Dear neighbors:
I´m a spanish citizen which also have bought an apartment there (Edif. Mediterraneo) - the new development in Cabanes. It will be finish around end of 2007.
I have red your comments and I really feel sorry about all the problems you have. Spanish citizens have also problems but due to all people envolved are spanish, we are making some power and getting some improvements, so we are resolving some problems (step by step and not all of course).
There are 2 main forums where all neighbors discuss our problems, but all are spanish, but it´s the only way to get some information. So if you want, I can post all your doubts in these forums ( I can translate to spanish friendly). It seems at this moment, we are divided in spanish and not spanish, and all of us have the same rights, so all of us are neighbors.
I´ve heard Servicom is terrible, even for Spanish people.
If some of you are interested in something (information, pictures of the buildings, etc), please feel free to post your comments and if I can help you, I will be pleased to do it.
If there is something else you might think it can improve the communication, please fee free to let me know it.
Regards from a spanish neighbor.