New Condado developments

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19 Jan 2013 10:03 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

It has been posted on the Condado de Alhama Services site that that in conjunction with the local council the lake around La Isla is to be reduced by 25%, additional planting is to be created around the lake and a restaurant, play area and a boat dock is to be developed on the edge of the ring road bordering the lake. In part this will reduce the amount of water required to keep the lake full and looking good and also it will provide some additional facilities to this part of CdA. Apparently work is soon to start..

If this news is accurate I think it sounds a really positive step forward for our resort.



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19 Jan 2013 11:10 AM by LizzieB Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Looks good but I thought only residents of La Isla could enter La Isla so how can other Condado residents make use of the restaurant etc


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19 Jan 2013 1:43 PM by moalan Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

  Hi all, yes it does look good what they are going to do on La Isla, but who's paying for all this are we on Condado going to have to pay for the lake been filled partly in and new tree, is it still going to be off limits to us people on Condado When completed



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19 Jan 2013 2:10 PM by underpar Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

As you can see form the plan, the proposed area would be outside of La Isla, to the right of the entrance where the levelled dirt ground is and between the ring road and the lake. It's mainly car parking, child play areas, sports courts and a restaurant.

The CDA Services blogs are often made with rose-tinted specs so don't assume it will happen. Presumably the Town Hall will be asking Polaris to build this and if Polaris refuse are the Town Hall going to quickly step in and build it?

Be good for Condado as a whole if it happens but don't assume it's going to definitely happen or as quickly as indicated.

Nice though to see that the Town Hall are looking at ways to improve Condado or put it nearer to the image that Polaris sold everyone.

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19 Jan 2013 2:41 PM by Johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 forum posts Send private message

 the water being used to keep golf courses and lakes is draining the aquifer. That's why there's been earthquakes in the region.

How many people use the golf courses and the lake ?..........and the cost is on the community charge

wouldn't cactus gardens with minimum use of water reduce bills for everyone on Condado ?

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19 Jan 2013 3:09 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

It seems the council have something to do with these developments- don't they maintain the outer ring road now and didnt the lake become a public domain last year?  The Restaurant and play area and boats on the lake would be accessible to everyone- and that includes the general public which could bring in trade and no doubt will be good for all the businesses at Al Kasar too. They are on the ring road so not in La Isla.

Originally there would have been a large shopping mall on this proposed area and boats on the lake as well as a ferry too and from La Isla all of which would have been open to the public. So this development, if it happens, is smaller than those options but a good addition to CdA.

The lake isnt used at the moment and doesnt always have sufficient water and it leaks so hopefully this improvement would make it much more manageable and eco friendly than it presently is... Not sure that any of this will affect the community charge as it may be funded through the council as its a resource for the locality.. Don't think any developments on CdA are anything to do with Polaris anymore as they own nothing of the resort anymore.

Maybe someone more info can comment on who'd be paying for this development.



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19 Jan 2013 10:06 PM by tashajohn Star rating in Co.Kerry Ireland and.... 93 forum posts Send private message

Dear johnmcmahon,I never new that water has something to do with earthquakes. I was told in school An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane.
And to all the people who only see the negativ side, stop complaining, be happy and think positiv!!!

And dear underpar, there is no need for the nasty comment on The CDA service blog. They just share the news they got with us and try to make us see what great place we have. No need to be sarcastic about it. 

This message was last edited by tashajohn on 19/01/2013.

Apartment 4 Rent @

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19 Jan 2013 11:10 PM by Johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 forum posts Send private message

 SE Spain isn't on any tectonic plate boundary


but all the irrigation is water extracted from the aquifer......a reservoir rock containing water deposited there about 10. years ago

as water is extracted the rock becomes an empty honeycombe which collapses


This caused the recent 'quake in Lorca ........and was responsible for the the tremor epicentred on Casas Blances several years ago

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20 Jan 2013 4:43 PM by beebeetay Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message

I don't want to cause an arguement so please don't jump on me but my sister is an environmental scientist and says that it is not just aquifer extraction that has caused the earthquakes otherwise Las Vegas would have had several earthquakes by now. They have taken so much water out of the region around there to supply water to the city that it is sinking, and they have to keep pumping stuff under the strip to stop that sinking as fast as the rest of the city. I could ask her for a more scientific explanation but she will only get too technical, but I do find it all fascinating and have read the report that John McMahon is referring too which states that fracting could offer clues to why earthquakes can happen in areas near water but nothing has been proven.

I think that the posters have made good points about the aquifer and the tectonic plates and I just don't want people panicking thinking that another earthquake is imminent and hope that I have not put too many people off going to Las Vegas for their jollies, any way Darren's Paramount Bolton sounds a great alternative and maybe he'll be the MC so we can all worship him if we are worthy Darren.


