What's the truth about CdA, ML and the AGM?

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19 Nov 2012 5:36 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Completely lost regarding the situation on the present state of CDA finances and who should be doing what and who is standing for President roles in the upcoming AGM.

Have no interest in talking down the resort, I like it and am pleased its growing and developing. I am not foolish enough to think ML had much to do with the recent good developments of Al Kasar but they pay the bills of the gardeners etc- so that keeps the place looking good.


Find people are either completely on ML's side or absoloutly are not- so very little middle ground. That leaves many of us  not knowing whats going on. becaue we seem to be getting biased veriws from all



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19 Nov 2012 6:01 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

I have to agree with you there Tony.

There are so many people with hidden agendas and ulterior motives, I just don't know who to believe any more.


Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...

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19 Nov 2012 8:00 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

 " but they pay the bills of the gardeners etc- so that keeps the place looking good."

Actually Tony, the owners pay all the bills, the level 2 presidents sign all the cheques an ML prepare them for us to sign then give them to the contractors.    The best thing to do is read all the info you have, read the info sent for AGM then ask specific questions.




Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

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19 Nov 2012 9:15 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message




“But they pay the bills of the gardeners etc. - so that keeps the place looking good."

But is it the gardeners that are causing the damage to the Jardin lights. Many say it is. So what is ML doing about it?

I do not want weekly photos of the repaired lights that must be costing us all a small fortune on a yearly basis

ML should be finding out if it is the lack of care & attention by the gardeners. & if so replace the gardeners & get people who take a greater care and have pride in the work they do.

If it isn’t then ML should have been asking questions about this on-going fiasco long before now & taking those responsible to task.

As Phill rightly says it is US that pay the bills & I do not want to see that we are continually paying for some thing that happens on a regular basis

ML get it sorted.



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 19/11/2012.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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19 Nov 2012 10:47 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I know we owners pay the bills- my meaning was that Ml's job is to manage that process, but we should be managing them. But they should be managing all the financial aspects not just paying the gardeners, road cleaners, refuse collectors. They should be collecting debts too from non payers of the community charge. I know this process has started but they were very slow and it sems we are a long way from getting money in from these debtors.

By the by why has no-one had to remove anything that is against the 'community rules'- sky dishes, brown gates and brown upvc wall dividers, the 'cow shed' in J9 (I think) as well as a variety of other inappropriate additions I see around the resort . Is this all never to be addressed- if so I'm seriously considering enclosing my pergola on the roof as its a good size for a 3rd bedroom? These are all issues Ml should be dealing with along with properly managing how our money is spent.

The info I'm reading is very contradictory and unless people on the CdA Services website have rose tinted glasses on why do they not see the wrong doing other people declare has happened?



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19 Nov 2012 11:34 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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ML are making the gardens pretty and the lights light up because that is easy to do with no fuss.

They only confront someone when they are challenged on their inadequacies' and shortcomings of which they have quite a few.

Go ahead and paint your pergola bright pink and add another storey to it to make some further space, I am sure that ML wont see it as long as you dont light it up or cover it with grass!!!

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20 Nov 2012 8:25 AM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Is the core issue the failure of the presidents to reach a consensus?

We as owners put money into the resort. We elect presidents to act on our behalf. Part of that responsibility is to manage the administrators. From what I see there is a major divide in the opinions of the presidents for whatever reason. If they were able to put up a united front then they would have the strength to deal with the administrators in our interests.

So why is there a divide in the opinion of the presidents? Why can't they agree if they are all supposed to be acting in the interests of the resort and therefore have a shared goal?

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20 Nov 2012 9:34 AM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 forum posts Send private message

The fact is that administrators that go in pursuit of total control are experts at being divisive, they know full well that on an urbanisation of such a size..... even ours at 750 homes, it takes an enormous effort to rally owners into action. They become very manipulitive and make no mistake know how to spin a good story.

When we were elected 3 years ago we tried very hard to work with our then administrator but it became increasingly obvious that he had not the slightest interest in our situation only his own. Eventually after a false resignation the community dismissed him via an EGM .

If you don't fancy self administration and I have to say on such a large urbanisation,  with  a small % of full time residents it would mean considerable effort and time by a few,  it would be a challenge. Your only other option is to vote down the administrator and then negotiate with him a different approach to their task and a clear order of heirachy with the President(s) at the head...just as outlined in HPL.

