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Why would they want you passport number on the proxy form twice shed some light on it please
Spam post or Abuse? Please let us know
Haven't got a clue - don't shoot the messenger
To make live hard to give a proxy in the hope that many won't bother.
The law states ;-
Section 15 1. Unit owners may attend meetings of the general assembly in person or by legal or voluntary representation, for which a written proxy signed by the unit owner is sufficient accreditation
So that is all that is required, Mileniun cannot legally refuse to accept this. Proxy vote summitted on the day will have to be accepted as they were last Saturday.
Also regarding renters, Section 15 goes on to state :-
Where a unit is held in usufruct, the unit owner or landlord shall be entitled to attend and vote, but, unless otherwise stated, shall be presumed to be represented by the tenant or usufructuary. However, express representation shall be required for resolutions referred to in the First rule of section 17 concerning work for extraordinary repairs or improvements.
So renters should not be turned away as they were last week without being given a reasonable reason.
Anyone have any information on whether anyone stood for Jardines 8?
Thank you, we asked ML who was standing but they never got back to us.
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