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20 Jan 2013 7:20 PM by Johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 forum posts Send private message

 it's not a major seismic zone 

the aquifer is a permeable rock  containing water from rainier periods thousands of years ago

it's really fosil water and a finite resource

it weakens the rock when water is taken out

water to Vegas comes from a long way away........think it's river water but I'd need to look it up

how many of you use that golf course or lake...your community charge will cost high for water and maintenance of that golf course

was wondering if it was worth it


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20 Jan 2013 8:50 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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John, the experts can't even agree amongst themselves what the cause is, with the expert you're siding with stating it's a 'reasonable explanation' for the cause...... in other words he isn't sure.



At least six earthquakes registering above a seven on the Richter scale struck a little-known Spanish fault in the recent past, according to new research. The finding suggests that the fault, in Southeast Spain, is more active than previously thought and could pose a potential hazard to people living in the region, according to the study, published in the Geological Society of America Bulletin in October.

The study also found that the fault has given rise to unusual earthquakes. "During earthquakes, the entire length of the fault does not break," said Jose J. Martínez Díaz, a study co-author and researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid, in a statement. "It does so in segments." These ruptures could give rise to larger earthquakes than previously thought.

"This fault has already produced an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 or 7, thousands of years ago, and could do so again tomorrow," Martínez Díaz said. "As a result, it is vital to bear in mind the earthquake-risk calculations and building codes on the area."

The seismic danger in the area has been underestimated because, until now, officials made estimates of earthquake likelihood based on records from only the last 2,000 years, according to the release.

The researchers found evidence for past faults by examining sediments in trenches they dug into the fault, some 100 feet long (30 meters) and 13 feet (4 meters) deep.

The study follows a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Lorca, Spain, in 2011, which was twice as powerful as was thought possible in the region, according to the release.  While some research suggests that groundwater removal caused the Lorca quake, Martínez Díaz is skeptical, pointing out that similar quakes took place in 1674 and 1818, when "aquifer exploitation was not practiced," according to the release.



A report published in the Nature Geoscience Magazine has concluded that the Lorca, Murcia earthquakes of 2011, were "man made".

A research team headed by Dr Pablo Gonzalez from the University of Western Ontario in Canada has concluded that the seismic activity was caused by the result of excessive amounts of water being drawn from underground sources to feed domestic and agricultural supplies. This loss of water - according to Gonzalez - caused a stress change in the earth's crust along a known major faultline, which was enough to trigger a rupture in the rock.

The result was that in the late afternoon of the 11th of May 2011, an earthquake of 4.5 on the richter scale was followed minutes later by a quake measuring 5.2 which destroyed many historic buildings and claimed 9 lives.


Dr Gonzalez has spent months using satellite data to map the ground deformation caused by the activity before carrying out computer simulations of the fault slip. The results showed a pattern that correlated with stress changes due to loss of groundwater.

Since the 1960s, natural groundwater levels in the region had reduced by 250 metres.

The Scientist concluded that "The presented data and modelling results are consistent with a groundwater crustal unloading process, providing a reasonable explanation for the observed fault slip pattern..."

The subject of water availability and supply has always been a contentious issue for the region of Murcia, where dozens of Golf courses demand an increasing amount of water supply. The fact that the Paramount Pictures theme park at Alhama de Murcia also promises to bring an increased number of tourists to the region can only serve to place a greater strain on demand.

If the issue of groundwater extraction is allowed to go unchecked how long must we wait for the next activty ?



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21 Jan 2013 1:47 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Actually our community charge has reduced from our early days at CdA and is less than a variety of our friends pay on their resorts across Spain.



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21 Jan 2013 4:57 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 forum posts Send private message

my memory of community charges were Condado was cheaper than Riquelme but the cheapest of all was Bella Vista where the course wasn't paid for out of community charges

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21 Jan 2013 5:03 PM by frankNfurter Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

 You mean that CDA pays for the golf course? How much? Why?

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21 Jan 2013 5:35 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Not what this thread was about, but it beggers belief that people bought a property on a golf complex & then don't want to see it properly maintained.   The lakes around the course are now half-empty, with no plans it seems to repair & refill.   That course remains Condado's greatest asset - without a well maintained course the whole resort will suffer in the mid term.  Already the empty lakes are looking an eye-sore & unless it is addressed, the course will go downhill rapidly.  Residents beware - just take a look at the course at Camposol - which is now a complete mess.

Sorry about the can now back back to Vegas, the moving plates, seismic zones etc





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22 Jan 2013 6:15 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Well this might be more 'relevant. Improving the Isla lake means it will contain less water but will it be used for irrigation? If so does that mean the golf course lakes can refill?



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22 Jan 2013 9:57 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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 No the community does not pay for the irrigation of the golf course, that is paid for by IRM.  

The irrigation system for the course is seperate to the main resort, the course comes from the lakes on the course and the resorts water comes from the small water pool at the entrance to the resort.  There were plans to move the resorts irrigation to the lake around la Isla last year and the lake was actually connected last March but due to many issues it was disconnected again and the small pool reconnected.  No idea what the current plan are?


This message was last edited by ptan on 22/01/2013.









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