It would also be a useful tool to strip them of power by electing a secretary from the community who then has absolute right to hold, or if that is not thought necessary, have total access to ALL community documents and importantly the minutes book, that also puts the community in control of putting together an agenda, the papers and the timing of issuing communications of all types to the owners.  At this late stage with the agenda complete and in place you will probably need to organise an EGM to elect the secretary.

I am not making this stuff up, it is born out of our experience and and should your deposed Administrator ( if you can win the vote)does not accept the new conditions and method of operation then you will need to change them. Never lose sight of the fact that the administrator is your employee and will still carry out all the tasks he does today but under your control and with your priorities.

Good luck



This message was last edited by Fighter2 on 20/11/2012.

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20 Nov 2012 11:52 AM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I think this whole situation has been handled very badly.

It all went wrong when a group of people who include Ptan, Chaddyowl, SMIVS, Fighter2 and a few others, started making negative comments towards our administrators. Now I read this forum every hour and I have done for 6 years and even I could not understand what these people were saying or why they were saying it. After openly questioning them I received a PM which explained why they held these views.

I don’t know if this information is correct or not, it came from one of the anti ML people so it could be biased or false, but I really don’t know so I am not taking any sides.

I think that the “Anti ML Crew”, have polarised opinions by coming on this forum with insinuations and vague accusations, without fully explaining why they hold these beliefs. A lot of people, who were not aware of the facts, then thought that it was “sour grapes” for what happened to PT and they sided with ML.

I really don’t know who is right? However if you are looking to vote against ML, then I think you have left it too late. EOS readers probably only represent about 10% of owners. Out of those EOS readers 15% agree with you, 15% disagree with you and 70% have not got a clue what is going on. Is this going to give you enough votes for a “vote of no confidence?”

I have no doubt that potential buyers reading this forum, have been put off buying on the resort, this is stopping the resort from growing and prolonging the day that I can sell. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Would it not be possible for the “Anti ML Crew” to lay their cards on the table and write on this thread their reasons why they believe ML should go? Then all readers of this thread are in full possession of the facts and can make more of an informed judgement.

I am not against any of the "Anti ML Crew", I am sure they are simply fighting for what they believe. I am simply trying to speak up for the casual EOS reader, who will be totally bewildered by all this.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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20 Nov 2012 2:03 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 forum posts Send private message

You misrepresent me; I am not an owner, I have never met nor know anything about the company ML or any of the Presidents or owners that comment here and have made that clear in many of my posts,
My input has been as a result of all the signs that I have seen through this forum over a period of time:
  • The incredible email sent to all owners denegrating their elected President....totally unprofessional
  • The refusal to provide current accounts and financial position to your President and other owners.. ..a key issue
  • Insisting that all proxies have a copy passport ... not required by HPL and for what purpose, do they actually know each owner by picture?
  • The requirement for proxies to be returned to them.....HPL specifies that an owner can nominate anyone to represent them at an AGM and vote on their behalf.
  • The inconsistent provision of all the AGM documents including Agenda and proxy forms in a timely fashion to all owners..... It is true HPL says 6 days is the minimum but it is inexcusable to give the minimum service allowed surely.
  • The balance sheet that portrays a truly false financial position ..... a balance sheet should be acompanied with notes of explanation.
  • The proxy form that does not allow the owner to vote on each agenda item.... ours do and it should be standard.

That is not an exhaustive list but is so so symptomatic of our situation 3 years ago where the existing committee and president were totally taken over by the administrator and new nothing of the real situation of our finances or our service providersdebts. Our financial situation turned out to be dire indeed, we had debts of €170,000 to our suppliers, we had community fee collections of approx 60% of the theoretical number, court cases knocking on the door for unpaid debts, much larger bills for services than we have now from the same suppliersbut now with better results....I could go on.

Suffice to say there are so many similarities that I decided to warn you of the problems that will occur if you allow an Administrator to assume control and bypass the elected owners, we also had the self serving writing to the owners from the administrator, the last of which was 6 pages long and it transpired there was more truth in a bond movei!!

Don't let apathy allow the same result at Condado, the road back for you will be much tougher.




This message was last edited by Fighter2 on 20/11/2012.

This message was last edited by Fighter2 on 20/11/2012.

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