will not receive this service.
If you think both of these neglections are faithful to your payments to the Council/Ayuntamiento of Torre Pacheco, do nothing. If however, like me you feel ripped off and discriminated against, then i would advise that you take this matter up with the council/ayuntamiento of Torre Pacheco and/or the mayor who should respond and feel responsible to explain why we are 2nd rate citizens of San Cayetano despite being forced to pay taxes to cover these charges (normally found as Basuras on your water bills).